The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2020: Bloodless

Standard Terran Calendar 41

Maelstrom, Kerkeria Galaxy, Expeditionary Force Central Battlegroup, Flagship Eternal Loyalty

Due to Talos' previous "sabotage" operation, the power of the Red Pirates in Korklia has been greatly weakened. Therefore, when the expeditionary force assembled in Angstrom and then launched an attack, the Red Pirates The defenses quickly crumbled.

The Red Pirates obviously did a good job in intelligence work. They already knew about the arrival of the Dark Angel and the Indomitable Truth. They did not choose to engage in a decisive battle with the main force of the fleet. They simply made some resistance and gave up several key positions in the galaxy. All important facilities and personnel were taken away, and those that could not be taken away were basically destroyed.

It can be said that the expeditionary force recovered Kerkeria without bloodshed.

It's just that although the battle between the galaxies ended quickly, the battle on the planet did not end soon.

As an area that once belonged to the empire and then voluntarily rebelled against the empire, most people in Kerkeria already know that they have no way of turning back. The return of the empire means that many people must die, and more people and their descendants need to fight for Slaves have been slaves for several generations or even dozens of generations.

Therefore, people in this galaxy are very resistant to the expeditionary force, and Huron knows that Suoshyan will not execute the extinction order on the territory he has already acquired, so he specially arranged a large number of agents and scattered war gangs to enter the hive capitals of each planet Lurking and inciting in the middle, the expeditionary force immediately faced the problem of security warfare.

In this case, Soshyan made an immediate decision.

It is unrealistic to kill everyone directly, and it is a waste of time, so he demanded that all the aborigines be driven out of the hive city, and controlled to go to the huge "temporary closed camps" built in the wild for strict monitoring and management, and those who choose to stay in the hive capital will be regarded as enemies and will be shot to death.

Afterwards, a large number of Astral Forces entered the Hive City to carry out the "scorched earth policy", and set up barbed wire and various defensive facilities in various areas of the Hive City to block the flow of enemies in the Hive City.

While the expeditionary force cleared Kerkeria, Azrael, the Supreme Master of the Dark Angels, also led his troops to attack the red pirate outpost in the Mag star cluster, but their main goal was to search for the trace of the demon prince, but the other party has After the grief galaxy event, he never showed up again, and there were no witness reports, so it was not easy to find for a while.

And the Central Strike Group of the Expeditionary Force temporarily took no further action after lightly defeating Kerkeria. On the one hand, Huron's decisive retreat surprised Suoshyan, and he couldn't tell the truth for a while. On the other hand, Oka It has been a while since Mu has sent any information. He is not sure if something happened to the other party, so he needs to send a scout fleet to the occupied area of ​​the Red Pirates to investigate. It just so happens that Kerkeria still needs to be suppressed for a while. After all, as a galaxy that used to be relatively prosperous in the maelstrom area, Soshyan could not be insane and directly issue a mass extinction order. Talos dropped a virus bomb on the capital of the galaxy, which has seriously damaged the vitality here. Some industrial facilities, but so many habitable worlds are still useful as a forward rear, at least they can be used to house wounded soldiers and provide logistics ports.

The point is that Huron's choice to back down forced Soshyan to be more cautious. An opponent who knows the trade-off is obviously more troublesome than a fierce opponent who doesn't know how to retreat.

During this time, Soshyan also received some other news.

"This is a contact report from Planet Three's hive in the past week."

Veronica, who came to Soshyan's side in black high heels, put a stack of documents as thick as a thumb on the table.

Soshyan sat at his desk in the office, picked up the documents, and started reading.

It only took him about ten minutes to read these.

"It seems that the activities of those rebel gangs have been basically restricted."

With that said, he raised his eyes to Veronica from the reading report, and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, some interesting news have been sent from various theaters a few days ago."

"Oh? What is it?"

Soshyan picked up a holographic data pad, and with a single click, some document pictures were reflected in midair.

"This is the outstanding young general in each theater I asked them to count. Look at this."

Soshyan stretched out his hand and enlarged a document. Veronica looked at the other person's name and said with some surprise:

"Arni Morales? Son of old Morales?"

"Well, it's the nobleman. At first I thought it was a show, but Arash spoke highly of him. Look at the regiment he led, a C-class regiment, the so-called cannon fodder regiment, but look at his Records. Tsk tsk tsk, not only took the lead several times, but also eliminated the enemy's Chaos space fighters in several cases. The most recent time was to go deep alone and take down the enemy's key stronghold in one fell swoop.

"Strange, why did old Morales arrange a C-class group for his son?"

"I heard that it was Arni who requested it on his own initiative, but it may also be...someone tripped up old Morales. Speaking of which, I have a guess."

With that said, Soshyan called up another document.

"Chinedu Silva, the captain of a destroyer, belongs to the Phil formation, and is performing the task of escorting the transport ship of the Fifth Theater. When the Fifth Theater attacked the Vulture galaxy three months ago, they were covering a A transport fleet carrying supplies and more than 3 million troops headed for the theater, but encountered a raiding fleet of more than 30 warships led by Red Pirates on the way. Phil's formation only had six destroyers. and four frigates, but under the leadership of Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Clifford decided to buy time for the convoy, they used a suicidal approach attack strategy under the cover of an occasional flare activity in the asteroid belt and surrounding stars , but the flagship of the commander, Major General Clifford, unfortunately sank in the first wave of firefights, and he himself was sacrificed. The servitor disrupted the opponent's command by jumping to the enemy's flagship, delayed the enemy for a full three hours, bought time for the transport team to leave, and finally left the battle with the remaining three warships after changing the flagship twice .”

"Oh, it's a miraculous battle. This Chinedu is only 31 years old."

"Haha, I'm afraid there is one thing you can't think of. He is the illegitimate son of Earl Sten Vaughn."

Veronica covered her mouth with her hand in surprise.

"Isa, actually."

"Earl Vaughn has many illegitimate children, but this is the one he values ​​most. He was sent to aristocratic schools from childhood, and went all the way to the Naval Academy."

"Then why is he willing to let him go to such a dangerous place? Could it be, this is not his arrangement?"

Soshyan nodded with a Most likely not, I guess it should be someone's revenge after being tripped. "

"Heh, playing with each other's sons, I still can't understand how you humans fight."

"There are a lot of things in the royal court, but I let Doral handle them, not to mention this and other things, Colonel Creed from Cadian, Colonel Haron Tanz from Modian, and Attila's Shanyu’s son Dankezik, etc., there are so many young and outstanding commanders in this expedition, these people are the future pillars and pillars of the empire, I have ordered the state church to send a team of crossmen to each person on the list As the bodyguards of the battlefield, although they still need to go through the cruel battle, but saving one more will save a great loss for the empire."

While the two were talking, the communicator suddenly sounded, and Soshyan immediately pressed the button, and Ustad's voice came from inside.

"Chapter Master, we have captured a special prisoner who may know some important information."

(end of this chapter)

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