The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 82: Telex and Netway

   Telex-type combat robots are cyborg assault troops transformed by a highly mysterious order of mechanics. The difference between them and other groups lies not only in their purpose, but also in their unique degree of transformation.

   Telex is not a machine in the true sense, but is transformed from the human body and belongs to a semi-machine.

   The Telex body armor that contained it was using the same technology as the power armor technology used by the Astarte Army, but they had entered a completely different direction of development.

   The huge body armor contained the main organs, nervous system and brain of the transformant's body, replacing all bones and limbs with an armor covering mechanical system driven by a built-in response core.

   This transformation process is very painful, and it also needs to replace the sensory organs that humans are used to. These two points determine that surgery is necessary to remove the pain center and emotions.

   Therefore, the modified Telex is a cold and calculating killing machine, but it maintains a certain degree of independent human consciousness.

   Although some people in the mechanics believe that this kind of transformation itself has been pressed on the red line of taboos, fortunately, they are not many and do not violate the Crimson Agreement in a real sense, so they can be retained as a highly difficult technology.

  The same difficulty lies in the extremely large amount of resources required to manufacture it.

   The difficulty of making a Telex also lies in the strength of the individual's survival consciousness, which affects how much ambition remains to be used after the transformation.

   Therefore, most of the time, the Telex transformation is generally reserved for qualified furnace guards and **** soldiers who have been fatally wounded in battle.

   Of course, there are still some objects of transformation that were obtained by the unfathomable and vicious source from even more mysterious channels.

   Telex are generally only produced by the Order, but they are also "given" to some other camps, such as the Cybernetica Legion, in exchange for allegiance and assistance by the great sages of the Order.

   Therefore, the terrible Telex also appeared in the group of the Legion.

   In addition, Telex’s most distinctive feature, under the faceless helmet that looks very evil, is actually an array of mechanical detectors.

   Through it, the battlefield that Telex perceives is like a frantic storm shaped by electromagnetic turbulence, blood heat, and ground shock waves.

   But in order to process this hurricane-like data, the organic brain must be surgically cut to remove the visual and auditory sensations that are only human energy.

   "Number, YT-0001, received the highest authority instruction."

   There was a dull mechanical echo from under the Telex helmet, and then the Astartes watched vigilantly in front of Soshyan, and then knelt down on one knee.

   After kneeling, the mechanical teaching symbol on Telex’s chest was separated from the middle, and a mechanical appendage held a miniature gene extractor in front of Soshyan.

   "Starting command authority authentication, genetic identification."

   Soshyang didn't want to do what he wanted, so he took off the armor of his left hand and pressed his index finger on the taker.

   As a slight tingling sensation came, the tiny needle penetrated Soshyan's skin and took a trace of blood.

  "Gene recognition is in progress——"

   When Soshyang retracted his fingers and put on his hand armor again, the opponent had already stood up.

   "The recognition is successful, the command authority has been authenticated, and the iris information and facial recognition information are collected."

   Soshyang just looked at the other party's evil mirror-like helmet for less than three seconds, and nodded to Convenience.

   "The collection is complete and it has been uploaded to the chain of command."

"Can you understand me."

   "High Gothic, recognizable."

   Soshyang glanced at Thor, and the other party nodded slightly in response.

   "My name is Soshyan, the captain of the Astral Knights."

   "Hello, Commander."

   "What is your identity, why do you appear here, what is your purpose, and who arranged it?"

"We are the Slaughter group, code-named YT, and we are deployed here under the highest command authority order to defend the area. When the abnormal energy field appears, the area will be cleared. Because the deployer has executed the erasure agreement at the same time, we cannot store it. Any information about it."

   "Abnormal energy field?"

   Suddenly Saul said:

   "In which direction?"

   But YT-0001 didn't seem to hear it, but just stood there quietly.

   Thor was stunned for a second, and then realized that he had made a somewhat low-level mistake-even cyborgs were also executing the most basic mechanical logic, and they would only report information to those with authority.

   "Which direction is the abnormal energy field?"

   Soshyang immediately opened his mouth to relieve Sol's embarrassment.

   "The 1-0-32 area. It may be more dangerous to be in this area. It is recommended that the group approach in a battle formation."

   "Okay, take us over."

"carried out."

   After that, including YT-0001, the green light of the sensor on the head of all combat robots was immediately replaced by a dangerous red light.

   Then they gathered together neatly with the slightest pace, forming an assault diamond, protecting the star warrior behind him.

  While following the fighters, Soshyan noticed that those spirit races seemed to have disappeared for a while.

   Finally, in the square, Soshyan saw a blood stain leading straight into the distance, and walking along the blood stain, they found an archway, and the blood stain disappeared in front of the door.

   This is an octagonal door with a span of about two hundred meters. It is surrounded by a bone-like substance and is surrounded by runes from ancient aliens.

   It seems that a Titan can pass through that door.

  Perhaps, if there is a chance...

   Thor stared at it intently.

   "It turned out to be this, I should have thought of..."

   He said in awe.

   "A network portal."

   Soshyang was a little surprised when he heard it, but he was not as shocked as the others, because he had already learned about the existence of the network through the introduction of Brother Said, and its function and meaning.

Then everything makes sense. Long before humans discovered this planet, the spirit race occupied the planet and established a gateway to develop it or do other conspiracies. .

   But they obviously encountered some accident, the plan was temporarily shelved, and finally the planet was owned by mankind.

   Obviously, the Spirit Race will not forgive this kind of thing.

   "They escaped from here."

   Since the bloodstain disappeared here, it means that the spirit race entered it not long ago.

   "Since this place has been abandoned for so long, it means that they must have played against the Cybonitica Legion, but they were defeated. After a long time, they plan to return here."

   Thor stared at the door, and said his inference.

   "Those scouts, obviously, are here to investigate whether the Cybernetic Legion that defeated them before still exists. Now that they have got the information they want, they should not invade in a short time."

   "Do we need to destroy this gate?"

   Soshyang patted the grenade on his waist, but Thor shook his head.

   "No, we still lack understanding of this thing. If we rashly do it, it is likely to cause catastrophic consequences...Have you ever thought that if this thing can be destroyed, the people who deploy these fighting groups will be released now?"

   "Then leave it here like this? But if--"

"We have too little information on the situation of the spirit race, and how much power they have now is unknown, but I think... if they are weak now, then even if they come into this world, they should not be afraid. The astral army in the nearby star area is completely It can be suppressed, or they have become stronger than in the past, or they have other allies, then we alone cannot fight against them."

   Although Sol’s theory is a bit strange, Soshyan nodded out of trust.

   "That's it."

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