The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1526: I won't go back either

   Chapter 1526 I will not go back

   After he finished speaking, he rushed out and just caught up with the three little milk packs to get into the car, and he got into the car without hesitation.

  Ding Qinen was old, and when he chased out, the four of them were no longer there.

   She was worried and anxious: "What the **** is going on? What the **** is going on?"

  The three little **** were packed in the car, and everyone's face was gloomy, without a smile at all, their faces were stern, and they were worried about Ningning's condition.

   For a while, no one spoke, only the sound of silent breathing in the car.

   Shen Ye knew that if he took them to the mountain, he might be beaten to death by his father or elder brother.

   But in the current situation, he can't handle three little milk packs.

   It is unrealistic to lock them in the Shen family mansion.

   Forget it, just die!


   On the top of the mountain, the rescue continues.

   However, the cliffs are several kilometers high. From the mountain to the valley, every few hundred meters, there will be different convective winds. The wind speed is so strong that it can blow people to places hundreds of meters away.

   So no one has been able to go down to the bottom.

   Even Shen Jingyu himself cannot fight against such a complex natural situation.

   After he came up again, another group of people went down.

   "Daddy!" A few milky voices came from behind.

   Shen Jingyu turned back and saw three little milk packs of his own house standing in front of him.

  Because of the location of the top of the mountain, no car can come up directly, especially when you get to the top of the mountain, the more difficult the road is to walk.

Obviously, the three of them have come up this long road by themselves. All of them have bright eyes and white teeth on their cheeks, all of them are covered with dust, their faces are dark, and only the black and white eyes are full of light. With a stubborn look.

   Several small milk packs rushed to Shen Jingyu's side.

   He bent down and hugged them, thinking of Chu Ning's current situation, his heart was even more uncomfortable.

  Shen Ye ran over and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry brother, I didn't hide them, and I couldn't stop them..."

   "It's okay." Shen Jingyu's voice was full of tiredness and hoarseness, he whispered, "In a while, you can take them back."

   Big brother didn't blame himself, but Shen Ye felt even more uncomfortable and blamed himself for not doing this well.

  I didn't even help my eldest brother with such a trivial matter... Bringing three little nephews here will definitely make the eldest brother even more sad, and cause him more trouble.

   Also, it will make the younger nephews feel very bad.

   "We won't go back. We won't go back until we see Ningning." Ping Ping said loudly.

   Lele, who has never spoken, also shook his head and suddenly said, "I won't go back either."

   His voice was milky, soft and pleasant, but firm.

   This was the first time he had spoken, and the first time he had spoken in such a long time.

   Shen Jingyu's painful heart was injected with a trace of strength by his opening.

   After so long of hard work, Lele was finally willing to speak.

   But his attitude was still very firm: "Listen to Dad, you must leave."

   "No." The three little milk buns shook their heads vigorously, with tears in their eyes, as if they would flow out if they blinked a little more.

  Because Daddy said that men don't shed tears when they bleed, so they all held back and tried their best not to let their tears flow.

   But they really won't leave until they see Mommy.

   (end of this chapter)

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