The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3260: Get the Xia family again

   Chapter 3260 Get the Xia family again

  Just as the car stopped, Xia Jiu opened the car door and went out, heading towards the door with the lights on. Looking back, Shen Muhan was getting out of the car with his jacket, and his expression didn't change.

   Really is a hedgehog, only he can hurt others, no matter what others say, they will never hurt him at all.


  Xia Jiu was at his desk, sorting out the materials, someone ran over and said, "Xia Jiu, President Jane asked you to attend the meeting."


   "Yeah, I heard that right, let's go."

  BIR's company high-level meeting, as Xia Jiu's assistant, is impossible to attend.

   So not only Xia Jiu was strange, everyone else raised their heads to look at Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu put down the materials, thought about it, took a notebook and a pen, and went to the conference room.

She knocked on the door and went in, and everyone looked at her when they saw her. Even in the designer-like BIR, Xia Jiu's clothes were easy to catch the eye, and her moving eyebrows were always the focus of the crowd.

  Jian always motioned her to sit down first.

  Xia Jiu sat down graciously and the meeting continued.

   She understood after sitting for a while, everyone was talking about Xia Ruomeng.

Someone said loudly: "A designer like Xia Ruomeng is absolutely beneficial to the future development of our BIR! Xia Ruomeng is now back at Xia's house, but Shi Youxuan, an investor, is following her. Invested in the Xia family! The person behind Shi Youxuan is Shen Muhan! This clearly shows that the current future of the Xia family is very promising! I don't understand why Xia Ruomeng was fired before?"

  Xia Jiu was confused, since the person behind Shi Youxuan is Shen Muhan, so now BIR belongs to Shen Muhan's name, so isn't the development of BIR better?

She thought about it for a while, and then it became clear that Shen Muhan bought BIR with money, but it should not be in his own name. He hired someone to hold the company on his behalf, so even many high-level executives are not aware of this. .

   But even if they don't know, they should know that BIR's current momentum is better than before. If you think about it, taking Xia Ruomeng to make trouble is just an excuse for them to make trouble.

   Of course, there are indeed many high-level executives who are reluctant to invest in such a big deal as Shi Youxuan would invest in opening a dedicated line.

"But everyone, don't forget that Xia Ruomeng offended Mrs. Gao, which is a huge blow to BIR. Even if she can open a dedicated line now, it will have no impact on a company like ours. A mere Xia family, could it be? Can it be compared to BIR?" Someone objected.

"The Xia family can't really be compared with BIR. But don't forget, the well-known Desheng Law Firm not only invested in the Xia family, but also helped the Xia family to pull a lot of investment. If they continue to let the Xia family grow, BIR How long can it maintain its advantage? Don’t forget, the Xia family used to be a well-known company, but it has only been quiet for a few years, and when there is a chance, it will quickly recover.”

  Xia Jiu listened carefully. It turned out that Fang Minghao had injected capital into Xia Ruomeng. With Shi Youxuan's part, the Xia family's strength should not be underestimated.

   There is nothing that Xia Jiu can say here, she can only listen in silence.

  In the end, many high-level executives walked away, obviously dissatisfied with the current result.

   When the people were almost gone, Xia Jiu stood up and said, "Mr. Jane came to me, what's the matter?"

   "You have heard all these things, and you understand almost?" President Jane said.

   "Well, I almost understand. Xia Ruomeng's departure is a great threat to BIR."

   "Actually, before, I didn't know that you and Xia Ruomeng belonged to that Xia family."

  Xia Jiu didn't know what he meant, and waited silently.

"However, that Xia family, you can't go back, just stay here and do it well. Mrs. Gao needs you, and BIR can also provide you with great room for development in the future." President Jane called Xia Jiu. I came here because I wanted to let her know that I valued her and hoped that she would do well.

  Mr. Jian himself knew that the company was bought by Shen Muhan, but he didn't know the relationship between Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan. Now that there are so many troubles in the company, he just wanted to seek stability so as not to live up to Shen Muhan's expectations.

  Since Xia Jiu belongs to the Xia family, and that family is no longer Xia Jiu's family, it is only natural for Xia Jiu to understand these things and share the hatred of the enemy in the future.

  Xia Jiu understands what Mr. Jane means, and also understands that now he is just a tool person, the best thing is to contribute value to the company.

   This is exactly what she wants... Only by staying in BIR can I get to know the Xia family better and get the Xia family again.

   When Xia Jiu came out, many people in the office were packing things, and it seemed that they meant to leave.

   She frowned slightly.

Jiang Ai pulled her aside and said, "I didn't expect that Xia Ruomeng's own industry is similar to BIR. It turned out that she came to BIR with a purpose. Now their family has received a lot of investment, and her career is getting serious. Zhen, I heard that many BIR people have been poached by her high salary."

   "Really?" Xia Jiu said lightly, thinking that Xia Huangshan is now rich and finally willing to do something practical.

   At the meeting just now, Xia Jiu could see that many people are optimistic about the current Xia family, and some people who have never been able to get the ideal opportunity in BIR may indeed join a group.

   It's okay, the Xia family must survive well, that's the right thing to do.

   Otherwise, what you get back later will be a mess.

   "By the way, Xia Jiu, will you leave with Xia Ruomeng?" Someone asked.

   Someone immediately answered instead of Xia Jiu: "Of course Xia Jiu won't. Xia Ruomeng's design ability is very strong. After Xia Jiu passes, she will be crushed."

   This person is obviously someone who used to follow Xia Ruomeng, and his attitude towards Xia Jiu is not polite at all.

  Xia Jiu looked at her, smiled lightly, and said, "Yes, I can't suppress Xia Ruomeng for the time being, I can only stay and suppress you."

  The woman was so angry that she couldn't speak, and muttered, "I don't know what she is relying on to oppress me. Hmph, I really can't compare to pleasing people."

  Xia Jiu looked around and saw that although there were not many people leaving the company, the vacant seats were still very conspicuous after such a group of people suddenly left.

   It's strange, many people who were friends with Xia Ruomeng left, but Xiao Yunhua didn't leave. Logically, isn't Xiao Yunhua the first to leave?

  Xia Jiu didn't care about Xiao Yunhua, but there were still a lot of people who criticized Xia Jiu a lot, to the effect that they were blaming her for having a conflict with Xia Ruomeng, which caused BIR to lose Xia Ruomeng's design and Shi Youxuan's investment.

   (end of this chapter)

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