The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2297: firmly in the first place

   Chapter 2297 is firmly in the first place

  Others have also drawn nicknames such as "Dwarf Giant", "Beautiful Fairy" and so on.

  The next step is to record everyone's songs after putting on makeup.

  In the first round, everyone chose the songs they were best at, and tried their best to lay a solid foundation from the very beginning.

  Su Mi chose an English song. Her current voice is more suitable for recording this kind of voice that is more inclined to big women than sweet.

   Twenty people and twenty songs have been recorded. Due to the length of the show, everyone actually has a limited amount of time.

   The singing time that each person can really be played is only two minutes.

   The next night, these pictures and sounds will be played, and Su Mi is full of expectations.

   was also a little apprehensive.

   Sister Cao comforted: "Relax your heart, your voice is fine, hurry up and exercise to be real. When you take off your mask in the last issue, everyone will be amazed."

  Su Mi smiled, but Sister Cao is very confident in her weight loss, so she can't live up to her.

   On the second night, the edited voices of twenty people were broadcast in the program.

  The broadcast belongs to the first half, and after the broadcast is finished, it belongs to the second half. Twenty people have to go on stage together to accept the selection of the judges and the audience, and they also face entering the candidate area, challenge and elimination.

  Everyone is waiting in the background.

  The show officially started.

   The show "Masked Sing Sing" has been very popular in the past few years. It has injected a lot of fresh blood into the music world, and it has also allowed many old singers who have long disappeared in the music world to regain their names in the audience.

   As soon as the new season started, there were many viewers waiting in front of the TV. Because it was broadcast synchronously on the Internet, there were also a lot of viewers watching in front of computers and holding mobile phones.

   That night, Chu Zhuohang quit his job and opened a variety show in his office that he would never pay attention to.

   While looking at the document in his hand, he casually listened to the sound uploaded by the computer.

   Twenty contestants, each with their own characteristics, and Su Mi's voice was outstanding among them.

   Although everyone sang in masks, Chu Zhuohang was still in it, and he could accurately distinguish Su Mi's voice, with a slightly hoarse smokey voice and a high degree of recognition. It was not sweet, but it was very catchy.



  Where are the righteous?

  Where are the gods? 】

As soon as Su Mi's voice came out, Chu Zhuohang took out his mobile phone.

   The setting of this show is that if the audience wants to keep a certain singer, they can cast a vote for her with their mobile phone. Each mobile phone number can cast one and only one vote per episode of the show.

  Chu Zhuohang pressed the phone and voted for the national treasure panda.

   Maybe just one vote is nothing, but Chu Zhuohang believes that what she can get will never be just her own vote.

  Chu Zhuohang was right, when all the singers' songs were finished, the audience vote for the national treasure panda was far ahead.

The    judges also gave her a relatively high score.

   After the final result was announced, Su Mi was firmly ranked first.

  The eight players who were behind in the score entered the candidate area.

   They will choose one of the first twelve players to PK. If the PK is successful, they can replace the opponent's ranking and position.

   (end of this chapter)

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