The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1520: Suspicion is that Shen Sihai is interfering

   Chapter 1520 Suspicion that Shen Sihai is making trouble

The goal of    has been completed halfway, and the rest is Shen Jingyu.

  The number of people he arranged to go, and his strength were second to none.

   Shen Muhan, Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning are all dead, so the only one left is Shen Jingyu.

   "We don't have any news about Shen Jingyu." said Shen Muhan's subordinate who escaped.

   "No news... It must be Shen Jingyu's good deeds that killed my son! Send more people to rescue Mu Han. If you see Shen Jingyu, kill me!"

  The secretary-general hurriedly said: "This is impossible, Shen Jingyu's status is different..."

   Shen Muhan's subordinates were so angry that they all sought revenge on Shen Jingyu.

   The secretary-general was busy to discourage it.

   This is modern society, how can we do such a thing?

   Besides, he couldn't prove the reason for what happened to Shen Muhan.

   However, at this moment, no one doubts Shen Sihai.

   Hearing Shen Sihai's words, everyone just thought that he was heartbroken by the pain of losing his son, so he would say such words, and they didn't doubt that there were other things.

   "Okay, you all go in to find someone." Shen Sihai seemed to have made great determination and let Shen Muhan's deputy and Shen Jingyu's deputy go in.

   These people were allowed to enter the forest immediately.

   And Shen Sihai secretly sent people up the mountain, this time there is only one target left, and that is Shen Jingyu!

   With so many people going in, they can just fish in troubled waters, and even if Shen Jingyu dies, everyone will only be able to argue with each other.

   And he is already enduring the pain of losing his son, who else dares to question him?

   When Shen Fengshan and He Yiming arrived, Shen Sihai had red eyes and a sullen expression.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. He, please be considerate. He has just lost his beloved son and is in a very bad mood." The secretary-general received Shen Fengshan and He Yiming on behalf of Shen Sihai, "You two can go in and find someone, and we will No longer."

   Shen Fengshan and He Yiming knew that Shen Muhan had fallen into the cliff, and seeing Shen Sihai's demeanor, they couldn't say anything, so they brought people in instead.


   On the other side, Shen Jingyu has reached the top of the mountain.

  When he was a teenager, he came to this deep mountain for training.

   So I know that there is a very hidden trail here to go down the mountain.

   He could guess that Shen Muhan should have left here.

   I don't know, is he bringing Chu Ning, or will he be disadvantageous to Chu Ning?

   After Shen Jingyu sent the message to Shen Fengshan and He Yiming, he had to go first to find the whereabouts of Chu Ning.

   His weapons are already very few in stock.

  Fortunately, along the way, I killed a lot and replenished my arsenal.

   From these populations, he has not pulled out any useful information for the time being.

   For a moment, he suspected that Shen Sihai was interfering.

   But these people were constantly taking action against Shen Muhan, which made Shen Jingyu rule out this idea for a while.

  Shen Muhan is the eldest son that Shen Sihai relies on the most, no matter what, Shen Jingyu can't think of the reason why Shen Sihai did it.

   Suddenly, his communicator rang.

   He picked it up, and He Yiming's voice came from inside: "Jing Yu, where are your coordinates? Uncle Shen and I have already gone up the mountain to find you. All the signals have been restored, and reinforcements have arrived..."

  It turned out that Shen Sihai saw that Shen Muhan was dead, and with so many people arriving one after another, he could no longer control the signal system.

   (end of this chapter)

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