The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3172: Is Xia Jiu stupid, or are you stupid?

   Chapter 3172 Is Xia Jiu stupid, or are you stupid?

  Xia Jiu was very surprised when he saw him coming, "What are you doing here?"

   "Miss Xia, I came here to give you something according to the young master's instructions." Chen Qi handed over a box, "The young master said that these are for you, Miss Xia."

Xia Jiu frowned slightly, she wrapped her shawl tightly, and said, "Isn't your young master used to taking money to measure our relationship? You don't need to give extra things, it's better to give them every time. The accounts are clear, and there will be no entanglements in the future. There is no need to send things."

  Chen Qi lowered his head: "Didn't Miss Xia confiscate last night's check?"

  Xia Jiu: "…"

  It turned out that she didn't receive the check, so she sent it to her instead.

   Shen Muhan calculated the accounts more clearly than she thought.

   It seemed that not only did she not want to have anything to do with him, but he also didn't want to have anything with her.

   As expected of a big business man, he is really clear about it.

  Since this is the case, if Xia Jiu doesn't accept it, it seems that Xia Jiu wants to continue to have something to do with him.

  Xia Jiu reached out and took Chen Qi's box and said, "Then I accept it. But what happened last night, I hope it won't happen in the future."

   "Okay, Miss Xia." Chen Qi replied.

   Xia Jiu only then remembered that what happened last night was planned by herself, but she didn't plan it successfully. It really wasn't that Shen Muhan came to him on purpose.

   So because of this, he felt that he needed to pay 20 million?

  Xia Jiu felt gloomy in her heart. After doing all the calculations, she counted herself in. It used to be fine, but now, she is looking for trouble.

After Chen Qi left, Xia Jiu casually opened the box. Inside the small box, after opening, a diamond was dazzling. Xia Jiu had seen a lot of good things and knew that this diamond was very valuable. When she was the daughter of a daughter, she might not be able to have such a thing casually.

   Plus some odds and ends, as well as two designer bags.

  Xia Jiu did a random calculation, and the sum was almost 20 million.

   is good and clear.


  Xia Fen was driven out by Shen Muhan, and was almost strangled by Shen Muhan, crying uncontrollably.

  Xia Ruomeng passed by her room, heard her cry, walked in and asked, "Fenfen, what happened?"

   "It's not Shen Muhan, he treats me like that..."

  Xia Ruomeng was startled, what is the relationship between Xia Fen and Shen Muhan? Shouldn't he be deceived?

   "Where did Shen Muhan come from? Who do you think Shen Muhan is, and see you again? Did you know that the last time Dad wanted to do business with him, he asked his father to tell his grandmother to see him."

"But Xia Jiu clearly let me see Shen Muhan. I opened the room, and she let Shen Muhan come to my room. It's just that Young Master Han didn't like me, threw me out, and hurt me like this look." Xia Fen cried, pointing to the scar on her neck.

Xia Ruomeng said suspiciously: "How could Xia Jiu know Shen Muhan? Last time in the company, she spilled the coffee, and Han Shaowei left angrily, and she still refuses to see us again. How could she let Shen Muhan let go? Come to your room? You, most likely you were deceived by Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu just bullied you and made you look ugly on purpose."

"But that man is really Shen Muhan, I've seen it before, and I'm not mistaken. Besides, he is tall and very strong, and he grabbed me right away. It must be Shen Muhan. You said it too, Xia Jiu. She received a famous brand car, maybe it was given to her by Han Shao."

   "Really?" Xia Ruomeng murmured in her heart, when did Xia Jiu hook up with Shen Muhan?

   Even with Xia Jiu's beauty, it's not impossible.

   But with the status of Young Master Han, he might not necessarily look down on Xia Jiu.

   Especially now, Xia Jiu is just a poor daughter, with no wealth or status at all, and the men in the wealthy are also very realistic, how could it be possible to choose a woman at random?

   "I'm pretty sure it's Young Master Han." Xia Fen said firmly.

Xia Ruomeng shook her head: "You're stupid, even if Xia Jiu knew Young Master Han, how could she have called Young Master Han to appear in your room? Even if she was so stupid, is she stupid? She should introduce Young Master Han to him. Do you know? With such a good man, she doesn't hold her tightly, so why should she share it with you? Is Xia Jiu stupid, or are you stupid?"

   "That's true, why does she want to help me?" Xia Fen came back to this feeling all of a sudden.

"No matter why, she definitely has bad intentions. I told you all, don't get so close to Xia Jiu, you have to listen. But I still tend to think that it's not Master Han, it's mostly Xia Jiu to humiliate you, I found someone very similar to Young Master Han to hurt you on purpose. Fortunately, you were not harmed, and you did not suffer any major losses."

  Xia Fen was also terrified after hearing this: "Xia Jiu is so vicious! It's because I trusted her so much that she actually wanted to kill me."

"You take good care of her, Xia Jiu is very scheming, if she wants to hurt you, it won't be so easy next time. Also, although she received a luxury car last time, she only drove it once. I never saw her drive again, and later drove an ordinary scooter. I guess she just borrowed that car from a friend to save face for herself, but what was borrowed was borrowed after all Yes, it must have been returned long ago, if it really belongs to her, with her high-profile personality, how could it not be on all the time?"

   The more Xia Ruomeng said, the more Xia Fen became Xia Jiu.

   This Xia Jiu is really too much. She treats her as a decryption, as a friend, and she even finds someone to pretend to be Young Master Han and humiliate herself.

  Xia Jiu, we are not finished with this matter!

   Boss Cao's matter did not succeed, and Xia Ruomeng didn't dare to arrange Xia Jiu to do anything for a while.

What's more, the matter on Boss Cao's side is not completely unsuccessful. When it comes to Xia Jiu, Boss Cao's attitude is quite good, but he refuses to meet Xia Jiu again. As for the investment, he always said that it will be soon. But he still refused to sign the contract.

   I don't know what the **** happened, and Xia Ruomeng didn't dare to make an opinion easily, for fear of offending Boss Cao.


  Xia Jiu stayed at home all day on Saturday, making up for the lack of sleep for a week.

   On Sundays, go to the mall to swipe your card to make a big purchase.

   She hasn't cashed the one-billion-dollar check - it's money to buy the child. It's still unknown whether the child will be born or not. She can't move the money.

   But she had enough money on her own card.

   The more hatred for Shen Muhan was hidden in his heart, the more he had to find something to vent.

   (end of this chapter)

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