Chapter 2409

  Chu Zhuohang received Su Mi and returned to the Chu family manor.

  The housekeeper, Aunt Wang and Xiao Zhan also held a small ceremony for her to celebrate her victory over evil and embrace victory.

   This night, Su Mi can finally sleep peacefully.

   She went to the hospital to visit her mother the next day, but Dr. Fang was still on the sidelines.

  Su Mi finds it very strange, why does it seem that Dr. Fang is taking care of her mother recently?

   When she saw the shy smile on her mother's face, she suddenly seemed to understand something.

   Could it be that during this period of time, what kind of secret relationship developed between Dr. Fang and his mother?

   "If there is no problem with another check, you can be discharged from the hospital." Dr. Fang's tone was still very professional, "It is always inconvenient to do anything in the hospital. It's better to go back early."

  Su Mi pursed her lips and smiled, "Then we can go home today?"

   "No problem."

   Mother Su seemed to have a trace of reluctance.

   "Mom, have you ever thought about finding a new wife?" Su Mi asked while peeling the fruit.

"You kid, why do you say this when you come back? I haven't even told you about you yet. Recently, when you look at you, you have gotten yourself a lot of scolding. And what about Wei Yuxin, who really knows people and faces but not hearts, In the past, I really treated her as my own daughter, but I didn't expect that she would be a big white-eyed wolf, and she would come to deal with you as soon as she turned around."

"I don't want to talk about her, I don't want to talk about her. Tell me about you, Mom, my father has passed away for several years, and my work will be busier and busier in the future. I'm really worried about everyone around you taking care of me. If you have If you meet someone who knows both the cold and the hot, don't worry that I will disagree, I wish you a better life than anyone else..."

   Mother Su's eyes were moist. Her daughter's words were so thoughtful that she felt distressed. Even though her daughter was still facing so many situations, she only cared about her own affairs.

   "Then it's settled. When you have someone you like, let me know as soon as possible." Su Mi smiled.

   This will take her to the examination room.

   Today, Gu Yunchen also came over. When he saw Su Mi, he joked: "Beauty, what kind of medicine did you take before?"

   "Did you say that medicine for depression?"

   "Yes, generally speaking, drugs for depression are unlikely to cause your body to grow like you. Are you sure it's a drug for depression?"

Su Mi is actually not too sure, because she had given birth at the time, and she may have gained weight after childbirth, but the doctor also said that it is impossible to gain weight after childbirth. how much weight.

   But before she could think about what to say, Gu Yunchen said, "I'll check it for you, I always think things are very strange."

   "Okay, then thank you Doctor Gu." Su Mi also wanted to know why she became so fat.

  Gu Yunchen gave her a general examination, drew blood to stay, and said, "I will tell you the results. But Su Mi, I think you have been drugged."


   "It's possible that someone could not see your beauty and voice, and gave you special drugs, which led to your current condition. But I'm not sure, you have to study it carefully. How long have you been fat?"

   "More than a year and less than two years."

   "It does take a while, so be patient." Gu Yunchen said.

   (end of this chapter)

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