The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3443: woman with no conscience

   Chapter 3443 A woman with no conscience

   Besides, the separation from Shen Muhan clearly made Shen Muhan doubt their biological mother-son relationship?

  Shi Hui absolutely cannot accept this!

   She looked at the old lady Shen for help: "Mom, you persuade Mu Han."

  Old Mrs. Shen saw Shen Muhan's determination and knew that he had his reasons for doing so.

   It is inconvenient for her to persuade her.

   She was also really disappointed with Shen Ming and Shi Hui.

Seeing that the old lady Shen refused to help her, Shi Hui couldn't help but plead, "Mu Han, Mom knows, this time, Shen Ming made a big mistake, so please forgive him once and give him a chance. Mom. I must scold him well for you, okay?"

   Shen Muhan was unmoved.

  Shen Ming was lying beside him, his breathing became lighter and lighter, but the blood flowed more slowly.

   But that was only because the blood flowing out from the front was scabbed, blocking the blood flowing out from the back, and the wound still looked shocking.

  Shi Hui was flustered: "Mu Han..."

   Shen Muhan's expression was cold, as if Shen Ming had nothing to do with him.

   doesn't really matter at all.

  Shen Ming is the biological son of Shen Sihai and Shi Hui.

   And he was just a child who was picked up by Shen Sihai, thrown into the wolves, and survived.

   If he hadn't taken a fancy to his ability, he would have died in the wolves long ago, and he could still live to this day?

   was nominally the eldest son of Shen Sihai and Shi Hui, but what Shen Muhan got in the Shen family was only Shen Sihai's use, and it became a tool to collect money and revenge for him.

  These, Shen Muhan knew very well.

   He used to be too lazy to find fault, and he didn't need to pay attention.

   But these people have moved on Xia Jiu's head, can he still keep them?

  Shi Hui couldn't help but despair. If she didn't agree, her own son would die.

   She had to say: "Okay, then I promise you."

   "That's good. I hope you, mother and son, don't set foot anywhere where I am in the future. Otherwise, I don't mind treating you the same way I treat Shen Ming now." Shen Muhan's voice was almost emotionless.

  Shi Hui was shocked and went to help Shen Ming.

   The bodyguards on the side did not move.

   "Let Shi Youxuan also go."

  Chen Qi went to bring Shi Youxuan over.

   Her clothes were messy, her hair was messy, and there was no blood on her face, and she was scratching her body with her hands, trying to drive away the cockroaches.

   In fact, she doesn't have one on her body now, but she feels that she is still crawling everywhere, and there is that disgusting touch everywhere.

   Seeing Shen Muhan, she knelt on the ground and cried hoarsely: "I don't dare anymore, eldest brother, I will never dare again... Please don't do this to me again, I really know I'm wrong..."

   In the future, I will give her a hundred courage, and she will not dare to approach Xia Jiu.

  Shi Hui was even more frightened. It was just that Shi Youxuan used a cricket to pretend to be a cockroach to frighten Xia Jiu, and this was the kind of treatment she received. This time, what happened to Shen Ming was really wrong.

   It's no wonder that Shen Muhan wants to leave the relationship with the whole family.

   No matter how unwilling she was, she had to endure it.

   After the mother and son all left, silence returned to the living room.

   There were also bodyguards who were confiscated, and Shen Muhan no longer had the energy to punish them, so he handed it over to Chen Qi.

  The old lady Shen said, "Xia Jiu's side, if you need anything, you can tell me."

  He nodded: "Chen Qi, send the old lady back."

   Old Madam Shen sighed and asked someone to ask about Shen Ming's situation.

"Old lady, Shen Ming's injury was not particularly serious at first. He injured his head, some concussions, three broken ribs, and some trauma. But after several hours, some places were infected, so at least he had to be hospitalized. It's been a long time." The person who came to report said.

   "Forget it, it's time to teach him a lesson. I hope he can learn it well in the future." Mrs. Shen sighed.


   Shen Muhan returned to the room, and Aunt Zhang hurriedly said, "Master, Miss Xia has never woken up, and she slept well."

   Shen Muhan didn't leave for long, and walked in.

  Xia Jiu was still sleeping, but her long eyelashes fluttered occasionally, which was not really stable.

   He reached out and held her hand, she whispered, "Shen Muhan?"

   "I'm here." He lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

  Xia Jiu's long eyelashes recovered and she slept soundly.

   He took the ointment and applied it to the fingerprints on her face and shoulders.

   For the next few days, Shen Muhan stayed at home to accompany Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu was not injured, but was a little frightened, and even refused to go to the yard downstairs, and was unwilling to go there to bask in the sun.

   Shen Muhan asked people to plant trees in one place, change the sunbathing position to another, and change the layout of the entire yard.

  Xia Jiucai was finally willing to go downstairs for a stroll.

  Ding Qinen also came and came to visit with a bucket of soup.

   It was the first time she came to Shen Muhan's residence, and the people at the door didn't know whether to let her in or not, so they rushed to report to the housekeeper.

  The housekeeper went to Shen Muhan and asked, "Master, do you want her to leave?"

   Shen Muhan frowned slightly, and before she spoke, Xia Jiu said, "Would you like her to come in?"

   He said to the housekeeper, "Let her come in."

   The butler was surprised.

  Before, Shen Muhan and Shen Fengshan were in the same situation and had no contact at all, let alone contact with each other.

   Now, are you going to accept Ding Qinen?

   He didn't know how many times Xia Jiu went to the Shen family mansion, if he knew, his jaw would drop.

  Ding Qinen was welcomed in, she walked all the way, looked at the scenery carefully, and slowly entered the living room.

   As soon as Xia Jiu saw her, she smiled: "Three Aunts!"

   "Xia Jiu!" Ding Qinen showed a loving smile, "Are you feeling better now?"

   "Very good." Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, "Come and sit down."

  Ding Qinen glanced at Shen Muhan, his expression was indifferent, but he basically respected Xia Jiu's meaning, so she ignored it and sat down with Xia Jiu.

   "This is your favorite pork ribs and mushroom soup, you can try it while it's hot."

   "Thank you third aunt for thinking about it." Xia Jiu smiled, "I think I've been thinking about this soup for a long time."

   Shen Muhan snorted, didn't he cook for her?

   A woman with no conscience.

  Ding Qinen took out the soup and gave it to Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu squinted his eyes slightly, seeing this, Ding Qinen gave Shen Muhan another bowl.

   "I don't like soup." Shen Muhan refused.

   Xia Jiu glanced at him and told him to drink with his eyes.

  Ding Qinen withdrew his hand embarrassingly, Xia Jiu was still staring at Shen Muhan with his eyes, Shen Muhan was helpless and reached out to take it.

  Xia Jiu still glared at him, Shen Muhan could only say: "Thank you third aunt."

  Ding Qinen was very happy, "As long as you like it."

   Shen Muhan finished the soup, put down the bowl, said sorry, and went to the study.

   (end of this chapter)

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