The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 416: The prophet's foresight

"I heard that most of your predictions come from dreams."

Talos felt surprised, and the other's eyes were full of understanding and regret.

"This should not be the first time you have handed yourself over to the judgment of fate. I can feel this in your character."

Soshyan's words peeled away the scab left in the past, as if Talos was now a specimen nailed under his calm gaze.

Talos glared back at each other.

He still remembered the fall of the sky, and he also remembered that he fell along with it.

He still remembered Charles' face and his last grin, and the wind that stinks on the corpses of the slain brothers on Holy Terra.

The spirit race tried all means to kill him, and he also planned to leave himself in that dead world.

This was what he saw and it should have happened, but in the end it changed.

Is it necessary to have power to change destiny?

"I can see that being an Astarte hollowed you out, and then left a void in your heart. People may say that this is the ashes brought by the scars of the soul, which is very hurtful."

Talos tried to bring his attention back to the present, but he couldn't do it.

They left him and became dust and defiled ruins.

They abandoned him, in the **** **** of the dead mountain.

He can only continue to run about a war about revenge and a broken future...

Soshyan continued his words.

"...Giving up will not be far from pain, you hope it can be so, because it is better to accept than the truth... but it has nothing left, no hope, no relief, no forgiveness."

Talos remained silent, but he could feel that his heart was filled with irritating blood, his muscles were tightening slightly, and his skin was prickling with sweat.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath to calm his body.

Soshyan pulled into each other's distance and looked at him less than half a meter away.

With a long pause, Soshyang frowned.

He removed the lighting ball from the iron bracket and moved closer, the heat irritating Talos' bare face.

"Wait, your eyes..."

Soshyang tilted his head and took a step back, then took a scalpel from the table on the side and raised it in front of Talos.

"Look at it."

Talos widened his eyes and found that he had a slightly distorted face on the silver-plated metal surface, but that was not the point.

The key is that his eyes, the iconic black eyes of the Eighth Legion, turned dark purple at this moment, just like that crazy subspace.

"how come........"

Soshyan looked at Talos, his face showed nothing, but in his heart, all kinds of speculations poured out.

Does Talos' abnormality mean that he has been seriously polluted by subspace?

Or he has become a dish for the dark gods?

Perhaps this prophet is not as valuable as Saivita said.

But in any case, it's just that Talos is not a person who can quickly make a judgment-he is a very complicated person with strong emotions and desires, in this regard, he does not even look like an Astarte. .

"Do you know what's happening to you?"

Soshyan asked slightly sharply.

"I do not know anything."

"There is a smell of lies in your words, although very few."

Talos looked away, and Soshyan immediately smiled at him, his grinning mouth splitting his face in the light of the illuminating ball.

"So I also have a question, what brought you to Nathan Six, Prophet?"

Talos turned to stare at him.

"I saw my own death, right here."

"But you are not dead, which may prove that your prediction is not always correct."

"This is the only time."

"Can you change your understanding, fate is not immutable?"

For a moment, Talos felt that he saw something on Soshyan's face, something that broke the mask of subtle control.

With his eyes wandering in the shadows, the prophet once again felt the touch of fate, a firm belief and primitive ambition in the narrow cell.

Then everything disappeared, returning to the imperceptible senses.

But Talos has seen it.

In that flash of light, he caught a glimpse of something, a slowly rotating yellow and green planet, surrounded by an unstoppable intense anger and impulse——

Talos' distraction for a moment was also caught by Soshyan, he stared at him straight.

"...Did you just see something?"

Talos opened his mouth, and he felt that his tongue was ready to make words and sentences-revealing the scene he had just seen.

He can tell the truth, he can say it in a few sentences, and he feels the temptation to say these words and the need to solve these unanswered questions.

But he really wants to help this unpredictable Eleventh Legion?

Talos still does not know what new arrangements fate has made for him, but what he can be sure of is that he will never surrender and will never stand on the position of "loyalty" again, even if Soshyan said Really, he hated the Eighth Army.

But he is still the son of the Eighth Army, which is an unshakable fact.

The decadent empire will never be his home.

After a long time, Talos said calmly:

"I didn't see anything."

Soshyan nodded, his eyes like a gleaming obsidian embedded in the gray face.


He put on his robe and hood, and walked to the door.

"I will be back, son of the Eighth Legion. At that time, I will decide your fate."

Loken closed his eyes and plunged himself into total darkness.

Suddenly, Soshyan, who was about to leave, stopped.

"By the way, those people are very good. The pharmacist named Valier is under review. We need to get some information from him, but you can rest assured that they are all peaceful means, and I have made them anonymous. Go to a peaceful place to live, you don't have to worry about As for the mechanical bishop named Dietrian, he is very happy to accept his new identity and is now working hard to atone for all his past actions. "

Talos opened his eyes sharply.

"You are the most despicable pseudo-emperor running dog I have ever seen."

Soshyang didn't speak, but looked at him quietly.

"I saw it, the world you were looking for, Ulano."

The prophet narrated in a plain tone:

"Go find a world with large deserts and forests. In addition, it is threatened by a powerful force. I guess that force should be green skin."

Soshyan nodded.

"Thank you."

Talos snorted and did not speak.

"Do you think I was threatening you just now?"

The Prophet smiled, but still did not speak.

"I'm curious, Talos, why do you think I would use other people's lives to threaten a chaos traitor? Don't you know the character of chaos traitors?"

Talos' shoulders froze.

"In the past, would you accept this threat?"

The Prophet gritted his teeth, he felt as if he had been fooled.

Soshyang laughed.

"Talos Varkoran, as I said before, you are dead, the soul hunter of the Eighth Legion is dead, you have returned to yourself, and since you cared about other people’s lives, you no longer belong to Lord Midnight."

With that, he disappeared outside the cell.

Darkness once again enveloped Talos' world...

I'm so on the street, should I be okay?

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