Chapter 2133 What kind of risk

Gu's father was already waiting for him in the hospital: "The high fever is accompanied by palpitations, vomiting and convulsions. I originally thought it was a brain problem caused by the fever, but I checked and it was not. It was a virus infection, like the flu virus last time. , but it's much more serious than the last time."

   Gu Yunchen immediately got his spirits up and put on special clothes and gloves.

After a long time, he came out and said: "Dad, your judgment is almost correct. It is more infectious and destructive than the last flu virus. It must be isolated. All the family members of the child must be isolated and kept in the hospital for observation. ."

   He chatted with the child's father and found out that the child was sick a few days ago and went to the hospital that treated people infected with influenza virus.

   At that time, Jiang Qi had already announced that all those infected with the flu virus had been cured, so he went with the child at ease.

  The father of the child really did not expect such a thing to happen. He saw that the child was in serious condition tonight, so he remembered to ask Father Gu for help.

   "Nurse, take him and all the family members of the child to a special area." Gu Yunchen said.

   Father Gu heard his son's words and knew that this meant that the matter was very serious, and the child and the child's family members had to be isolated first to prevent the infection of the virus.

   He immediately notified the hospital.

   In such a situation, it is necessary to check whether there are infected persons in other hospitals.

   In other words, the last flu virus was not completely controlled like the news announced by Jiang Qi.

   A look of worry appeared on Father Gu's face. As a doctor, he knew all too well what kind of risk this was.

   Any disease that needs to be isolated and treated will be very contagious.

   He arranged for his assistant: "Not only the patient's family members, but also whether the child has been in contact with anyone else in the past few days. The nurses, car drivers, etc. who come into contact with him on the way must be notified and observed."

  Gu Yunchen also asked people to see if there were patients with the same condition in other hospitals.

  As doctors, this is their duty, and contagious viruses are one of the diseases they are most afraid of.

  This is different from other intractable diseases. The highly contagious influenza virus not only erodes people of all ages, but also spreads through contact, clothes, objects and even the air.

  Especially people with poor immunity are easily affected.

   However, this flu virus is still changing very fast. The virions are different every year, and even every stage, there will be different changes. Doctors have to develop and find specific medicines according to different conditions every year.

   This is a condition that all doctors find very difficult.

   And this time, two menacing attacks in a row are really dangerous.

In the hospital corridor at the moment, on the TV news, Jiang Qi is still giving his speech: "Although the flu virus is highly contagious this time, our doctors are fighting on the front line without fear of hardships, regardless of their own health. Interests, finally cured the patient, and completely isolated the flu virus, they are the most worthy of our respect.

   We feel sorry for those who died, and hope that everyone can live a healthier and safer life in the future. "

  His speech received overwhelming support from the crowd.

  The people who supported him gave an earth-shattering cry from the audience.

   (end of this chapter)

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