The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2400: The feeling of being praised by her

   Chapter 2400 The feeling of being praised by her

  Su Mi has been feeding Chu Zhuohang mouth by mouth.

   Chu Zhuohang was eating and suddenly stopped.

   The current atmosphere made him suddenly not want to unlock the password.

   "What's the matter?" Su Mi asked when he saw that he suddenly stopped.

   "It's nothing." Chu Zhuohang continued to type on the keyboard and took a bite of the food that Su Mi sent.

   continued to be busy for a while.

  Chu Zhuohang stopped and said, "Okay, I found it, you can log in."

   "Great! Chu Zhuohang, you are awesome!"

   Chu Zhuohang curled his lips into a smile, and it felt really good to be praised by her.

  Su Mi took over the computer and immediately logged in.

   She found a short piece of audio that she had originally released, which was recorded when she tried to sing the song.

  Because she has not added anyone to this trumpet, nor has she disclosed or announced it, no one knows this trumpet, and no one has heard this short audio recording.

   However, the voice of this audio is very different from Su Mi's current voice. I want to use it as evidence, I don't know if anyone will believe it?

   But then, Su Mi thought of a way, and a smile appeared on her face.

   Chu Zhuohang asked, "Have you found evidence?"

   "Well, but I want to play with Wei Yuxin and let her slap her face." Su Mi has already thought of all the methods.

   She browsed her trumpet account and found that she had posted some other things on it, but they were all visible to her, so she couldn't unlock it and publish it, but it didn't matter, Wei Yuxin would get her due end.

  Chu Zhuohang believed in Su Mi's ability.

   She has always been very protective of herself before, and can also come up with corresponding solutions.

   He just needs to be on the side and **** her.

  Su Mi handed this short audio clip to Sister Cao and asked her to find a way to show it to Wei Yuxin.

   As soon as Sister Cao listened to this audio, she could hear that this was Su Mi's previous voice, she knew she was right, Su Mi has never copied others, she has such talent and ability, those are her confidence.

After   Su Mi communicated with Sister Cao, the way to deal with Wei Yuxin was formed.

   Soon, Su Mi's trumpet entered Wei Yuxin's line of sight.

   She clicked on the audio and heard that it was Su Mi's voice before, and also heard that it was the current title song sung by Su Mi.

   More importantly, this audio was released more than two years ago, which is enough to show who copied who.

   This trumpet looks unremarkable, no one is following, and no one has followed anyone, and nothing has been posted other than this audio.

   looks like a complete zombie.

   However, a few people have already discovered this audio, and they are all asking questions: "Why did someone sing Su Mi and Wei Yuxin's songs more than two years ago? Are Su Mi and Wei Yuxin both plagiarizing?"

   "The voice from two years ago was so beautiful, I don't know who it was?"

However, only a few people raised such questions, and they were quickly drowned in the huge traffic on Weibo. What Wei Yuxin didn't know was that this was what Sister Cao wanted her to see, and she also wanted to let her see it. Fear.

   Wei Yuxin was shocked when she saw it.

   What even Su Mi didn't leave behind, but someone else left?

  I don't know who is behind this trumpet?

   (end of this chapter)

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