The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2267: How disappointed is Su Mi

   Chapter 2267 How disappointed is Su Mi

   Naturally, Su Mi was somewhat similar to her previous appearance.

   She had grown up well before, and just recovering these three or four points is enough to make people amazing.

  Wei Yuxin really regrets it, she just quarreled with Mr. Allen, otherwise, she would also be able to get his wonderful hand and add a little more beauty.

   is still too impulsive just now.

   She approached Su Mi, envious and jealous for a while, but Su Mi was still fat after all, standing in front of her, even if her appearance recovered a bit, her figure was far inferior.

  Wei Yuxin regained her confidence and said, "Let's go, Mimi, let's meet Sister Cao."

   "Okay." Su Mi also just wanted to see Sister Cao.

   She had only talked to Sister Cao on the phone before, and she could tell that Sister Cao was a resolute woman.

   If it weren't for the current situation, Su Mi would have signed a contract with Sister Cao long ago.

   Wei Yuxin pulled Su Mi and got into the car together, and arrived at Huanxi Entertainment.

  Huanxi Entertainment is the brokerage company where Sister Cao works.

   After entering, Wei Yuxin asked Su Mi to sit outside and entered Sister Cao's office by herself, euphemistically, she went to say a few good words to Su Mi first.

  Sister Cao, a capable woman, turned over the documents in her hand while talking on the phone.

   Seeing Wei Yuxin, he waved her to sit down first.

   She quickly ended the call and said, "Yuxin, you said that we would meet today, you want me to meet someone, who?"

   "Su Mi. She's sitting outside, take a look." Wei Yuxin opened the curtain and pointed Su Mi to Sister Cao.

   Sister Cao took a very serious look at Su Mi who was sitting outside.

  The girl Su Mi, Sister Cao can say that she has been studying for a long time and has been in contact for a long time, but she has never really met a real person face to face.

   She used to watch Su Mi’s live broadcasts and listened to her singing, she became very interested in her.

   Obviously, Su Mi, who appeared in front of Sister Cao now, was very inconsistent with the usual impression in Sister Cao's mind.

  Su Mi in the live broadcast is cute and even perfect. Judging from Sister Cao's old-fashioned eyes over the years, Su Mi is very likely to become popular just by virtue of her external advantages.

   But seeing Su Mi now, Sister Cao frowned.

   I can't say it's hard to see the tragic world, but it's still far from the image in my mind.

Wei Yuxin saw Sister Cao's thoughts and said, "Sister Cao, Su Mi is my good best friend. In fact, I have known her for many years. She has been embarrassed to see you because of this image problem. I recommended it. Sister Cao, as you know, you can use filters and various software during live broadcasts, but when you are a real artist, you don’t have any auxiliary things, and you even have to face the test of high-definition cameras every day… "

   Sister Cao glanced at Wei Yuxin, Wei Yuxin has been contacting Sister Cao for some time, and Sister Cao thinks her qualifications are not bad.

   But after the white moonlight of Su Mi, Sister Cao never made up her mind to want Wei Yuxin.

   In the past few years, Sister Cao must have signed one more person, but she is now older and has more qualifications.

   That's why he wandered between Su Mi and Wei Yuxin repeatedly.

   Now seeing Su Mi like this...

   Wei Yuxin has been secretly observing Sister Cao's eyes, she can almost tell how disappointed Sister Cao is with Su Mi now.

   (end of this chapter)

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