Chapter 2554 Blind is almost the same

   In this way, you will gain a large number of fans who like to watch CP fall in love.

  Lin Xialu has no problem with her appearance. She is the kind of good-looking girl with a relatively high popularity among the public. As long as she can spark sparks with male artists, there will be countless people who like her.

   After releasing an album, an endorsement, or a show, her strength will be reduced to a cloud. Everyone just remembers that she is a sweet and obedient little girl, and will not criticize her too much.

   "I'm going to contact a male artist with a good reputation and let them team up with CP to fry together." After the basic route was determined, Brother Shui immediately had a candidate.

  Female artists want to take this road, and some male artists are also willing to take this road.

   It is not difficult to find the right person.

   And it has no impact on the career. Fans know that some CPs are not real, but they still enjoy it.

   Lin Xialu, under the arrangement of Qiao Hui, officially started to take the shortcut of frying CP.

When the news of    reached Sister Cao, Sister Cao was noncommittal, "Let's do whatever they want. This is also a path for Lin Xialu. After all, it is better than her singing skills and strength. She is indeed no match for Su Mi."

  Lin Xialu also mocked very directly: "Sister Cao wants to let Su Mi go my way, but can Su Mi do it? Which man is willing to form a CP with her? It's almost the same as a blind man."


  Su Mi's new album was a great success, and Huanxi Entertainment had to give her a celebration banquet.

   When she returned home, it was getting late, and the whole manor had lost the liveliness of the day.

  Leaving only the dim yellow street lights, people can feel a touch of warmth.

  Su Mi came home, took off her shoes, did not turn on the lights, and sat on the sofa a little tired.

   Wearing high heels to socialize all night, it was really hard.

   She didn't want to wake Chu Zhuohang and Xiao Chen, she wanted to sit for a while before going upstairs to take a bath and sleep.

   As soon as I sat down, all the lights around me suddenly turned on.

  Su Mi immediately stood up and saw not far away, two men, one big and one small, were holding cakes and looking at her with a smile.

   Both of them were covered in flour and looked a little embarrassed, but their smiles were genuine and warm.

"Mimi!" Xiao Chen came running with a small cake, "Look at this cake, my dad and I did it for an afternoon, and it was done. One big and the other small, to celebrate your new album. The sale was successful."

   Xiao Chen is now more than two years old. When he speaks, his articulation is astonishingly clever, and he becomes more intelligent and sensible.

  Chu Zhuohang has always been bad at cooking. Today, he is still teaching video lessons to make cakes. After working all afternoon, he came up with a slightly qualified one.

  Su Mi had a smile on her face, hugged Xiao Chen, and looked at Chu Zhuohang.

   The cake that Chu Zhuohang brought up collapsed a little, and Chu Zhuohang apologized a little: "It was fine just now, but I don't know why, after the cream goes up, it's not so complete."

   "Very good. Just delicious!" Su Mi reached out and took a piece and put it in her mouth.

  Chu Zhuohang's expression suddenly became nervous: "Is it delicious?"

  Su Mi's face was stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said, "You are so caring, I know that I want to lose weight and can't eat too much sugar, so did I change it to salt for seasoning?"

   "Huh?" Chu Zhuohang stretched out his hand and took a bite, and it was really salty. "The first few I made and eaten were all sweet, but this one, what's going on, how did it become salt?"

   (end of this chapter)

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