The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 908: Legion in the past

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After leaving the Ghost of Destruction, Sarpedon returned to his flagship Hate Heart.

This is a slaughter-class cruiser, as big as a city, with hidden corners and strange views, as well as clear-cut vistas, and more dark, decaying corridors and passages.

Although this ship is said to have been in service for nearly 10,000 years, it still feels relatively new to Sarpedon, which may be related to its long-term drifting in subspace.

On the other hand, the hatred that has been in the subspace for a long time has an elusive feeling, which can be felt from the wall-a large number of unidentified parasites are attached to its corridors and pipes like hairsprings, and the shadows are not fixed. The shape, but one is twisting and deforming.

Salperdon walked under a supporting beam and saw a mechanic's signature with binary numbers engraved on it.

Along the way, the steel aisle in front of me looks like a tree-lined road on the spire of a splendid tower. The low ceiling is supported by stone pillars. When you walk to the railing and look down, you can see the crumbling home of the senior crew members. Between the two generator houses-this ship is complex and huge.

After that, Sarpedon passed by the room used for worship, which contained altars and rows of prayer books, engraved with profanity.

Then there is a temple, half made of stone and half made of bones. It is symbiotically and fused with crimson steel. It is housed in a huge amphitheater. Its columnar facade and carved gable provide a singularity. The wide threshold is lit by a purple brazier, and if you look closely, you can see something moving inside.

But Sarpedon was not distracted, just walking alone in silence, some metal skulls and rune-engraved gems clinked on his armor, reminding him of their existence and his need to use them in the future. .

But his heart is not as calm as he looks on the outside.

For a brief moment, he thought of Soshyan.

That hypocritical guy.

Obviously doing the same thing as Huron, but believing that he is a philosopher, a king, or a member of the legal ruling class of the empire.

Sarpedon realized that the empire was completely hopeless. Even such a hypocrite could exist and be named a hero. The true warrior fought and died in the melting pot of war.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer a few times.

After walking for about twenty minutes, a group of huge double doors carved out of pitch-black wood blocked Sarpedon's path.

When he stood in front of the door, the surrounding servants had already scanned his presence and pushed the door open.

It was a huge space, filled with light, but the silence remained.

Entering the gate, there is a gallery full of handicrafts in the distance. The wall is covered with tapestries, showing the history of an unfamiliar legion.

A comet fell into the pale snow-capped mountains, and at the same time a child with a halo behind his head emerged from the fire pit caused by the impact.

Then a group of monks in yellow clothes took the boy to the temple, and not far away, a line of pilgrims stretched far away.

In the next picture, the snow-capped mountains are enveloped by endless black clouds, and strange-shaped monsters emerge from the cracks in the mountains and begin to devour mortals, using human bones as musical instruments and human skins as clothing.

This is a world full of tragedies. Gilded palaces and temples have lost their former luster, and statues of former gods have been destroyed.

In the center of this fallen world, he appeared as the only point of hope as the savior.

The boy became a handsome and great warrior, dressed in gorgeous armor full of scriptures, wearing a golden crown in the shape of a pagoda, riding a six-legged white horse under his crotch, and under his horse's hoof is a huge lotus flower, with one hand shining. Of the colorful gemstones, holding a dignified long knife in one hand.

Before the end of the world came, he crossed the top of the snow-capped mountains and headed to the devil country alone.

The orb pierced the black cloud, the long knife cut off the monster's head, and the evil was crushed before him.

Corruption was swept away, his image was illuminated by the sacred light, and monks in yellow and red robes bowed in front of him.

The army also put down their weapons, and people cheered and shouted his name——

Gesar! Gesar!

The story ends with the revival of the snow-capped countries and the poems and accounts written for Gesar.

But at the end there is a truth that Sarperdon knows. The emperor came to this world to find his heirs. Gesar returned to the stars, but he never thought that this would bring him and his world to the final destruction. .

As Sarpedon continued to deepen, paintings, frescoes and tapestries gave way to skulls hung on the pedestal and from the vaulted ceiling.

"Did you get what you wanted from Huron, brother?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side of the corridor.

Salperdon turned around, and there was a picture of Prototype debating with a group of monks painted on the wall.

"I'm going to find you, Tubek."

"After seeing you, I got what I wanted."

The smiling picture shell came out of the shadow, and the scrolls on his body drifted slightly with his movement.

"Huron gave me a fleet and told me to deal with Soshyan."

"Well, not surprisingly, Huron is a coward. Although he tries to pretend to be a tyrant, the essence of his stubbornness remains the same."

Salperton snorted.

"The Star Knights are not what they used to be. Although my spies have been eliminated, they have also collected a lot of information and sent it back...I am very surprised that now this small battle group has two More than a dozen warships, and the number of large warships accounted for almost half, can you believe it?"

Tu Shell tilted his head to think for a while, then shrugged.

"It's incredible."

"It's more than incredible—"

Salperdon said with a voice that could be called jealousy:

"They also have an unclear relationship with many casting worlds, and even Martian people often haunt their home planet."

The two of them said and began to walk side by side, passing through the gate and corridor, and the servants around saw them all saluting or kneeling down.

"It seems that you are not going to head to head with Soshyang."

Tu Shell reached out and patted the other's shoulder, jokingly:

"I thought you wished to kill him right away."

Salperton stopped and nodded to Qianzi very seriously.

"You're right, I can't wait to kill him right now, but I bear heavy responsibilities. These responsibilities force me to calm down and analyze the pros and cons of each action. I will not let my personal feelings take precedence over the revival of the Legion. On top of his future, this is something more important than my life."

For a moment, Salperdon's words penetrated Tubek's heart like a sharp blade, causing him to let out a sigh.

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