The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1600: What the **** blood relationship

   Chapter 1600 What kind of **** blood relationship

   Compared with hatred and revenge, Feng Ling wanted to have a son more.

   What I want more is to make up for the guilt and debt I have owed to my son for so many years.

   "I will cooperate with you and give Shen Fengshan a chance to investigate everything he has done back then and now." Feng Ling made the biggest concession.

  Shen Jingyu sat down again and said, "Okay, after my father comes out, let's talk calmly."


  Because Feng Ling withdrew the accusation and expressed uncertainty about the evidence he gave before, not only that, but also to prove that the matter has nothing to do with Shen Fengshan.

   Shen Fengshan was able to come out of the place under investigation.

   This thing is obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

   The one who was hit the most was Shen Sihai.

   He originally had a cooperative relationship with Feng Ling. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to bring down Shen Fengshan in one fell swoop, and he could also blame all his crimes on Shen Fengshan. With the help of Duke Phoenix, he could even stay out of the way.

   However, in the blink of an eye, the Duke of Phoenix turned against him.

   It was also revealed that the Duke was Feng Ling himself.

  Shen Sihai sat in the huge office, feeling uneasy, Duke Phoenix was Feng Ling, and Shen Jingyu's mother.

   This was something he didn't expect anyway.

   is missing a great boost, and this boost has also become a powerful backup force for the opponent.

  This time, are you really going to lose?

   "Mu Han, have you met the Duke? What did she say?" Shen Sihai asked.

  Shen Mu said coldly: "The cooperation is still the same as before, and it has not changed. The Duke is not a person who is completely emotional. Even if she recognizes Shen Jingyu, she will not cut off her cooperation with me."

   "That's good." Shen Sihai said so, but it was impossible for him to remain calm.

   How could it possibly be better? Without Shen Fengshan taking the blame, everything has to be counted on his head.

   Shen Mu looked at Shen Sihai coldly. Recently, he was also investigating Shen Sihai's affairs.

  Fengling sued Shen Fengshan, but Shen Muhan would not so easily believe that Shen Sihai was innocent.

   He rejected the reminders from Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, it doesn't mean he trusts Shen Sihai completely, he just isn't used to working with that guy Shen Jingyu.

   That guy has already got Chu Ning, but Shen Muhan doesn't have the slightest affection for him.

It's even more impossible for Shen Muhan to trust Shen Sihai because he is his father. He doesn't have the habit of trusting one person, and he won't be like Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang, for some **** blood relationship, he will dig his heart out. Give up everything you have.

   In front of resources, interests and lives, Shen Muhan will always have only himself.

   This is the law of survival that he derived from escaping from a pack of wolves when he was three years old.

  Shen Sihai was upset and said, "Mu Han, I will never give up the matter that Shen Fengshan wants to kill you. Don't worry, I will definitely make him pay the price he deserves!"

   Shen Muhan smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.


  The Presidential Palace had a bigger reaction than Shen Sihai after learning that the Duke was Feng Ling.

   First of all, Jiang Xue, she stood up in shock, "Feng Ling is still alive? She's back?"

   "Yes, she is the current Duke of Phoenix." The subordinate replied.

  Jiang Xue was almost unsteady, her staggered legs slumped violently, she came back, still in such a strong position!

   (end of this chapter)

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