The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 879: Battle of Pandora

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Six hours after the Black Legion launched the attack, Attica was completely occupied, and then the great predator Abaddon ordered the plague master ‘slug’ Lex to spread a deadly plague to clear all the residents of the city.

The Katachan jungle warriors who were forced to withdraw from the city had to fight through the jungle ravaged by star predators. If it were the other forces of the empire, it might not survive this march, but the Katachan depended on Familiar with the jungle, defeated many lizards and beasts and various carnivorous plants, and finally reached the relatively safe foothills of Olympus two days later, which is only 150 kilometers away from Attica.

Here, Stryker decided to fight to the death with the Dark Legion.

But strangely, they unexpectedly began to have time to breathe and recover.

Although the Dark Legion harassed the remaining defenders of the Empire from time to time, it never launched a full-scale offensive, which gave Colonel Stryker time to contact the imperial forces that had not yet fallen.

Although the largest part of the Imperial Army is deployed in Attica, each underground explorer fortress has its own garrison, which adds up to tens of thousands.

Colonel'Death' Stryker, as the governor, quickly organized an air barge and began to gather the scattered troops into the camps at the foot of Olympus, and began to build fortifications in various places, using jungles and swamps as buffer zones. Disperse the remnants of the Katachan 183 regiment, intending to see the enemy in the battlefield they are familiar with and hold on for a long time, waiting for the arrival of the imperial reinforcements.

In addition, although the attack launched by the Black Legion was terrifying and quick, it still failed to prevent the platoon star from sending out a request for help. The desperate defenders held on for long enough to allow a star language request for help to spread in the non-material world. .

Despite the great efforts of the Chaos Wizards to allow the Black Legion to block most of the Astral Whisperer signals, a small number of signals inevitably spread out.

The Pandora Galaxy is located not far from the southern part of the Great Vortex in the Demeter region. Because it is so close to the area of ​​Blackheart Huron, the Demeter region is always on high alert in order to respond quickly to attacks.

The previous mobilization of the stellar fleet was precisely because of the signs of large-scale activities in Blackheart Huron.

When the signal from the Patriarch was received, the high-level commanders of the Imperial Navy finally realized that they were being tricked. They were trained by Huron and Abaddon to turn the tiger away from the mountain!

After receiving the call for help, the guard fleet closest to the Pandora system in the star zone was ordered to head to the platoon. At the same time that the 19th and 27th Cadian regiments were arranged to board the ship, a large amount of resources from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Navy began to converge. In order to invade the annihilation of Abaddon, at the same time the surrounding active several Astarte battle groups have received the command of the battle coordination.

The forces of all parties moved upon hearing the wind, and the battle of Pandora kicked off.

On the other side, in a mysterious world that does not exist in the physical universe, a mysterious meeting is also being held.

This is a simple rotunda. A huge black hardwood round table is placed in the center of the hall. It is surrounded by a circle of court storm assault soldiers wearing military parade gowns. Their faces are hidden in silver masks. Next, never reveal their true faces.

These silent honor guards, full of unknown meaning, will accompany the inquisitor Jaspierre Rex when he attends most official meetings.

Next to the judge stood his adviser, a navigator, incredibly old, and a young woman who was said to be a powerful psionicist.

Jaspierre is a tough warrior with a leather-like skin. He wears a simple black trench coat to set off the silver-plated artificial limbs and other artificial organs implanted in his body. These devices have injected amazingness into his old and weak body. Speed ​​and power.

When communicating with most people, the judge would stick his bald head with a little metal exposed forward, like an eagle foraging, a pair of sharp small eyes glanced vigilantly all the time.

But now, he just waited patiently.

Soon, heavy footsteps sounded, and a towering figure walked into the hall.

This is a silver giant wearing a custom-modified Terminator armor. The key parts of his body are engraved with mysterious spells, and there is no sign of any battle group.

The giant stood still and took off his helmet, revealing a cheek with a broad chin and a frowning brow.

Behind him, a silver Terminator team also entered the hall,

"Master, regarding the mutation of the Arrest Star, I have retrieved the ancient archives of the Inquisition Court. It records that the ranger knights sealed the rift. Abaddon may already know these things, and we must take immediate action. "

Tensenduo turned to Alaric. "Judge, what's your opinion?"

As the judge said, he took out an ancient book, even though it was in tatters.

In the classics, the entry of Pai Shang Xing occupies several pages-the first person who discovered this world was a small army of the Iron Hand who had just experienced the great rebellion. They seemed to have encountered something, and hurriedly left after fighting against something. After that, the Ranger Knight arrived in that world and spent several years creating a seal.

If the seal of the platoon star is lost, countless demons will gush out from this world and point their finger at the limit star field.

And these mysterious silver armor giants are the only warriors who can face the demon army of Abaddon.

However, if these fighters are all deployed near the platoon star, if there is an accident in other areas, Chaos will have the opportunity to directly attack the undefended heart of the empire...

The shortage of manpower has plagued them for thousands of years.

"Those things are already active? If that's the case, Abaddon can launch a deadly attack in the most vulnerable part of the empire."

The giant who took off his helmet pondered for a while before making a decision.

"I believe in the judgment of the trial court, then this operation will be led by the Seventh Brotherhood."

The judge nodded.

"The focus of the battle is actually to close the rift. The main force of the Black Legion has other imperial forces to deal with it."

"But there may not be many battle groups active nearby."

The judge nodded and suddenly smiled.

"I have released some the dark angels will move soon, and it will be a big move."

The silver armored giant frowned slightly when he looked at the other party with a successful conspiracy expression.

He understands the way of thinking of judges. Anyone, whether it is Astarte or ordinary civilians, or even other judges, is just a weapon to be deployed in the best position to destroy the enemy.

Of course, as Astarte, he also understands that this is the only way for the inquisitor to defeat his enemies in a huge and complex empire, but this does not mean that he likes the feeling of being manipulated.

"Inquisitor, the Brotherhood will be ready within twelve hours. This is not the first time you and I have cooperated. I hope you can make a more detailed plan for the throne before the action is launched."

"Of course, for the throne, great mentor."

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