Chapter 2198 Su Mi-like meaning

   It's just that Li Hui didn't expect the real person of Chu Zhuohang to be more perfect than what he saw in the photos. This man's unique appearance can easily make people feel ashamed for a while.

   The reason why Li Hui is arrogant is because he thinks that he is also a bit handsome, and originally thought that staying by the young master's side can be regarded as the outstanding one.

   Who knew that being by Chu Zhuohang's side would be compared to him alone.

  The housekeeper saw Li Hui here and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Hui came back to his senses, walked over and said, "Housekeeper, Su Mi won't let me get close to the young master, and she herself made the young master cry. I saw that the young master was crying pitifully, so I wanted to come to you and have a look. How to do."

  Chu Zhuohang looked at Li Hui with two more cold thoughts.

   Looking in the direction Li Hui pointed, on the grass over there, Xiao Chen seemed to be crying, and Su Mi was hugging him and whispering something.

   "Housekeeper, when I was at home before, I took my younger siblings with me. They are very good at taking care of children. Why don't you bring the young master to me?" Li Hui pleaded.

   During this time in the manor, she has always behaved well, and she believes that the housekeeper will agree to her request.

   She secretly peeked at Chu Zhuohang. At present, she did not dare to talk to Chu Zhuohang directly, only dared to talk to the housekeeper.

   But the meaning of suing Su Mi-like is very obvious.

   Even if it was told to the housekeeper, she believed that Chu Zhuohang could hear it clearly.

   The butler glanced at Chu Zhuohang, and seeing that he did not speak, he said, "You first cooperate with Su Mi to bring the young master. If you are really suitable, I will consider letting you stay for a long time."

   The housekeeper didn't listen to him and didn't drive Su Mi away. Li Hui was obviously disappointed.

   "Butler, but Su Mi really looks inexperienced. She was kissing the young master all the time just now. We all know that adults can't take care of children so casually. Butler, take care of it."

   Hearing Su Mi kissing Xiao Chen, Chu Zhuohang couldn't help frowning slightly. He really didn't like that woman, and she was going too far.

   It's just that Su Mi won't stay here for long, she will leave soon.

   He didn't have the patience to listen to the intrigue between the maids and turned away.

  The housekeeper said to Li Hui: "It's important that you do your own thing well, don't worry about other things."

   He could see that Chu Zhuohang didn't dislike Su Mi, especially that Su Mi had helped the young master several times.

  The young master is a person with clear grievances. As long as Su Mi does not make a big mistake, the young master will not drive her away.

   Li Hui rushed to file a lawsuit, but did not get the result he wanted.

   By the time she went to look for Su Mi and Xiao Chen, they had already gone far and went straight to the yard over there to see the flowers.

   For the whole day, Xiao Chen and Su Mi were sticky together. Li Hui didn't even talk about hugging him to earn performance, but he didn't even have many opportunities to approach him.

   In the evening, Xiao Chen took a bath, ate it, and soon fell asleep.

   Because of Chu Zhuohang's care, Su Mi can no longer be used.

  Although Xiao Chen was eager to sleep with Su Mi, Chu Zhuohang firmly opposed it.

  The housekeeper took her and Li Hui to the new room.

  Because the two of them are the ones who take care of the young master, they will not continue to squeeze in the same room with those new servants.

   (end of this chapter)

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