The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 920: Battalion

The roar of the macro artillery gradually disappeared, and the bridge returned to relatively quiet.

Soshyan took a moment to appreciate the silence, while the scanning team assessed the damage caused by the salvo.

The Pandora galaxy is not that big. They took 3 hours to reach the Platoon. Although the orbital defensive station of the Platoon is occupied by the Black Legion, they have almost no defense against the sudden emergence of the fleet—perhaps in their In the old intelligence, the Imperial fleet is now working with their master

The force fleet is engaged in a decisive battle.

Therefore, when the Astral Knights’ fleet destroyed their communication system with the ‘scream’, the orbital station had no time to raise the shield, and even the weapon system had not yet been fully activated.

But even the shield was completely overloaded after the terrible round of firing of the Eternal Loyalty, and the energy system of the orbital station was down at the same time.

"The enemy's shield has been broken, commander of the battle group."

The scanner operator reported loudly:

"The energy system fails, the weapon system fails, and the communication system is damaged."

"They are paralyzed and are no longer a threat."

Luke said softly, as if it had to be pointed out.

Soshyang shook his head.

"Not a threat anymore? No, I never regarded this thing as a threat. The defensive station of the Disaster Star has been operating under extremely poor maintenance for two hundred years. It is almost a pile of rubbish. It's all the result, this is a sad little world that has been forgotten."

"Then do we need to blow it to pieces?"

"No need."

Soshyan rejected this relaxed approach.

“It’s not wise to spend more torpedoes or shells here, and even if it’s useless, the size is an area that can park warships. We have been in the void for more than half a year. It’s okay for large warships, but some small warships. It’s already necessary to berth for overhaul, and the fleet must maintain its best condition at all times to cope with emergencies.”

"Then we are ready to jump to help landing."

Suddenly, Soshyang turned around, because the hum of the power armor told him that someone had come to the bridge.

Sure enough, when the door opened, the figure of a company commander Maximilian in the armor of the Terminator appeared under the dim light.

He just glanced at Luko and came to Soshyan.

Maximilian had been absorbed into the Undead Society three years ago, and he also knew the truth about the Legion and the Soul Drinker in the past, so he was not surprised by Luke's appearance.

"Team commander, the teleportation room is ready, but I still think that you don't need your own hands to solve this orbital station. You can completely solve the enemy in a row. I only need an hour."

Luke nodded in agreement.

"No, I can't stay on the bridge all the time. This operation is not only a company, but a recruit company will also participate. It should be a joint combat training."

After that, Soshyan asked Luko to take over the bridge, he took a company of Terminators to the armory, and called his command team to gather here.

After that, he took off the Seiko power armor he wore every day, and with the assistance of the attendants, put on a set of Dehegan type Terminator armor-this armor is not the ordinary Dehegan type Terminator, but the old Said. The set worn by the head is the set of Terminator he found from the entrance of the net.

When all the weapons are ready, Soshyan enters the teleportation room, and on the teleporter grid, the precise coordinates have been deployed.

The recruit company took the Thunder Eagle into the orbital station ten minutes ago.

"Bridge, confirm the fixed-point teleport lock."

It took Soshyang a few seconds to determine the strength of the Terminator’s fixed flight signal.

"The signal lock has been confirmed, commander of the battle group."

"Transfer in one minute."

"Received, the engine and navigation system will be fully standby, waiting for your return."

Soshyan did a final check to make sure his integrated measurement system is working properly.

After confirming that the ancient armor was fully functioning, he gave orders to the tech priest on the teleportation control.


The whimper of the generator became louder and louder until it turned into a sharp howling, and then the arc of artificial lightning surging and surging across the columns of the generator.

Soon, energy sparks oscillated up and down on the side of each armored fighter. This high-frequency oscillation lasted for several seconds, until every fighter was swallowed up and down by the silver light curtain.

In the blink of an eye, the transfer room disappeared.

In an eternal moment, Soshyang felt that he was exposed to the inconsistent, weird and distorted non-material world, completely separated from reality and conventional time and space.

This weird experience only lasted a few seconds—

When a dimly lit corridor gradually became clear around him, a momentary confusion made Soshyang unable to think of anything that happened in these few seconds.


Suddenly, a bomb bounced off his left shoulder, and it eventually exploded on the bulkhead because of its deflection.

The more pressing issues now make Soshyang put many distracting thoughts behind him.

He turned around and fired without hesitation-the Seiko hot melt pistol sprayed a deadly stream of heat towards the heretical black armor, who happened to come to the top of the Terminator team while escaping.

Although ‘Dusk’ is a pistol, it contains many mysterious technologies that make its firepower close to that of a hot melt rifle, and the rotating heat flow instantly disintegrates the traitor’s shell from waist to neck.

A moment later, the gunfire of the other two Terminators tore apart Tao Gang, destroying the remaining torso of each other, and then turning a Chaos Interstellar warrior into a **** chunk of meat within two seconds.

Looking at the smoking corpse, Soshyang smiled slightly, and then issued an order to all the gang jumpers on the public channel:

"Don't keep one."

After that, he led the two Terminator squads towards the direction of the command module, while Maximilian took the remaining Terminators to control the weapon system of the orbital station.

According to strategic data, Soshyan knew that they were located somewhere on the central axis of the orbital station, about 800 meters away from the command module.

As the team strode forward, Soshyang saw many skinny and hungry people in the secondary passages on both sides wrapped in rags and fleeing hurriedly with their bodies full of lashes.

Some soldiers raised their guns subconsciously.

"Don't shoot. UU reads"

Soshyan stopped their movements.

"They are enslaved people."

"Team commander, some of them may have taken refuge in heresy."

A soldier uttered his thoughts in a muffled voice, and then pointed to the many profane words and symbols on the wall.

"The chief pastor said that mortals seldom survive contact with heresy."

Recalling Yazdan's serious face, Soshyan sighed lightly.

"The pastor will take care of this, but that is not your job."

Although knowing that this matter is handed over to Yazdan, the result is not much worse. Chaos pollution is indeed a problem that cannot be ignored, but Soshyan also hopes that the soldiers will have fewer opportunities to practice this necessary evil by themselves, even if it is only Once twice—

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