The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2978: Who is the opponent

   Chapter 2978 Who is the other party

  Bai Jingru is a quiet and shy girl who wears glasses, because she has never posted a photo of herself in her circle of friends. Fang Lan doesn't know what she looks like. Looking at it now, it is still different from what she imagined.

  Bai Jingru in WeChat is particularly knowledgeable and versatile, and she can see that her personality is very free and easy, and she can understand astronomy and geography at her fingertips. Sometimes Fang Lan encounters some doubts about financial knowledge.

  Who knows that Bai Jingru in real life looks very elegant.

   "Jingru!" Fang Lan greeted Bai Jingru enthusiastically.

   "Hello Mr. Fang!" Bai Jingru bowed very respectfully, "I have always known your name and have admired it for a long time. Please give me more advice."

   "Between us, don't be so polite, Jingru." Fang Lan smiled, "They are all old friends, aren't they?"

   "Yes, I would also like to thank Teacher Fang for the financial support that I had given me before, so that I could finish high school and enter university smoothly. Thank you very much." Bai Jingru bowed again.

   Fang Lan smiled: "I said you're welcome. I planned to see you last time I went to the United States. Who knows that you are busy with your studies, so you have to forget it."

   "Mr. Fang, have you been following me?" Bai Jingru was flattered, "Then let's add WeChat to each other, okay?"

  Fang Lan is strange, why does this Bai Jingru look like she doesn't know her at all? What's going on here?

   Bai Jingru had already taken out her phone and called up WeChat.

   Fang Lan glanced at it, obviously this is not the Bai Jingru she added.

   But she clearly remembered that when Bai Jingru added herself, she said that she had come to tell her the current situation in order to thank her for her financial support.

   Fang Lan added this Bai Jingru suspiciously, and the two people's painting styles are completely different.

   She was confused, and tried a few more words. Obviously, this Bai Jingru really didn't know her at all, and she didn't chat with her on WeChat, and she didn't know anything about Zhuang Shihao.


   Are there two more Bai Jingru?

   However, after thinking about it for a long time, Fang Lan really only funded one Bai Jingru. According to the data, it was the one in front of her.

On her way home, she directly asked Bai Jingru before on WeChat: [Jingru, I am going to give a speech at your alma mater tomorrow. I heard from the school that you have recently returned to China and are coming to my event. Can we do it then? see you? ]

   She wants to cheat, who is the other party!

   However, the other party has never heard back.

   I don't know if it is really in the United States, there is a time difference.

   She recalled that Bai Jingru was always there when she needed it, and she didn't ask for anything else, but she had been her trash can for a long time.

   By the way, Zhuang Shihao also knows that Bai Jingru!

  Fang Lan frowned slightly, what happened?

  Zhuang Shihao has gone home first and is playing with Youyou.

  Youyou was drinking milk and placing toys, but accidentally, the milk was knocked down and Zhuang Shihao was covered.

   "Sorry, Daddy."

   "It's okay, you play first, I'll take a bath."

  Youyou nodded and asked, "Can I send Mommy a WeChat message from your mobile phone? I want to know when she will come home."

   "Use it." Zhuang Shihao handed him the phone.

  Youyou opens WeChat and speaks proficiently.

   When Fang Lan walked to the door, he received his voice, walked in, and Youyou ran over happily.

   (end of this chapter)

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