Chapter 3209 Where I want to go

  Doctor with the expression of someone who came over: "Please pay more attention to the two of you."

   Shen Muhan directly carried Xia Jiu back to the car.

"I want to go and have a look... Forget it, I want to go back to my apartment to get some laundry." Xia Jiu originally wanted to see Xia Lin, but at this time, when they met, they worried about each other, so the words came to the fore. , or another word.

   Shen Muhan did not object.

   He took Xia Jiu to the car, and the driver took him to Xia Jiu's apartment.

When    arrived at the door of the apartment, Xia Jiu entered the password once, and a beep came from the door lock, and she remembered that she had forgotten the password.

   Shen Muhan stepped forward.

   "I forgot my password." She said tiredly, "Forget it, I'll go to the mall to buy some."

   Shen Muhan's slender fingers landed on the password keyboard, "When did you change the password?"

   "It was a few days ago. It was too complicated. I forgot what it was after I changed it." Xia Jiu's voice contained a low sigh.

   Her memory was not so bad before.

   It is said that after being pregnant for three years, she is already pregnant, and she is about to become stupid.

   Shen Muhan pondered for a moment, then moved his fingers on the keyboard, and with a click, the door opened.

  Xia Jiu's eyelashes jumped in shock, how did he know the password?

   was so complicated that she even forgot after setting it herself, and he unlocked the password without much effort.

   "How did you do it?" Xia Jiu couldn't believe it, "I forgot myself, what magic do you have?"

   "Just did it."

   For him, these are too simple.

  Xia Jiu remembered that when he entered her apartment for the first time, he opened the password directly and appeared suddenly.

   But before her password was relatively simple, he could indeed piece it together by investigating her life trajectory.

   But this time it’s so hard…

   Seeing that Xia Jiu kept looking at him, he turned his eyes halfway, "I can enter wherever I want, eh?"

   Obviously he spoke calmly and calmly, but it made Xia Jiu's face hot.

She suddenly remembered that time, "When you came last time, didn't you enter the wrong input twice?, you know that I was at home at the time, and I was sure that I wanted to open the door for you, so I made a mistake on purpose. isn't it?"

   "Is this important?" Shen Muhan opened the door and walked in.

  Xia Jiu also followed.

   "A man like you who can open any door, isn't it like being in a no-man's land, where you want to go? Any woman you want can go to her house..."

  Xia Jiu was talking to herself when she noticed that Shen Muhan's back was awe-inspiring.

   He turned around and pinched her chin: "I only relieved you just now, do I want to relieve you now?"

  Xia Jiu knew what he meant.

   She inhaled the medicine that Boss Wang made, and there are still some conditions in her body.

   But fortunately, he was full of anger and came into contact with fresh air, so gradually those feelings faded away.

   Besides, she hated being close to him when she was pregnant, and always felt that she would hurt the child if she was not careful.

   And...she also hates getting a check every time after the fact, as if she is a clearly priced item, sold by the night.

   Although it seemed like that, but every time she received a check from Shen Muhan, she felt dirty, no different from those women who betrayed in the alley.

   "Young Master Han, is this because I hate that I didn't take the child away, and want to take him personally?" Xia Jiu raised her red lips, and there was a hint of mockery in her eyes.

   Shen Muhan was silent and released his fingers.

  Xia Jiu took the suitcase to pack up.

   After all, he was frightened and had little energy, so he packed a few clothes, sat down so tired, and leaned directly on the cushion in front of the closet, lazily not wanting to move at all.

  Although the weather in the evening cooled down, but after all, it was August, and the air conditioner was not turned on in the room, so I was sweating all over.

   But Xia Jiu didn't want to get up and drive, preferring to be hot rather than starting.

  Xia Jiu was lying on the cushion, leaning against it with little strength.

   The evening sun outside the window was just right, and the trees in the community swayed and made rustling sounds.

   Shen Muhan was waiting outside, checking the time on his wrist from time to time.

   After half an hour, Xia Jiu still hadn't come out.

   He had to step in, only to find that Xia Jiu was leaning against the wardrobe, her eyes were closed, her complexion was already white, but now in the dark light of the evening, she looked particularly white.

  Suddenly, he thought something happened to her, and he was hit in his heart, strode towards her, shaking her shoulders: "Xia Jiu? Xia Jiu? Xia Jiu?"

   "Don't disturb me, I want to sleep for a while." She replied lazily, her red lips curled up in dissatisfaction, and her voice was tender.

   Only then did Shen Muhan realize that she was just being lazy. Although her skin was almost transparent, her cheeks were red.

   glanced at the suitcase, not even the simplest clothes were packed.

   Shen Muhan picked her up, put her on the bed, reached out to turn on the air conditioner, and went to the closet to help her get her clothes.

  Being so tricked by him, Xia Jiu's sleepiness disappeared, so he lay on the bed and watched him do things.

   She actually likes to watch him do things. Seeing his helplessness when he is usually high above the ground, but sometimes he has to do the housework himself, has a special pleasure in tossing him.

   Especially when he was packing his things, his movements were extremely pleasing to the eye and very standard. Just looking at it like this was a rare pleasure.

   After Shen Muhan packed up her skirt, his eyes fell on her underwear.

The    Adam's apple rolled fiercely, and the thoughts in his head couldn't be expelled for a while.

   calmed down before reaching out to take it.

  Xia Jiu was watching with relish, and when he saw what he was holding, his face blushed: "You leave it, I'll clean it up. Don't touch it!"

   "Is there anything I can't touch? No matter how many I haven't touched." Shen Muhan tidyed up quickly, in fact, trying to minimize the time his fingers stayed on it.

  Some tests require a lot of endurance, but his self-control is amazing, and it takes a little effort.

  Xia Jiu was also a little embarrassed, so she had no choice but to close her eyes and pretend to be asleep.

   Whatever he packs up, she won't be bothered.

   Shen Muhan finished packing and called the driver to help him with the luggage.

   After finishing his luggage, he lowered his eyes to look at Xia Jiu, she was already in a daze.

   He heard the doctor say that pregnant women are drowsy and easily tired, but I really didn't expect such drowsiness.

   reached out to pick up Xia Jiu and carried her straight back to the car. Shen Muhan wanted to take her back to see how Boss Wang was punished.

   hugged Xia Jiu until she sat on the sofa in the Shen family villa before Shen Muhan let her down.

   The driver who sent Xia Jiu away in the daytime was behind the housekeeper, anxiously waiting for Shen Muhan's punishment.

   (end of this chapter)

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