Chapter 2595 She came prepared

  Chu Zhuohang sat on the sofa without saying a word, as if he was thinking about something in secret.

  Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang hadn't disclosed it to the outside world, so they didn't walk over, but stood aside and picked up scissors to trim the potted plants at home.

   Ruan Weijia was completely uneasy, and she didn't know that the news she had inquired was somewhat right or wrong.

   I don't know what Chu Zhuohang is thinking about.

   The more she waited, the more uncomfortable she was scratching her head. She was dismantled, afraid that Chu Zhuohang would get angry, and that everything was just too delusional.

   There was even a moment when she really wanted to kneel in front of Chu Zhuohang, admit her mistake and admit that this Juliet was found by herself.

   It was just the temptation of huge interests that made her suppress these and had to bite the bullet and persevere.

   For a long time, just when Ruan Weijia's spirit was about to be completely collapsed by Chu Zhuohang, Chu Zhuohang finally seemed to have had enough of a cat and said slowly, "Butler, bring a piece of Chenbao's hair here."

   Ruan Weijia suddenly felt relieved.

  The doctor reminded: "The hair must have follicles, so please take a few more."

   "Okay." The butler hurried upstairs. After a while, he took out a few short strands of hair and put them in the doctor's hands.

  The doctor put it away carefully and said to Juliet, "Miss Zhu, are you giving hair or blood?"

   "Juliet, what do you think?" Ruan Weijia asked.

   "I'll take my hair, it's convenient and quick," Juliet said.

   "Then I'll pull out a few hair follicles for you." Ruan Weijia said, reaching out and pulling out Juliet's hair.

   Juliet has short hair, and what Ruan Weijia pulled out was a new growth, so it was very soft, put it on the doctor's hand, and said, "That's all."

  The doctor put it away carefully.

   Actually, when Ruan Weijia pulled out her hair, her hands and feet were done.

She had already bought the maids in the manor early in the morning—or rather, those maids were originally arranged by the Ruan family in the Chu family manor, but they hadn't been used much before, and now they are enabled, helping her get the one that Xiao Chen dropped in the morning. Hair with follicles, when she just plucked Juliet's hair, she used those hairs to fall out, and it was Xiaochen's hair that was also given to the doctor.

   So when the time comes to check it out, a conclusion will be drawn that the DNA is consistent.

   To this end, she also specially asked Juliet to cut her hair short, which is not easy to reveal.

   But these tricks were actually seen by Chu Zhuohang, but they were not exposed on the spot.

   Ruan Weijia looked at Su Mi, who was sitting there leisurely trimming her potted plants, and couldn't help but raised her lips and showed a smile, what Su Mi can get, she can get the same in the future.


   "Then Master, I'd better accompany Juliet back to my residence. She is not in a good state of mind. I want to accompany her more. If there is any news from the young master's side, we will come again."

   "Housekeeper, see off guests."

  The housekeeper politely sent Ruan Weijia out.

   After they left, Su Mi sat next to Chu Zhuohang and said, "How dare Ruan Weijia show off this trick? Does she really think your IQ is similar to hers?"

   "Her hair-changing technique is really practiced. If I hadn't known it in advance, I might not have seen any flaws." Chu Zhuohang said fairly, "She came prepared."

   (end of this chapter)

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