The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 419: The **** truth (part 1)

"I pay tribute to your hard work, steward."

Ten minutes later, Ustad turned his gaze to the middle-aged man who was already bald.

"But the progress has fallen behind the scheduled timetable. Can you catch up with the schedule?"

"This... Is this your request?"

"Do not."

Ustad shook his head.

"This request comes from the commander of the battle group. Now the external situation is unclear. The pirates of the spirit race also destroyed the Nathan Six a few days ago, and he is under some pressure."

The dockmaster smiled awkwardly and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief.

"In fact, adults, we are all under pressure. Workers have never dealt with this scale of work... The scheduled timetable can only be as accurate as possible, but it is still a forecast. Now we are seriously short of manpower. And skilled craftsmen, so they will encounter unexpected delays."

"How much is the manpower shortage?"

"About two hundred to five hundred thousand...This is not the point. The point is that the working hours of workers have increased again and again, and their bodies have been pushed to the limit. There were 5,432 workers in the last month alone. They have worked too hard due to various diseases and unexpected deaths caused by fatigue, but their quantitative rations and remuneration have hardly increased. Everyone has complaints."

"Let those mortals complain less."

Mo Senli turned his head to the side and yelled sternly.

"Give them a little encouragement, and then give them some spurs, let them know that they are working for the empire, not playing the house, and there is no time to complain to them."

"Big, my lord..."

Astarte's anger was not something a mortal could bear, and the shipyard master was immediately frightened.

"Mosenley, don't get angry at him, we are here to solve the problem."

Ustad waved his hand, and the deputy commander turned his head immediately.

Then the second company commander calmly said to the shipyard master:

"I don't want to be rude, steward, but this is the most important thing in the battle group right now."

"I will talk to the foremen..."

Ustad's gentle attitude gradually calmed down the shipyard master.

"See if they can adjust the schedule again, but in terms of remuneration--"

"I know."

Ustad nodded.

"I will feed this information back to the commander of the battle group. You will give me the number of lost workers and the amount of materials consumed this year, and by the way, call a few foremen over. I want to talk to them in person."

While waiting, Ustad and Mosenli walked to an observation tower in the construction area.

In front of them, a heavy landing ship as huge as a rock wall was slowly pouring into the warehouse, leaving a pool of shiny oil stains on the metal ground.

"I don't know how difficult it is."

Mosenli said.

"Let them work harder, they will work harder, we have this right."

"It's more complicated."

Ustad shook.

He knew that the reason why Moseley had this idea was not because of his mean nature, but because the Soul Drinker, as a ship-based battle group, spent most of the time floating in the void, rarely in a fixed place, and a group of fixed groups. Mortals live together.

Their attitudes towards mortals are too rigid and too tough. This is a common problem with most ship-based battle groups.

The cold and cruel void has molded their perseverance and also their indifference.

This is exactly what Soshyan is changing.

"Really, company commander? They have been slugging long enough. In my opinion, the key point is the length and frequency of rest periods. They are all too lazy.... Men’s sleep for 5 hours is enough. Women only need to sleep for 6 hours, and only idiots can sleep for 7 hours!"

"Fatigue is only part of the problem."

Ustad could only remind his deputies tactfully.

"There are more problems in the middle. What we need is cooperation, not slavery. We have to recognize and accept their qualities."

"Company commander, are you talking about weakness?"


"Then I am very glad that I am not a mortal now."

Mosenli shrugged, but Ustad laughed.

"In any case, if the construction progress continues to fall behind, the battle group leader will be very distressed. We have already lost a frigate in the battle against the spirit race. Although it seems that the loss is not large, I know that he was completely for this. Sighed for three days."

"Trust me, company commander, as long as our attitude is tougher, we will not lag behind in all progress. Nothing is more convincing than lashing."

"I think the main reason workers are slowing down is to ask for extra pay."

"Do you think they are deliberately slowing down the progress?"

Mo Senli asked in surprise, this view made no sense to him. He had never thought that mortals could work under the hands of Star Warriors.

"I should be. They complained about overwork, hoping to get a large extra salary through foreign workers, and then they seem to be working hard."

"Then kill a hundred people and find out a few slackers."

"In fact, their requirements are not excessive."

Ustad shook his head and looked at the iron dome above the Star Harbor, where the light of distant stars was reflected, and the transport ships that were about to arrive at the harbor looked particularly bright.

While the two were waiting, the representative of the foreman would not be found for a while.

The reason is very simple. Whenever they heard that they were going to see the star warrior, no one would go.

This is so scary. If it's not good, there will be no small fate. Everyone is just a flat-headed people, and there is no glory.

In the end, everyone nominated one person, just because he had the experience of seeing an interstellar warrior-probably at a distance of two hundred meters.

The hapless guy cried and didn't die at first, but he couldn't help everyone to surround him, blame him for justice, and say that he was a self-interested individualist regardless of everyone's interests.

Under various threats, that person could only agree.

Before long, the already impatient manager took him to a high tower.

When setting out, the 30-year-old welder foreman had trembling legs, swollen eyes, sweating like rain, and felt as if his feet were floating in the air without touching the ground.

The guards on the road didn't stop him either, they kept letting him into the tower, and he almost walked up with him all the way out of his soul.


His head was almost buried in his chest along the way, and it wasn't until the manager coughed loudly that he raised his head as if he had just awakened from a dream.

At this moment, the two stalwart armored giants standing opposite him almost made him dizzy. As for his appearance, he dared not see clearly.

"Are you a worker's representative?"

One of the giants asked softly, with a soothing tone.

"Yes, they called me up."

The foreman looked at the lines on the metal ground and answered in a soft voice, unlike the voice of a strong man.

"How is your life lately?"

"Thanks to the Lord, it's all good..."

The foreman thought about it again, and then said lowly.

"It's time to work, to eat and to eat."

"How are you eating?"

"Yes, ration bars, fast egg whites, carcass starch..."

"It's all synthetic food?"

"We are all used to it, and we can eat it... The adults have said that only the things produced in the sacred factories of the empire are safe for everyone to eat. Those that grow in the ground contain all kinds of toxins. ."

The other giant laughed and said:

"This guy is honest."

As soon as the foreman heard the compliment, he was very happy and bold, and began to narrate.

"In addition to these, everyone will even out some alcohol from the antifreeze and other places, and drink it with the protein block, the taste is really exciting—"

The one who had spoken before suddenly interrupted his speech.

"I heard that you have some questions about working hours and remuneration."

Upon hearing this, the foreman's face immediately changed.

"My lord, we..."

He shrank his head The giant stepped forward and said gently:

"Don't be afraid, don't hesitate to say if you have any problems, I am here to solve it for you, not to punish anyone."

Maybe it was the other person's attitude that gave the foreman some information. After swallowing his throat, he said in a low voice:

"Adults, the schedule is too tight. Everyone keeps working overtime, overtime, and overtime. We can't see the size. It's okay to say that we are younger and strong, but women and children are almost unable to stand it. Many people are tired Yes, but I don’t even have time to see a doctor...everyone, everyone said, this is calling us to be a servant."

The giant nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly his brow frowned.

"Wait, you just said women and children?"

The giant turned his head to the director.

"What's the matter? Why are there women and children among the workers!?"

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