Chapter 2513 Extravagant

  He Qiyun also understands that these people have been roughly divided, those who will follow her to do practical things, and those who do not need to reuse in the future.

   "According to the current number of votes, I won you, cousin." He Qiyun said.

   This also means that she will no longer be controlled by the Wu family in the future, and can freely control her life and career.

   Wu Juntang suddenly said loudly: "That's not good. You forgot, my mother and my father still hold a lot of shares in the company, and their right to speak is quite high. Will they be on your side?"

   Everyone also remembered that Wu's father and Wu's mother indeed still hold a lot of shares in the company. Their weight, standing up, is more effective than employee voting.

   This is Wu Juntang's advantage, and it is also an important bargaining chip for a simple family company to keep his family in power.

   The employees all looked at He Qiyun. If this is the case, what else can you choose?

   Isn't it just continuing to follow Wu Juntang?

  He Qiyun looked at Wu Juntang: "Are you sure?"

   "Of course I'm sure." Wu Juntang was very arrogant.

"But the information in my hand is not so certain. I have checked the information in the past few years. In the past few years, the company has been relying on the investment you have brought in to survive, but every investment given to you is a pure loss. Yes. This is because you did not invest the money seriously, but used it to win people's hearts and make everyone turn to you.

   also stems from the fact that you don’t have the ability to do things well, take investment, and don’t know how to do it to create better benefits. "

  He Qiyun pointed out Wu Juntang's problem mercilessly, making Wu Juntang's face dark and ugly: "He Qiyun, shut up!"

"Okay, I'm not going to talk about this. Let's talk about your parents. Your failures obviously have their share of credit. Because after each investment is made, they will first divide a part and keep it for their own use, which is extravagant. The rest I will give you the money to invest in the company. Wu Juntang, think about it, if the investors knew that you spent money like this, what kind of views and plans would they have?"

   Wu Juntang's face was pale.

  Because of He Qiyun, now it's his pain point.

   Wu's father and Wu's mother package themselves and their family like this, nothing more than to get more investment.

   But they have never really earned money and brought anything to investors, so they can only pack it up and try to get other investments again and again to fill the holes.

  After He Qiyun's words were spoken, the employees also understood whether Wu Juntang and the Wu family were still worth following.

   Such a person has no strength, how can he lead the company?

   Wu Juntang said loudly: "You lie, it's all lies!"

   "Is it a lie, tell the police. Splurging investment funds has constituted a crime of embezzlement? I don't understand it very well, maybe the police know a little better." He Qiyun said.

   Chu Zhuohang found out some clues and gave the information to her and Xiaozhan.

   She and Xiao Zhan checked a lot of information and content overnight, and finally dug up all these things about the Wu family.

  Wu Juntang, what else can I say?

The employees in the company were very shocked. They thought that the company was developing very well, and Wu’s father and Wu’s mother would be so extravagant. I didn’t expect that they used the company’s investment funds completely. people found.

   (end of this chapter)

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