The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 500: The last gift

"We may not be able to escape even if we go up now."

On the screen, the ghost of destruction is slowly approaching, and the raging fire covers its wings and the ridge of the ship. As Huron's flagship, it is clearly taken care of.

However, despite the fierce bite of artillery and lasers, it still has the ability to fight.

The thruster that destroyed the ghost's flanks began to burn violently, and it slowly lifted up, then turned to the right, and the knife-like bow aimed at the Unbound Soul.

Its huge collision angle filled the entire screen, and the light spear's turrets were also activated.

Due to the previous attack, more than a dozen of the turrets of Destruction Specter fell into an unusable state, but the still active turrets are really innumerable.

Soon, the flames of the light spear and short-range particle beams gushed out from the muzzle, and the artillery fire of the Unbound Soul also roared past, and the distance to the storm bird was almost only a hundred meters, and the alarm sounded.

"I'm afraid we haven't had a chance to board the ship, our flagship will be destroyed,"

Kerkus's eyes have been scanning the void battle, it seems that they have been isolated and helpless, the Red Pirates' warships are all crushed, and they are rushing towards the safe transition point.

Then, Unbound Soul suddenly turned its bow, and a fire spear pierced straight out of its side.


Kerkus frowned, wondering why the opponent suddenly gave up the attack.

At this moment, there was a sudden excitement from the cockpit.

"Communication is restored!"

Kerkus's heart trembled, and finally knew the reason why the other party started to retreat.

Communication interference has disappeared!

"Immediately pick up the Ghost of Destruction! And send communications to each battleship, the Lord is still alive, no one can retreat!"

The Unbound Soul is going away, and the warships of other empires are also following it one after another, and at the same time, the pupil of Hell has stopped attacking.

Several small frigates have entered the tow berth of Star Fort.

"They are leaving now..."

Kerkus had been staring at the stern of the ship with all his attention, so much so that when they suddenly arrived at the Wraith of Destruction, he was really taken aback.

The huge hull of this warship passed the observation window on the starboard side, the Stormbird suddenly landed, the roaring engine turned around, and the landing claws hit the deck hard.

Afterwards, the hatches and ramps of the spacecraft were all opened, and masked cultists and Chaos Space Marines rushed to the deck. The pharmacist hurriedly put the dying Huron on the emergency stretcher.

Kerkus also followed the gloomy warriors and walked off the Stormbird.

Many gunboats also sailed into the boarding deck with difficulty.

Suddenly, the Ghost of Destruction received a strong impact, and shrill sirens sounded everywhere.

Screaming commands came from various communication transmitters, which were almost distorted to an incomprehensible degree.

It turned out that a Thunder Eagle rushed over. The tail was blazing. It crashed into the deck. The torn landing claws splattered, and a landing pillar broke, causing its belly to hit directly. Sliding into the open interception net.

The damage control team hurriedly screamed and ran over, and the long water pipe sprayed foam extinguishing agent toward the fuselage.

The gunboat that landed screamed like a tortured ghost in hell.

A large amount of exhaust gas was emitted on the deck, almost making the air unbreathable. Several huge fans set off a storm. However, their efforts to purify the smoke had little effect, and instead stirred it into a dazzling haze.

Kerkus accompanied Huron’s stretcher into the vast mist. The tyrant closed his eyes, his nose and the corners of his closed mouth were still dripping with blood. The aura that originally enveloped him was gradually dimming, and a group of people could only The line hurried to the medical area.

Kerkus didn't know whether he should follow up.

At this time, a hand roughly grabbed his hand and made him bow his head.


It's Huron, he has come to life, but he is so angry.

"Yes, Lord."

"Command....Full't let...they...flee!"

The last two words exhausted all the power of the tyrant.

Kerkus nodded bitterly.


Having said that, he knew that they might not be able to do it.

Although communication has been restored, the communication facilities of almost all warships have been damaged to varying degrees. Almost all of the Star Whisperers have died. In this case, a simple communication grid can only be used to issue commands. However, it is necessary to coordinate the entire fleet. It's totally impossible.

When he rearranged the fleet, the enemy would have disappeared long ago.

But out of a sense of responsibility, Kerkus returned to the command position of the bridge.

Just when he urgently dispatched troops, the subspace engine of the pupil of Hell was activated, and then other warships of the empire, including the towed frigate, also activated the subspace engine.

Under the surprised gaze of the red pirates, the void was torn apart, and their fortress disappeared into the orbit.

But this is not the worst.

When Kerkus was about to conduct a loss count, an even more terrifying news came.

The astral knights left a gift before they left--

They even dropped an ancient virus bomb in New Badab! And the tyrant fortress in the middle of Huron instantly killed all the creatures in the surrounding area, and now the Life Eater virus is sweeping the entire planet along the wind.

There are few living people on the surface of the planet, and there is almost nothing to expect.

Upon receiving this news, the company commander who had experienced many battles slumped directly on the command seat.

"——Malagin did a good job. He didn't choose to retreat at the first time, because that would only allow the Red Pirates to organize the pursuit spontaneously. He chose to seize the chaotic gap of the Red Pirates due to communication failures and give The enemy caused very serious damage, completely knocked out the morale of the Red Pirates, and then moved the Star Castle. Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the fleet returned to the starting point safely. Now Star Castle is stopped on the orbit of Nathan IV. ."

After listening to Valer's account, Soshyang's face pulled up with a smile.

"Although he failed to kill, the lesson was deep enough that he would never dare to look at us directly."

With that, he jumped off the bed.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the two pharmacists exchanged glances briefly.

"What's wrong? You seem to have something inconvenient to say."

Valle scratched his temple, then took out a data board and handed it to Soshyan.

"Look at it."

Soshyang took the data board and scanned it for a while. His original joy quickly became heavy, then anger, and finally a rage that almost wanted to choose someone to eat.


With a snap, the data board was smashed against the wall and shattered.

"I must kill you——————————!!!"

Inside the medicinal cabin, a chilling roar echoed, long lasting...

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