Chapter 2179 should be fine

   Seeing that the cars around were piled up in a mass, I am afraid that even if the ambulance came, it would not be able to approach for a while.

  The servants and the driver are in a mess, seeing the young master's situation getting more and more critical...

Seeing this scene, Su Mi was moved with compassion, perhaps because she had a child before, but she was not able to protect him well, nor was she able to nurture him to grow up. Seeing this one in front of her, she looked just over a year old. child, she rushed over.

   "There is a hospital nearby, let's take him to the hospital directly," Su Mi said.

   Both the maid and the driver looked at her with distrust, but at the moment they didn't seem to care so much anymore.

   "Let me hold the baby." Su Mi suggested.

The servant and the driver looked at each other again, and looked at Su Mi a few more times. She gave a very bad impression. Because she was fat and bloated, she looked very sloppy, but her eyes were sincere, as if she could talk. , giving people a sense of trust.

   Seeing that the young master was in a bad condition, the servant had to stretch out his hand and hand him to Su Mi.

   Surprisingly, the young master, who was about to faint from crying in the servant's arms, was in Su Mi's hands, and his condition improved a lot, and his face became rosy visibly.

   He widened his big eyes and looked curiously at the woman holding him.

   Without thinking too much, the servant and driver urged Su Mi to go to the hospital quickly.

  Su Mi hugged the child, went straight to the path, looked for a shortcut in the alley, and stood in front of a hospital with the fastest speed.

  Because of her mother's illness, she went to many hospitals. She is very familiar with the matter of where there is a hospital in Jingyuan.

  The servant and the driver were overjoyed and rushed into the hospital with her.

  The doctor treated the wound urgently for the child and said, "It should be fine. Let's stay in the hospital for another day for observation. But does this child seem to have other problems?"

   "What's the problem, doctor?" the servant asked hastily.

   "This... I just asked casually, do you know that he has other questions?"

   "No, there are no other problems, our young master is fine." The driver and servant said at the same time.

  The doctor didn't say anything, he just felt a little problem, such as this child, he didn't like others touching his skin, and it was very troublesome to give injections.

   But seeing that Su Mi was holding him well, the doctor's doubts were dispelled.

   "Thank you, Miss. Young master, leave it to me." The servant reached out to pick it up.

  Su Mi reached out and handed the child back to her, however, the little boy pursed his mouth, turned around and hugged Su Mi tightly, refusing to ask for a servant.

  The servant was suddenly a little embarrassed. The woman in front of him was ugly and fat. It can be said that looking at him one more time made people feel uncomfortable. The young master actually wanted her instead of taking care of himself for nearly a year?

   "Little Master, come, Auntie hug you, darling, come here..."

   The little boy glanced at him, shook his head, still holding Su Mi.

  The servant was a little embarrassed, and Su Mi whispered, "Why not, let me hug him for a while. Wait for him to fall asleep later?"

   Although the servant was unwilling and did not dare to hand over the young master to outsiders to take care of him, she couldn't help her in the current situation.

  Su Mi sat down with the little boy in her arms and looked down at him. He looked like he was only a year old, and his round face was very cute.

   (end of this chapter)

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