The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3207: Have a miscarriage?

   Chapter 3207 Is there a miscarriage?

  Chen Qi was arranging for someone to look for it, and someone reported: "Assistant Chen, there is a boss Wang who wants to give Han Shao a big gift."

   "I don't have time to collect his things, return them."

   "But Assistant Chen, this thing..." The subordinate brought it up.

   It was an envelope with something I didn’t know in it. The subordinates really didn’t know if it was important.

   These things are usually reviewed by the entire Secretariat, and after Chen Qi has screened them, they will be given to Shen Muhan.

  Chen Qi opened it and took a look, it turned out to be a room card.

  There are too many people who want to send women to the young master every year, and they send the room card directly every time.

  But Shen Muhan would never accept this kind of thing, so after Chen Qi sent it up once, he would never accept it again.

  Chen Qizheng was about to refuse, but found that in addition to the room card, there was a small thing inside, which was an earring.

  Chen Qi was able to be by Shen Muhan's side for so long, he has always been smart and observant, he recognized at a glance that this was the earring that Xia Jiu had worn.

   He said immediately: "Who is the one who sent the thing? Bring him immediately!"

  Chen Qi hurried to Shen Muhan's side and said, "Master, there is news from Miss Xia."

   "If she has already taken away the child, let her be buried with her. Her wish has been fulfilled." Shen Muhan's voice was without a trace of emotion.

   "No, Master, Miss Xia seems to be locked up."

   "Who is so courageous?" Shen Muhan suddenly turned around.

  Chen Qi said: "I've already had someone bring him here. As for Miss Xia, she should still be in the hotel. She was locked up and planned to present it to you."

   "Go to the hotel right now."

  Chen Qi hurriedly followed behind Shen Muhan.

   As soon as they went out, their subordinates brought Boss Wang over.

  Boss Wang was overjoyed when he saw that Shen Muhan was willing to accept his things. This time, he finally had the opportunity to contact Shen Muhan.

   And as soon as the room card was delivered, Shen Muhan's subordinates came to him to let him pass, which shows that this effect is really incomparable.

   If I knew earlier, I should have sent Xia Jiu there earlier.

  Boss Wang happily followed his subordinates.

   Shen Muhan and Chen Qi just came out and bumped into boss Wang.

  Boss Wang hurriedly stopped: "Young Master Han, thank you Master Han for accepting my gift. I am really honored to be able to do my best for Young Master Han."

   "You brought the things?" Chen Qi asked in a very bad tone, "Is the person in the room Xia Jiu?"

   "Yes, I brought it here. It is indeed the beautiful and lovely Miss Xia Jiuxia in the room." Boss Wang responded quickly.

   When he thought of fawning on Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan for so long, he couldn't say a few words in front of Young Master Han. He only gave Xia Jiu a face, and his heart was filled with joy.

   If I knew it earlier, I sent Xia Jiu over earlier.

  I didn't expect that before he was happy for a few seconds, he was suddenly kicked on the chest.

   He couldn't bear the strength and fell back to the ground after a few steps. Only then did he see clearly that the person who kicked him was Shen Muhan!

   "Young Master Han..." Boss Wang clutched his chest, and the sound of broken bones was clearly audible. He was seriously injured by this foot.

   Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, reached out and grabbed his collar: "How is Xia Jiu's health? Did you have a miscarriage?"

   "She's fine, she's fine, I don't know about the miscarriage, but judging from her appearance, it shouldn't be..." Boss Wang was so frightened that he spoke quickly.

  Is Xia Jiu pregnant?

   "What did you do to her?"

   No matter how stupid Boss Wang is, he now realizes that Shen Muhan cares about Xia Jiu more than he imagined.

Moreover, looking at this, Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu have been together for a long time, and these things he did not only did not please Shen Muhan, but happened to touch Shen Muhan's bottom line, he was frightened and said loudly: "No no no no, Nothing but a little boost of medicine for her..."

  How dare he hide it, he said it one by one.

   Before he could finish his words, Shen Muhan pointed at his chest again and kicked him.

   After kicking, Shen Muhan didn't look at him again, and strode towards his car.

   The family doctor also came long ago, following Shen Muhan's side.

   After knowing where Xia Jiu was, he arrived at a fast speed.

In the    hotel, Xia Jiu was helplessly and desperately waiting for what was to come.

   What kind of arrangement will fate have, she has no idea at all.

   His eyes were covered with black cloth, and everything in the room was dark and dark.

   The man she thought of in her mind, the name she was reading, didn't know if she would come.

  The medicine given by Boss Wang is not heavy, but in a tense environment, it seems so difficult.

  I don't know how long time has passed, Xia Jiu feels as if centuries have passed and it is extremely unbearable.

  Shen Muhan quickly walked to the door of the hotel. Before opening the door, he asked coldly, "What should I do?"

   The family doctor whispered, "Soak in cold water, inject tranquilizers, or stay with Miss Xia by yourself. If you choose the third method, it depends on whether Miss Xia's body can bear it."

   He handed a small dose of tranquilizer to Shen Muhan.

   Shen Muhan slammed open the door, and the family doctor hurriedly avoided.

   As soon as Shen Muhan entered the room, he saw the figure in the quilt on the bed, and frowned deeply.

   He strode over, lifted the quilt, the **** the bed was bound with her hands and feet, her eyes and mouth were covered.

The    black cloth blindfolded her eyes, already wet, apparently her tears.

   After staying here for so long, with her delicate temperament, I don't know how scared she is.

   Damn! Shen Muhan's knuckles squeezed fiercely, making a rattling sound, as if strangling the culprit's neck and wanting to cut him off.

   He was also angry with this disobedient woman. If she hadn't had to leave, I'm afraid such a thing would not have happened.

   His anger was all because of her, and because she was hurt.

   Shen Muhan restrained his anger, at this time, he could only endure her temporarily.

   He stretched out his slender fingers and lifted the black cloth. She closed her eyes tightly, the end of her long eyes trembled and shrank, her eyelashes were frightened and trembled, she dared not open them.

  Shen Muhan's fingers landed on her eyebrows, and the thick fingertips swept lightly.

   The girl shivered even more, desperately backing away, trying to get out of his direction.

  If it wasn't for her mouth being blocked, she would have bitten off her tongue long ago. Feeling someone coming, she kept backing away in horror.

  Xia Jiu's heart was full of misery, she closed her eyes tightly, even though she felt the light in front of her, she didn't dare to open her eyes.

   Shen Muhan felt distressed, reached out and hugged her into his arms.

   (end of this chapter)

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