Latest URL: "Um——"

Soshyang's gaze swept across the dark angel and gray knight in front, and he was thinking about it.

All the people present are soldiers and soldiers. Naturally, it is clear that in a battle, if all parties do their own things, they will only hinder each other. It is bound to need someone who can get an overview of the situation, or at least make a general strategic plan.

But battlefield command is a very delicate thing, especially for the Astarte.

In the case of the Imperial Navy or the Astral Army, this matter is often simple, either from the appointment of the Terra Department, or the decision is based on the position or rank.

But Astarte is different. It is not necessarily the level of class that determines the command of a campaign. Just like the World Engine War that Soshyan participated in, there were so many battle commanders on the scene, but the command of the battle was ultimately limited. In the hands of the seventh company commander of the Ultimate Warrior.

Although it is the result of everyone's recommendation, there is no doubt that such results are often based on qualifications, fame, and even background. As for strength-

Everyone is Astarte, and no one will easily admit that he is inferior to others.

Of course, some battle groups will choose to use a duel to determine the commander, but if this method is not a battle group from the same parent group, it will inevitably hurt peace.

As a last resort, Soshyan was unwilling to choose this way.

But the two in front of them are not easy to follow.

Not to mention Azriel, as the commander of the start-up battle group of Dark Angels, even though his seniority is slightly lower than that of Soshyan, his background is much deeper, and he even brought the Boulder Fortress. From his current strength Shang is also the most present of the three battle groups.

As the great mentor of the Grey Knights, Joan Herald, from the perspective of the particularity of the Grey Knights, naturally possesses strong authority, not to mention that the opponent has served for more than a thousand years, and the qualifications are far from claiming. Shiyan can be compared.

But he is not willing to give up command power easily. After all, if you want to find a flagship in the future, it will undoubtedly be much easier to have command power.

Of course, Soshyang is not completely without advantages, at least he has "legitimacy", after all, it is the command power handed over by the planetary governor himself, and it is indeed reasonable on the face of it.

So, at this time, some strategies are needed.

"Oh, you can't say that, Commander Randall."

Soshyan sighed softly, turned around and said to Randall:

"I have only served the empire for many years, and I haven't established any merits. How dare I steal the position of commander? Azriel's commander is young and promising, and Herald's great master is also well-versed. They are better than me. More suitable."

Azriel was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Beria. The Deathwing Great Master just raised his eyebrows without much expression.

Azmody has always been like a sculpture.

"I haven't built any merits, I dare not say that."

Soshyang knew about the second Armageddon War that Soshyan had just fought. Azriel felt that if he stood up at this time, he would be too arrogant-the dark angel has always been restrained and calm on him. Undoubtedly revealed.

Herald also frowned upon hearing Soshyan's words.

"There is not so much vanity below, everything is just for the emperor."

Randall's eyes immediately changed when he saw Soshyang. He probably guessed what the acting commander was thinking, so he smiled and said:

"In this case, everyone should not be humble. The Soshyan Commander is responsible for the main strategic deployment of this battle, and the specific tactical plans are made by each team. If we encounter major decisions, we can discuss and decide."

There were smart people present, and they quickly understood Randall's thoughts.

In other words, Soshyan made the overall deployment, mainly commanding the Astral Army and the mortal troops, and did not directly intervene in the Dark Angels and Grey Knights, and negotiated and voted when encountering major decisions or large-scale joint operations.

This is a very compromised compromise, but it is indeed easier to accept.

Azriel nodded first, Herald was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

In this way, the title of Soshyan battlefield commander is firmly established.

Then everyone came to the strategic command room of the orbital station. Although the decorations here are still so old, the equipment has been repaired, and a huge holographic image of the Discharge Star appears in the center of the command room.

Soshyan then briefly introduced the situation of the platoon star. When he heard that a large number of demons had appeared on the planet, Joan Herald's face was very ugly.

No one knows the intractability and horror of demons better than the Grey Knight. Facing a world that is about to be completely swallowed by the chaos demons, it is impossible to rely on the power of a brotherhood alone.

Therefore, he secretly rejoiced that fortunately, the astral knights, the white temple and the dark angels were all here.

Azriel didn't say a word when listening to the briefing, but frowned.

After Soshyang finished speaking, he was the first to ask the question very politely.

"Are there still survivors on the planet?"

Soshyan nodded.

"Yes, there are many explorer fortresses in the Paiyangxing. Although most of them have been breached, some of them should remain."

With that said, he asked Colonel Stryker to be called.

This Katachan was also taken aback when he came. He suspected that he might be the one who has seen the most Astarte Commander in Katachan's history, especially the silver armored man who was very curious, but instinctively Tell him it's best not to ask.

"This is Colonel Stryker of the Katachan 183 Regiment, the former Governor of the Platoon Star, and the highest commander of the Resistance Army."

After hearing Soshyan's introduction, Azriel nodded to Stryker. In any case, it is a great thing for a mortal to persist in a world where demons are rampant for so long.

Joan Herald's gaze was much more complicated, both admiring, suspicious, and even with a touch of murderous intent, that strange gaze made Stryker hairy, as if being stared at by the executioner of the execution ground.

"Colonel Stryker, tell the two of you about the current distribution of the Resistance Army."

"Uh, oh, good... Now the remaining explorer fortresses and camps are mainly concentrated in the Red Sand Mountains, and there are six remaining. The radio communication has been good and bad. The last time we received news from there was half a month ago, and there seemed to be some fortresses surviving in the Jaeger Mountains on the southern coast of the mainland."

"Have you all fought the devil."

Joan Herald suddenly asked, making Stryker unresponsive.

After several seconds, he nodded hastily.

"Most people have worked with those ghosts. They can be difficult to deal with. Sometimes they can't be killed. It's better to burn them with fire."

"Are there many defectors?"

Stryker frowned.

"Honestly... quite a How high percentage of people went crazy or mentally disordered during the battle."

"Heh...this, I really haven't counted it, it's not a lot."

The more Stryker answered, the more he felt like a prisoner. The tone and vision of this silver armored warrior made him very upset, but he couldn't express it.

Although he was a Katachan, he was not stupid enough to get angry with an Astarte commander.

Stryker may not be able to hear the subtext of Joan Herald, but the three battle commanders who knew the Grey Knights vaguely guessed the murderous intentions hidden inside.

What happened after the first Battle of Armageddon, ordinary people, or even ordinary Astarte may not know, but someone will always know. After all, there are many space wolves involved in the incident in the battle group itself." Big mouth".

The three battle group leaders who happened to be present all have relevant records in the battle group.

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