The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1602: She is willing to let go of the pain

   Chapter 1602 She is willing to let go of the pain

  The people at the center of the storm are naturally Feng Ling and Shen Jingyu.

   However, they are also the most peaceful people, relatively speaking, their hearts are open, and naturally they don’t have so many worries.

  Ding Qinen knew that Feng Ling was back and insisted on going to see her.

   Shen Jingyu agreed and accompanied Ding Qinen to the Duke's Mansion with Chu Ning.

   The moment he saw Feng Ling, Ding Qinen couldn't help weeping. She had been silent for so many years, and now that we meet again, more than 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

   "Feng Ling..." As soon as Ding Qinen spoke, tears flowed out first.

   Probably because she still harbored resentment towards Shen Fengshan, Feng Ling's attitude was a little light, and she said calmly, "Don't cry, I'm fine."

   "Where have you been all these years? We miss you very much and mention you from time to time."

  Fengling looked at her, and felt something in her heart: "Anyway, thank you for raising my son. You also taught him to be a man of the sky."

   Thinking of the American side, Shen Jingyu had a headache at the time, Feng Ling also had a headache at the time, but when I mention it now, I am full of pride.

   It turns out that the person who held up the pressure and protected the whole country turned out to be his own son.

   "Actually Fengshan also has a lot of credit. He has always been to Jing Yu..." As soon as Ding Qinen mentioned Shen Fengshan, Feng Ling's face sank.

  Ding Qinen hurriedly shut up, and the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

   There is only embarrassment flowing in the air.

   Obviously, this topic is still an untouchable pain point for Fengling.

   Chu Ning said softly, "Mom, why don't we go in and sit for a while?"

   This mother is called Fengling.

  Since they met, Shen Jingyu hadn't even called out to his mother, and he had deliberately avoided it.

But Chu Ning is different. Although all the injuries she suffered in those years came from Feng Ling, if she were to be like Shen Jingyu, their mother-son relationship would become weaker and weaker. When they think of such things in the future, they will definitely be Pity.

   So for Shen Jingyu's good, she is willing to let go of the pain in the past and grasp the present.

  Fengling's originally very cold expression, after hearing Chu Ning's mother, has obviously eased.

   She may not like Chuning much, but she is willing to tolerate everything related to her son.

   And Chu Ning's attitude is obviously very important to Shen Jingyu.

   "Housekeeper, are you still not inviting guests in?" Feng Ling said.

   The housekeeper hurried over to greet him: "Mrs. Shen, Master Shen, Miss Chu, please come in."

  After this meeting, the relationship between Fengling and Ding Qinen has eased, but there is still no substantial change between Fengling and Shen Fengshan.


   Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ye were discharged from the hospital at about the same time. Both of them were in complete recovery. Chu Ning was very happy to pick them up.

   "By the way, what happened to Jing Yu and his father?" Lan Xi asked.

   "I'm investigating. Things should be faster when the mother comes back." Chu Ning said with a smile.

Lan Xi smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I should also go and see Fengling. The four of us had a good relationship at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye, things changed. He Birong won't talk about her, the rest of us Three, what I experienced, I didn't expect that it was going around in circles, twists and turns."

   "Well, you can visit her sometime. She has too much hatred in her heart, and Jing Yu refuses to visit her often." Chu Ning actually felt sorry for Feng Ling's experience.

   (end of this chapter)

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