The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2148: Turn away without hesitation

   Chapter 2148 Turn around and leave without hesitation

"I'm not sure about the matter. But looking at what Master Shen means, the spread of the flu virus is man-made, so since that's the case, I think Fu Meirou is very suspicious. After all, she came up with the source of the virus and talked to Liu before. Pingting has been in contact with her. Since Fu Meirou is my subordinate and my niece, of course I can't cover her up. Naturally, I want to kill my relatives righteously, so I should investigate carefully. She should take responsibility for what she should take." Jiang Qi revealed a A triumphant smile.

  Shen Jingyu, if you want to fight me, you are still a little short!

   "In addition, I will check whether Fu Meirou has done such a thing as soon as possible. Once the evidence is collected, I will send it all over as soon as possible."

After    finished speaking, Jiang Qi threw his hand away.

   Soon, his people brought Fu Meirou over.

   Fu Meirou's long hair was not taken care of, it was hanging down and covered most of her face, and her lips with no makeup had a bleak color, and was brought over by someone.

   She really didn't expect that the matter had not been exposed, just because there was a little situation on Liu Pingting's side, Jiang Qi would hand over himself directly.

   Her eyes were filled with extreme bleakness, and her whole body was so depressed that she lost her luster.

  She just stood in front of Shen Jingyu, her heart was so empty that she couldn't hold anything.

   It seems that all the struggles in this life have lost their luster.

   "Qiao Hai, take her down first." Shen Jingyu said calmly.

   "Shen Jingyu, don't you have anything to ask me?" Fu Meirou raised her head sadly.

   Shen Jingyu's voice was flat: "You will naturally say what you want to say, and what you don't want to say, I'm not in the mood to ask."

  Jiang Qi wanted to use Fu Meirou as a scapegoat, so naturally he would collect evidence and come over. Shen Jingyu didn't even need to investigate anything, just waited for Jiang Qi to deliver it.

   The scene in front of him was just a game of dog bites dog, Shen Jingyu didn't even bother to waste time on it.

   Fu Meirou was full of misery, and her father was unreliable. As a result, her uncle was even more indifferent than her father. If something happened, she would be pushed all over her.

   Didn't she think about living today?

   She has thought about it, but she never thinks about her own failures, she only wants to succeed, she just wants to reach a peak without relying on anyone.

   "Can you give me a cigarette?" Fu Meirou asked.

   Shen Jingyu stopped smoking for a long time, he gave Qiao Hai a wink, and Qiao Hai gave Fu Meirou a cigarette.

  Fu Meirou lit it, took a long breath, and exhaled a thick ring of smoke. She lowered her head and kept smoking like this, as if it was the only thing worth doing seriously in the world.

   "Shen Jingyu, why are you all doing this to me?" Fu Meirou finally seemed satisfied, holding a cigarette, and asked with one arm folded.

   Shen Jingyu's expression was calm, his eyes did not change, he was calm and silent.

   "You are like this, my dad is like this, so is my uncle. What did I do wrong? I don't want to depend on anyone, is it wrong?"

  Shen Jingyu's fingers clasped on the table lightly, and then stood up, "What did the person you hurt do wrong?"

After   , he turned and left without any hesitation.

   When he got home, he smelled the smoke on his body, so he changed his clothes before walking in.

  Chuning was chatting with a few little milk buns, Lele ran over and hugged Shen Jingyu's thigh.

  Shen Jingyu picked him up with one hand and said, "Did it make Ningning unhappy?"

   (end of this chapter)

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