The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 240: He can heal the sick, but not the heart

   Chapter 240 He can cure diseases, but he can't save people's hearts

  She returned to the ward, Shen Jingyu's tall back stood in front of Glass Qiang.

  He Peishan walked towards him, spreading his arms, trying to lean on his broad and powerful back.

   Before reaching the goal, Shen Jingyu turned around and came back: "Shanshan, there is something I have to tell you clearly."

   "I don't want to listen..." He Peishan shook her head vigorously due to her instinctive sense of danger.

   She will always have the ability to stop Shen Jingyu from saying the heartless and ruthless words when he expresses his heart.

   She thought that she would never lose...

   "You have to listen. It's a fact you can't avoid."

   "This time I went to Puxi City, I'm already married. I'm married to the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."

   "After this, I will not be associated with any woman other than her."

   "No, it's not... I don't listen, don't say it! Don't say it!" He Peishan covered her ears. She didn't think about these words.

   His actions have always interpreted the profound meaning of these words.

   But she kept resisting, like someone who hides her ears and steals the bell, thinking that as long as he didn't say it and she didn't listen, everything would be the same as when she was a child.

   is still the same as at that time, he is her little brother without guessing, he will not grow up day by day, and be alienated day by day...

   "Shanshan, Gu Yunchen has been studying your condition." Shen Jingyu's voice easily overwhelmed her frantic refusal, "In the research room, I will continue to invest all possible human and material resources."

   "That was my promise to you when I was a child. I will definitely cure your disease and let you live a normal life."

   "What I owe you, I must do it."

   "However, the relationship between men and women, I will never be able to give it."

  He Peishan cried and knelt down: "Brother Yu, without you, I would have nothing, don't be so cruel, abandon me..."

   "Shanshan!" Lan Xi, He Birong and He Yiming rushed in together.

   Lan Xi and He Birong knelt down with He Peishan.

  He Yiming rushed to Shen Jingyu and grabbed his collar: "Shen Jingyu, what did you say to Shanshan?"

   "Just said what should be said." Shen Jingyu pushed his hand away.

   "Do you know that what you say will make her cry? Do you know that crying will also make her sick?" He Yiming asked loudly.

   "He Yiming, I will take care of her like you, but I won't pamper her like you will forever."

  He Yiming raised his fist up in the air, meeting Shen Jingyu's calm gaze, he bit his gums sore, and put it down again.

  Lan Xi and He Birong cried together with He Peishan. The cries of the three women made people upset.

  As He Peishan's aunt, He Birong regards He Peishan as her own, but in normal times, she respects Shen Jingyu more.

   But at this moment, she was so angry that she stood up and shouted at Shen Jingyu: "Shen Jingyu, just because Shanshan is sick, do you think she is not worthy of you? Do you know what kind of sincerity you are trampling on?"

"People who want to trample even their own lives, don't talk about sincerity." Shen Jingyu glanced at He Peishan who was still crying on the ground, and said in a low voice, "Maybe, your glass ward is not lacking drugs, but a lock. "

   "Perhaps, it's not that Gu Yunchen didn't find a suitable drug."

   "He can cure diseases, but he cannot save people's hearts."

   (end of this chapter)

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