Chapter 2684 Marriage Proposal Ceremony

  Being lifted the beautiful veil in public, revealing the ugly side, Qiao Hui wanted to deny it, but all this could no longer be denied.

   She looked at the assistant and brother Shui pleadingly.

   The assistant who was still talking for her just now lowered his head and didn't look at her, and Brother Shui also looked out of the way - they also did a lot of wrong things, and now come out to argue for her, what's the effect?

In despair, Qiao Hui couldn't help shouting: "Yes, it's all my fault. I did these things on purpose. But if I don't do this, how can I get a foothold in the Lin family? The people of the Lin family have really treated me. Is it family?

  My status in the Lin family is embarrassing and embarrassing. Who will understand my feelings? If I don't protect myself, who will protect me? "

  Su Mi looked at her calmly: "But none of this is the reason for you to hurt others!"

   "Of course you don't have back pain when you stand and talk. How do you know that I am being criticized and unfair? Have you ever experienced the feeling of being excluded and oppressed?" Qiao Hui asked.

"You ask me if I have experienced it?" Su Mi couldn't help laughing, "Have I experienced less? How did I come this way, others don't know, Qiao, do you still not know? But no matter what, I They will not base their own interests on the basis of actively harming others.

  This is the fundamental difference between me and you. "

  The other shareholders couldn't help but speak for Su Mi: "Mr. Qiao, this is your fault, Su Mi has been out of the siege all the way, is it easy to get her current status in the entertainment industry?"

   "Who hasn't been unfair? How can there be absolute fairness and justice in this world? But Su Mi is not like you."

   "That's right, Mr. Qiao, what you say is unfair to Su Mi, you know?"

   Mr. Lin stopped everyone from continuing the discussion and said, "Okay, let's get down to business. Now, I appoint Su Mi as the new director, do you have any opinions?"

  The crowd passed by.

   "As for the position of general manager, at that time, it will be selected from among the capable ones. Qiao Hui, you can no longer stay in Huanxi Entertainment."

  Qiao Hui clenched her palm tightly, facing the "death penalty" sentenced by Mr. Lin, she had nothing to defend herself.

   All of this is just her own fault.

   Mr. Lin will not drive her out of the Lin family for the time being, because she is still Lin Qingyuan's wife after all.

   However, the entire company will no longer have her foothold.

   "Take Qiao Hui out, we are going to have a formal company meeting." Mr. Lin said to his assistant.

  Qiao Hui was taken away and sent out.


   And Lin Xialu, in order to maximize her own interests, arranged a marriage proposal ceremony under the witness of many media.

  Cao Fu carefully prepared the hotel lobby, notified the media of the arrival, and walked towards Lin Xialu step by step amid the flowers.

   This marriage proposal ceremony was very romantic and sensational, and it was broadcast live on the entire network almost under the witness of the media.

   Many fans who learned the news watched and swiped: "I feel like I believe in love again!"

   "I'm so envious, Lulu, you must be happy."

   "The golden boy and the jade girl are nothing more than that. They are so perfect. I can't think of any other words except blessing."

   (end of this chapter)

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