Chapter 2437 Slandering Su Mi

   "I'll give you time to think about it."

   Sister Cao and Su Mi came back from the hospital, and the expressions on their faces were not good.

   Li Minghao's request was too much.

  He Qiyun came forward tremblingly and asked in a low voice, "Su Mi, Sister Cao, you won't really let me take care of Li Minghao, will you?"

  The news has come out from the hospital. Li Minghao asked He Qiyun to take care of him. The people in the crew still thought that this request was not too much. They planned to arrange He Qiyun to take care of him in the past, and the salary would be doubled.

  He Qiyun had no choice but to come to Sister Cao and Su Mi.

  Because only they know the inside story, and only they know, let He Qiyun go over, I am afraid it will be the worst.

   "Su Mi, please don't do this..." He Qiyun cried, "I really don't want to..."

   "Although I don't like you and I won't be your friend anymore, but I still can't do such a crazy thing. Don't worry." Su Mi said.

He Qiyun was overjoyed, but worried again: "Then what should you do? That Li Minghao is not so easy to deal with. He is very patient. He wanted to do things to me before, but he never succeeded, but he didn't give up at all. Chasing me are no match for him either."

   "We'll handle it ourselves. It's impossible to hand you over to him anyway." Su Mi said, "You pack up and leave the crew first."

  He Qiyun went back to pack her luggage.

  Su Mi and Sister Cao are a little embarrassed. This Li Minghao not only wants to withdraw his capital, but even slander Su Mi.

   And Su Mi did not photograph any evidence at that time.

  The director team is also persuading Su Mi: "Su Mi, Hao Shao said, as long as you publicly apologize? Don't be so stubborn and affect everyone's work."

   The director team is currently on Li Minghao's side.

   After all, all the work and income are from the Li family.

   And Su Mi, her appearance is not good, no one believes what she said.

   Besides, she has no evidence yet.

   "The Li family is about to withdraw its capital. If you don't apologize, please think about us."

   "That is, you can pick up other activities right away, and it's really not easy for us. We have old people and young people, you can do it, give us a way to live."

  Su Mi said flatly: "Don't worry, I will give you an explanation. But not in the way of apology to Li Minghao."

   She originally wanted to solve this matter by herself, but before she could act, Chu Zhuohang rushed over.

  Su Mi was particularly surprised that he actually came over.

   The journey was turbulent. Obviously, he pushed other work and came here in a hurry.

   "Zhuo Hang, why are you here?" Su Mi took him back to her room and poured water and a towel for him distressedly.

   He doesn't look well rested.

   "Xiao Zhan said, I heard people see you in the hospital, and I asked people to inquire about Li Minghao. Someone bullied you, of course I have to rush over."

   "It's not a big deal right now..."

   "I've been bullied to the head, isn't it a big deal? Is it a big deal to be hurt?" Chu Zhuohang pulled her to sit beside him in distress.

   He directly contacted the investor and inquired about the investment.

   Hearing that it was Chu Zhuohang's phone call, investors expressed their interest in this filming: "To promote the great rivers and mountains of our motherland, I must contribute to this!"

   (end of this chapter)

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