The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 438: Pirates are coming!

Captain Tyak, as always, wore the gloomy all-black robe of the Star Language Hall, as indifferently and ruthlessly as before, receiving all kinds of information on the podium.

Now he has many problems to solve.

After the recent consecutive raids by the Chaos Space Marines, the tithes of the holy places of Šboles, Voltasom, and Catakya are below the quota, and his only hope now is that the numbers obtained in Nurhaven will be better. .

The place has the military presence of the Imperial Navy, and it is unlikely to be attacked by pirates.

However, the navigator recently stated that the Nurhaven was in the region of a subspace storm.

Tayak was forced to stand by, which made the captain very frustrated.

Because now he has neither completed the task on time, nor reached the predetermined limit.

To make matters worse, the Holy Word took a special passenger in Voltasom, the Inquisitor Orsino Quandt.

Although the bureaucrats of the trial court often took the free ride of the Star Whispering Hall, Taiak didn't want to be extravagant at all in this juncture, he just wanted to complete his task quietly.

Fortunately, Ossino Quandt didn't bring too many entourages, but it was enough to bore Tyak.

Quandt was short, wearing a fur coat and hunched back, especially short when he stood beside Willets and her sisters.

The inquisitor still has a short gray beard. He always has that kind of comforting smile on his face, which makes him easy-going. The blue bionic eyes make him look like a jeweler, always squinting. Look at everything and evaluate its value.

Except for the short cane, the inquisitor gave up all obvious weapons and equipment-although the captain noticed that his hands were packed with gorgeous rings, which could contain many weapons.

It is rumored that Quandt had dealt with interstellar warriors and was recently sent to supervise the atonement expeditions of certain battle groups that had participated in the Badab War before.

But Tyak still had trouble imagining how this inquisitor threatened an interstellar warrior.

However, Quandt took a keen interest in Knox who was imprisoned on the ship, and pressured the captain Tejak and Willets to provide information about her.

The inquisitor is particularly interested in the state of the psionicist after being silenced.

But his interest was quickly interrupted, and an unexpected situation suddenly appeared.

A few hours after returning to the black ship, after being blessed by the priest on the deck of the monastery, Willets was urgently recalled.

The command deck was full of people, additional Stormtroopers had been stationed, and Inquisitor Quanter and Taiyak were standing next to a remote ornithology.

"Captain Teyake."

Adriana Willets greeted each other, and the captain looked disturbed.

"I need you to cooperate with the Stormtroopers."

Teyak directly expressed his purpose of summoning the other party without leaving his eyes on the screen.

"What happened?"

Quant patted an officer on the deck on the shoulder, and then pointed his short, thick finger at the console.

"Put it on the big screen"

As the inquisitor ordered, when the screen began to crackle, the image of Saint Šboles and the star area turned into a blurry image in the distance.

Although not very familiar with instruments, Adriana Willets was able to tell from above that two unfamiliar fleets were gathering from different directions towards the holy order.

The inquisitor pointed his cane at a small group of armed cargo ships scattered in the space.

"The number of this assault ship is on the heresy list."

Quant said, pointing to a destroyer-class destroyer rushing towards the Holy Order at high speed.

"Admirer of horror, ogre, this is the ship of the Red Pirate."

"You seem to know well about traitors and heretics."

"I have a responsibility to understand them."

The judge told her coldly.

"These pirates accepted the order of the Badab tyrant. They kept moving in the Maelstrom area. The previous month they ransacked several fortresses and dragged the living and the dead to the slaughterhouse on the ship. This perverted story is in 12 star regions. All spread,

But this time I came too fast..."

The nun frowned, guessing.

"Are they fighting for this witch?"

"They are fighting for the tyrant of Badab."

The judge immediately corrected her,

Willets' heart sank immediately.

In such a bad subspace storm, the black ship dared not jump, but the red pirates didn't care, it was their home there.

The commanding nun didn't think their power could fight an entire pirate fleet, so they pinned their hopes on reinforcements.

She thought for a while and asked:

"Can we send someone to ask for help?"

"I have requested reinforcements, but it will take time, and it is still unknown where the reinforcements will come from."

The judge replied solemnly, and then he patted the deck officer on the shoulder.

The screen returns to the previous interface. Above them, Willets can see that the pirates are getting closer and closer to the world of the state religion.

"Captain Tayak will do everything possible to deal with the threat. I will stay on the bridge and contact our reinforcements. I need you to be responsible for gathering the cargo deck, bringing your sisters and the garrison on the ship. The enemy may just want blood. , Or maybe want this ship, more likely to want our cargo, we can’t let this happen.”


Willets nodded, for the sake of the emperor, she had already captured Jiroubia Knox.

These psionics belong only to the master of mankind.

It didn't take long for Willetts to be ready. She gathered all the nuns and storm soldiers on the deck of the monastery and gave a short speech.

The emperor’s servants stood in the archway, in front of the tapestries and altars.

Their faces are as solemn as the surrounding buildings.

Adriana Vilez's armor is the night's black, set off the white and flawless coat, but her skin itself is white like a page recorded in the Imperial Word.

The commanding nun’s hair was cut into rough short hair, half black and half white. The white curly hair set off the young nun’s serious face, while the black curly hair and her other half of her face were hidden in the darkness.

She didn't say anything about honor to the sisters, life on the black ship was meant to serve the emperor.

The work is dark and harsh, just like the environment in this dungeon.

The psionics transported here and the measures taken to contain them create that kind of desperate atmosphere. Only the emperor’s most determined servants will endure this permanent torture in the name of the emperor, but it is through their efforts to collect These fuels are sent directly to the emperor, only then will the light of the star torch search the Milky Way.

This job is the closest job to the emperor.


Willets asked the missionary Ranjera to bless the men and women who defended their sacred duties to the death, as well as their weapons.

When Lieutenant Nugent and his stormtroopers stood beside them in black carapace and robes, the optical devices of their helmets glowed blue in the dimly lit room.

Their weapons were blessed, and the soldiers put on backpacks, connected cables to their rifles, and then lined up to cross the deck and enter the battle position.

They have their orders, and they know their responsibilities.

The nuns of the Ebony Holy Grail Order knelt before the priest one by one, wearing white holy clothes, and Ranjera blessed them with holy water.

Willets ordered the Armory to equip her comrades with the heaviest weapons available, including heavy flamethrowers, blaster guns, and multi-tube fusion guns.

To deal with traitor interstellar warriors, they need such weapons, and only in this way can they penetrate their armor.

The nuns had their waists pierced with extra grenade and blasting pistol magazines, and they left this deck under the watch of the nuns' captains Desiree and Anatole.

Sister Nastasia Desiree tidyed up the uniforms for the sisters, her gray hair curtains resolute eyes stared at every nervous face.

She is like an older mother, finishing the dowry for her young daughters.

After confirming that the equipment is in order, Adriana Willets said to her subordinates:

"The traitors try to surprise us, crush us, and defeat us, but they will fail! You will ensure this. This is a sacred place, a place blessed in the name of the emperor! Traitors and heretics have no place here. , Our explosive bombs and flames will answer them and drive them back! If you can’t, at least, let them pay for every step! May your armor become a wall that stands forever, and your body becomes inviolable The oath will never break! The things here are that only the emperor can enjoy it. This is a sacred oath that you and I must never violate! You will not fail, your sisters will not fail, and the Lord of Mankind will not fail!"

"In the name of the emperor!"

The nuns answered neatly.

And just as the Holy Word was gradually engulfed, in the turbulent subspace tide, a huge fleet was under the guidance of some mysterious force, cutting through the waves in the storm, and heading straight to New Barbuda, the nest of the Red Pirates. !

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