Chapter 2648 Pedal on two boats

   "Mimi, come and have something to eat." Mother Su and Fang Lan both pulled her to sit down.

   "What have you been busy with for so long?" Mother Su asked worriedly.

   "Go to sign the termination contract." Su Mi hooked her lips and smiled, "It took an hour to settle this matter, right?"

  Fang Lan said: "Didn't you say there was going to be a lawsuit? Why did it become so fast all of a sudden? What happened?"

   "I met Qiao Hui just now..." Su Mi recounted what happened just now, and also talked about her cheating on Qiao Hui.

   Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it, "You, you, you really belong to you."

   "I've been tricked by her so many times, she deserves to be tricked once." Su Mi smiled.

Mother Su said: "Yes, yes, it's finally resolved. People like her should learn a lesson. Even if she knew she was cheated by you, she didn't know what would happen. Su Mi, can you? Pay more attention and keep your eyes open."

   Doctor Fang smiled and said, "With Zhuo Hang here, are you still afraid that Mimi will suffer? Don't worry too much."

  Chu Zhuohang reached out and held her hand: "Next time you encounter such a thing, let me go over to accompany you, eh?"

   "Okay." Su Mi nodded.


   This time, Qiao Hui suffered a big loss.

   So easily let Su Mi, Cao Jie and Lu Tongtong go, and even got slapped, Qiao Hui was definitely not convinced.

   She immediately called her assistant and said, "Tomorrow night, we will hold a press conference! Nail Su Mi to the pillar of shame in history!"

  Since she was overwhelmed by Su Mi, no matter what, she would take this last opportunity to get Su Mi to her.

   That night, the black material about Su Mi spread like wildfire on the Internet.

   First, the photo between her and Mr. Lin was released.

   That was sent to Qiao Hui after Lin Xialu photographed it last time, and she used it.

   For a while, the news that Su Mi was taken care of by an old man and relied on the old man to ascend to the top became more and more powerful.

After   , at the anniversary of Huanxi Entertainment, the video of her dancing with Chu Zhuohang was also used, implying that she was not only cared for, but also cared for a man, and her private life was ruined.

   "I really didn't expect that there are people who like Su Mi, tsk tsk tsk, the taste is really a bit heavy."

   "Not only that, didn't you see that she also takes care of young men herself."

   "Oh, no matter how good you sing, it's useless. What kind of mess is this private life."

   "Such a woman really deserves to be scolded!"

   It's just that the video of Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang dancing together is very beautiful. It's really hard for people to say that there is anything tricky in the middle. People who hack this video are also accused of being embarrassed.

   Especially with a man and figure like Chu Zhuohang, many fans couldn't help but ask, which artist is this man, what is his name, is it a new artist signed by Huanxi Entertainment? How can there be such an excellent and crushing qualification!

"Everyone, calm down, these are just rumors. Aren't these photos and videos normal? How can people be associated with such nasty things? Could it be that these days, women even talk to people normally. Do you have any rights?"

   "That's right, those upstairs are people who lived in ancient times, right? What's wrong with these photos of Su Mi? It's nothing special."

   (end of this chapter)

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