The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 628: Soul Broken Homeland (Part 1)

In fact, at the beginning, Sommer was unwilling to drive the Hellhound when he was in service, because in order to achieve the best combat effect, the Hellhound converted the original crew compartment of Chimera into a box for loading promethium, which solved the battle. The issue of battery life ammunition in the middle **** cannon


Although the ammunition problem is solved, the large amount of promethium in the Hellhound also makes it an excellent target for enemy attacks, because just one bullet shot into the promethium can turn the whole Hellhound into a ball. A bright and hot fireball, and took away all the occupants inside.


   Even though the Hellhound would put extra armor on the promethium box, it still took Sommer several years to overcome his fear of being burnt to charcoal at any time.


   In addition, the Hellhound is also equipped with a heavy explosive bomb on the car body, which kills the approaching enemy.


Compared with the Chimera, the Hellhound not only has superior firepower performance, but also has thicker armor and larger engines. Its crew has also dropped to 4 people, namely the commander, the driver, the main gunner, and the deputy. gunner.


   "Go back to your post."


   Above the garage, the assembly number sounded, the lights began to flicker, shrouded everything under the twilight yellow, and groups of armored vehicles closed their hatches one after another.


   Sommer climbed to the roof hatch and got in. The other occupants were already inside and were conducting a routine inspection of the equipment.


   He reached out to close the hatch, but suddenly stopped.


The captain looked at the ceiling in front of him, and the war machine waited under the flashing lights and harsh horns. The armors closest to the gate had started their engines, the tracks began to rumble, and exhaust gas overflowed from the exhaust pipes. .


   Somo looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand why he wanted to do this. He didn't close the hatch until the warning light on the outer door turned green.


   The cold metal once again became his whole world.


"set off."


   Under Sommer's instructions, the driver started the engine and the Hellhound's tracks began to crawl slowly.


   Soon, they left the field garage and came to the vast assembly area outside.


Hundreds—no, thousands of armors filled the assembly grounds, Suo defaulted out of the Salamander Scout, another Chimera variant, and saw the Bison personnel carrier, in addition to several other types of him Unnamed armor model.


   Most of the armors are painted with the badges of their respective regiments. The sound of the engine, the commands shouted, and the sound of metal collisions merged into a wave, full of Sommer's ears.


   Farther outside the armored assembly area, there are boundless infantry groups, standing in the dusty wind and dust, waiting for the next order.


   Boom boom boom————!


   Suddenly, there was a roar and flash of explosion from a distance, Sommer realized what the light meant, and the artillery was sending the power they controlled to the area where the aliens gathered with a force beyond his imagination.


   Come to think of it, these artillery fires are enough to shred thousands of aliens, maybe all they have to do is just crush the remaining ones——


   At least Somo prayed that way.


   Armageddon’s main armored corps sent coordinates to the orbital fleet before the attack, and then the warships high in the orbit lowered flames from the air.


   The raging fire rolled through the wreckage of the building, setting off a number of small-scale cyclones, engulfing rock and steel with hunger.


   After the orbital bombing ceased, immediately, the long-range artillery began to roar, and the hammer of the heavy artillery blasted all the objects that were still burning into rubble, and the fire light shone the smoke into blood-red and pus-yellow flakes.


After   , the troops from Invernas Nest and Acheron Nest began to advance along the front line of hundreds of kilometers.

   To the north of the attacker are rolling mountains, their peaks are covered in dense fog, and to the south of the attacker, the swamp covered with solidified mud is like a black mirror.


   At the front end of the infantry wave, armors came in groups, like a wave of surging steel.


   The landing area of ​​the green skin is full of fragments that dissociated during the fall. They are metal with a blocky shell, and some fragments are higher than a two-story building.


   But under the track of the armored torrent, all the rubble turned into dust.


  On one attack surface, there are more than a thousand various armors and hundreds of thousands of infantry. The campaign organizers have mobilized more than five million mobile units in a short period of time, and made a great determination to end those aliens.


   Artillery of their respective calibers protruded from the armored car body and turret, and the bulldozer shovel pushed the gravel to the sides like fresh snow, passing through a labyrinth of metal fragments.


  The birdwatches of every armored vehicle are scanning and searching for their enemies.


   The crushed stones hit the shell like dust, and as they got deeper, they still found nothing.


   The signal is transmitted between the moving machinery: Has anyone seen anything? Why are there no aliens? Perhaps the bombing has destroyed the enemy?


The 17th Reconnaissance Company of Acheron is advancing quickly as the spear tip of the first wave of attack. Their company includes twelve salamander reconnaissance vehicles painted in coal black. After advancing for five kilometers, they become this. The first casualties in the battle.


   In fact, they could already see the towering keel of the World Killer, only 20 kilometers away from the crash site.


   But a green light beam shot from the ruins to the side of the reconnaissance column. The lighting beam touched the car body of a salamander and pierced its heart.


   In the next second, the armored car disappeared, and its shell exploded into a cloud of smoke, like a card.


After    more green light beams flashed, and another one disappeared.


   On the ornithology screen of the salamander reconnaissance vehicle that was advancing began to flash the signals of heat and energy beams, in a panic they began to blindly fire shooting projectiles into the ground in front of them.


  The defenders were no longer concealed, and attacked one after another, and more artillery fired from the ruins.


Just like a boulder smashed down like a calm lake, from north to south, defenders appeared from the preset ambush location. In an instant, hundreds of armors died, and their car bodies were pierced or pierced by explosions. It is crushed.


   More defenders emerged from the maze of wreckage, and continued to kill.


In the swamps of the south, several people-high walking machines drilled out of the quagmire. They have barrel-shaped shells and crude limbs, walking slantingly across the battlefield, but if you ignore them for this, you are making a mistake. .


   Flames shoot out from their arms equipped with weapons. The chainsaw on their arms can directly split the shell of the armored vehicle and kill the occupants.


  At this moment, the attackers seemed to stop advancing, and then the second wave of attackers passed the first wave.


   The infantry began to charge. They died in the fire, their bodies were blown into pieces of flesh and blood, and they died in the interval between two heartbeats. The sound of the impact of cannonballs echoed in their ears.


   But there are more enemies.


  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! ! !


   In the heartbreaking roar, the vast green tide counter-surrounded the human offensive spearhead from three directions. They escaped the orbital bombardment and are now eager for revenge!

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