The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3043: Even the ashes are cold

   Chapter 3043 Even the ashes are cold

   Another news article reads: "The ashes of a female artist with the surname s are already cold. The aunt next door of a certain editor personally broke the news, and there was no one to see her off on the day she left."

   Even the hot search on Weibo has been on the topic "Where did Su Mi go" several times.

  The fans said everything, some loyal fans insisted that they would wait for Su Mi, no matter when she came back.

   But more fans can't wait.

   It has been more than a year since Su Mi released her last album. She has no new songs out, so everyone can only listen to her old songs.

Although her old songs are of excellent quality and quantity, and there are also many hot scenes that can be missed, but Huang Ying's latest album, the style is very close to Su Mi, and the quality has also reached a new level. .

   As a result, it will naturally gain a lot of fans of Su Mi.

   Huang Ying was originally called Xiao Su Mi, but now, Su Mi has started to be brainwashed by the marketing account Huang Ying bought, and started to be called Xiao Huang Ying.

   has been called a lot, and the market seems to really recognize this statement.

   As a result, everyone began to recognize Huang Ying gradually.

   As for Su Mi...Although she still has a name in the minds of many people, that name eventually faded and began to fade away.


  Su Mi packed up and arrived at Yaoshi Media in the car arranged by Chu Zhuohang.

   It’s only a year, and the entire Yaoshi Media has undergone tremendous changes.

   It used to be very lively, but this time, Su Mi came here at the best time, but there were not many people inside.

   was supposed to be the busiest time period. Now, it’s not long before spring starts. The plan of the year lies in spring. Managers and artists should have a new look, but it seems that the situation here is not so good.

  Su Mi got out of the car and walked in.

   Now she is completely different from the Su Mi that everyone often sees, so even without covering her face, it is impossible for anyone to recognize her.

When    arrived at the hall, the security guard reached out and stopped her: "Miss, you cannot enter without a work card."

   "I'm a new artist." Su Mi said with a smile.

   The security guard was a little skeptical, but seeing that the little girl in front of him was so beautiful, it seemed to be true, he didn't dare to neglect and immediately moved away.

  Su Mi walked in, she remembered that the previous security measures were not so loose.

   But since she's already inside, she doesn't mind going in first.

   When Su Mi passed by the conference room, she saw Sister Cao and Xiao Ke were sitting in it. It was working time, but they were holding their lunch boxes and didn't know why they were frowning.

  Su Mi planned to give them a surprise, so she didn't say anything, walked in slowly, and sat down not far from them.

  Xiao Ke took a bite of the rice and said, "Sister Cao, it is said outside that Su Mi is gone, do we really just ignore it like this?"

   "What nonsense, Su Mi is very good, you also believe the rumors from the outside world." Sister Cao reprimanded.

"But if you don't believe it, there's no way. Everyone says this. Look at the entire Yaoshi Media. The people headed by Huang Ying took all the resources. When their company hacked Su Mi and Liu Enchi, there was absolutely no lower limit. It's good now. Now, I also poached the new artist you brought out with great difficulty. Look at us, how long have we been out of work. " Xiao Ke said.

   (end of this chapter)

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