The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3222: Not afraid of death, but also afraid of pain?

   Chapter 3222 Not afraid of death, but afraid of pain?

   Shen Muhan's eyes were a bit more sinister and depressing, he leaned over and kissed her lips, kissing her fiercely, blocking her pain in his mouth.

   Xia Jiu was already in pain, but when she bumped into this frivolous person, she opened her mouth to bite it and shifted her attention, but she felt better, but when she bit Shen Muhan's lips consciously, she quickly let go and shrank back.

   Shen Muhan's lips were bitten and swollen, he raised his hand to touch, a trace of blood seeped from the corners of his lips, Xia Jiu shook his head: "It hurts so much, so..."

   "I will remember this account." He approached her, her lips were under the light, and the waves were shining, "Don't forget to pay the interest then."

   She could naturally read what it meant from his fiery eyes, the man's red fruit eyes were eager and unreserved.

   Her legs couldn't help but close together.

  Shen Muhan's fingers rubbed on the wound, Xia Jiu's body became more and more bowed, this pervert, shouldn't he take advantage of people's danger, at this time, he will be wild?

   The next second, Shen Muhan stood up, pointed the faucet at her wound, turned on cold water, and let her hold it by herself.

  Xia Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and watched him turn around and walk out.

  It was already autumn, and it was very cold at night, and the cold water was also very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was a constant temperature system in the bathroom, and the air was slightly warm.

  Xia Jiu washed away the wounds caught by the wolf, and also washed away the slight wounds on his hands and feet, as if he had been injured since he knew Shen Muhan, not here or there, and it never got better.

   The wound gradually became numb under the wash of cold water, and the pain decreased a lot, but her body also became a little numb.

   She sighed lowly, her heart full of doubts about her choice.

   She didn't know how long it had passed, so she continued to wash until the wound had stopped bleeding, and the opened flesh was washed white.

Xia Jiu didn't see until there was a loud knock on the door, Shen Muhan came over with a bath towel, he had also taken a shower, and his hair was still dripping with water. His usual arrogant appearance was completely different, showing a bit of meekness.

   He seems to be a wolf in normal times, but now he has become a large dog with a well-behaved personality.

  Xia Jiu's gaze was stunned, the whole person was wrapped in a huge blanket by him, and soon, placed on the bed.

  The entire bed has been changed, and the blood stains just now no longer exist, as if it never existed.

Putting her on the bed, Shen Muhan brought the medicine over, sprinkled it on her wound, and put on the hemostatic medicine. Those numb pains began to dull again. Xia Jiu felt that he really planned to kill himself. various ways.

   "Pain..." Xia Jiu protested.

   "You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of pain?" Shen Muhan mocked lightly.

  Xia Jiu closed his mouth, he always had the ability to talk about the sky to death, so that she didn't want to say a word.

After    dealt with her, he put the quilt over her, turned and left indifferently.

  The light was also turned off by him. Xia Jiu was in pain all over her body. The vaccinated arm and the half of her body were in particularly severe pain. She was lying on the bed and it was extremely difficult to even turn over.

   Hiss, Xia Jiu let out a soft cry in pain.

She wanted to get up, but she didn't have the strength, so she could only lie down like this, in the dark, waiting boredly with her eyes, the curtains were not closed, the lights in the backyard of the villa emitted a faint light, shining into the room, her There are light spots in the eyes.

  Xia Jiu didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up in the morning, her whole body was aching, and she couldn't sit up for a long time. She gave up and continued to close her eyes again.

   Dry mouth, empty stomach, and even dry lips, she pursed her lips and stared at the ceiling boredly.

   After a long time, she pressed the landline, and when it was connected, she said in a hoarse voice, "Housekeeper, please bring my cell phone."

   After a while, the housekeeper knocked on the door with a maid. After receiving Xia Jiu's permission, the maid walked in with her cell phone: "Miss Xia, your cell phone."

   "Well, thank you." Xia Jiu reached out and took it.

   "Miss Xia, your hands are so hot!" The maid exclaimed and touched her forehead with her hand, "You seem to have a fever?"

   "Maybe." Xia Jiu said casually, not taking this to heart.

   "I'll go find a doctor for you." The maid hurried out and told the housekeeper about the situation.

   When the housekeeper heard this, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the doctor and reported the situation to Shen Muhan.

   In Shen Muhan's study, the man who hadn't slept all night was extremely grumpy.

   On the phone, his voice had lost patience: "Why isn't the rabies vaccine 100% effective?"

   "Young Master Han, I have already explained it to you, because everyone's physical condition is different, and..."

   "Needless to say." Shen Muhan locked the phone.

   He frowned, that woman is so delicate, what is the chance of meeting the vaccine failure?

   Damn it! Who told her to go where she shouldn't!

  Deserves to be dead!

   He pinched his eyebrows again, no, she didn't even give birth to a child, why should she die? How dare she!

   "Master, Miss Xia has a fever. The doctor is on her way!" The housekeeper stood at the door of the hidden study and reported to Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan stretched out his hand and pushed everything on the table to the ground, and said, "If she dies, let the doctor be buried with her!"

   "Yes!" The butler was shocked and hurried out.

   For a moment, doctors shuttled in and out of the villa, and the maids walked one by one with their heads lowered, not even daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the bad-tempered eldest young master, who would be destined to feed the wolves.

  The doctor's footsteps are floating, and one's heart is lifted. Last night, several doctors were called for a rabies vaccine. Today's battle is even bigger.

  No one could say for sure when the patient would be cured, so everyone kept their mouths shut and rushed to Xia Jiu's room.

  Xia Jiu was lying down, calmly listening to the birdsong in the backyard.

  Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps came over, she turned her head to look at the door of the room, and the housekeeper had led the doctor in.

  She closed her eyes helplessly, a hint of indifference rose in her heart, she was used to it anyway.

   "Miss Xia, the doctor will check you right away, what's wrong with you?" the housekeeper asked softly.

  "I..." Her voice was hoarse, she wanted to say that she was fine and didn't need to be examined, but when she met the eager eyes of the doctors, she still softened a little, implicated innocents, what kind of skill?

   (end of this chapter)

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