The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1371: up for sale

"Kayan, what are you going to do?"

On the way back to the ship, Soshyan couldn't help asking.

Kayang just glanced around, then smiled:

"Find the easiest way to participate in the arena event. You must know that competitive foreign races of that size can't participate, but now is a sensitive time, our role and strength have been reflected, and now it's time to see Who is willing to pay this price."

"Is this feasible? We are so conspicuous now that even if there is a conspiracy willing to take us into the arena, there will probably be precautions there."

"It's feasible, but we won't openly enter the arena, Soshyan, haven't you realized that Veronica's identity has been leaked at the top of Comoros, so wouldn't these consuls have any small Mind? Will they sit and watch Victor get Veronica? I don't think so."

Hearing this, Soshyan was shocked.

"Ka Yang, do you know anything else?"

"Well... well, the supreme ruler of the ancient Eldar is called the Eternal Queen, she is also Yin Sha's genus, and the Eternal Queen's husband is called the Phoenix King, who is the ancient Eldar The highest administrative and military chief of the empire, so you understand? Veronica is related to Yinsha, some people want her to be the Eternal Queen, and some people want to marry her to become the Phoenix King, the nominal ruler of all Eldar races. "


This news gave Soshyan a big shock. He vaguely guessed that Veronica's identity was unusual, but he did not expect it to be so.

Eternal Queen, Phoenix King—

At this time, Talos suddenly put his hand on his shoulder and laughed:

"Let's just be the Ghost Phoenix King, and you will be able to conquer the entire Spirit Race. At that time, the Emperor will definitely be willing to give you a big medal."

"Talos, stop joking, this—it can't be."

As he said that, he looked at Ka Yang and quickly changed the subject.

"You mean there will be sabotage in gladiatorial fights?"

"Ha, very simple logic. If you want to prevent Victor from becoming the Phoenix King, there are only two ways. Either take the Eternal Queen, or... kill her."

"But it's not easy to kidnap or assassinate an Eternal Queen in full view. There must be a lot of guards and bodyguards around her, and the Dark Eldar themselves are experts in assassination—"

Talos on the side suddenly said:

"Then the best way is of course to find a group of psionic assassins, because the only insurmountable weakness of the Dark Eldar is psionics. After all, no matter how strict anti-psionic measures are, they are only passive defenses, and it is difficult to truly stop a powerful wizard. ."

"Yes, now we are the best candidates to assassinate the Everqueen."

"Ha, you are a shrewd fellow, and you are the only one who knows these dark spirits so well."

Soon, the three returned to the Lost Word. After a while, Kayan said to Soshyan:

"I'm going to the witch shop now, and there must be customers waiting there. The two of you will stay on the boat. I'll take a look at the situation of each store, and then the three of us will decide which one to choose. During this time It must be very uneasy, Silver Fang will not let it go, although the ship is now parked on the territory of the **** forest, you still have to be careful."

"Kayang, are you okay by yourself?"

"Don't worry, there won't be more than ten people who can leave me in Comoros, but they shouldn't be so busy now, and I'll be back in about a few hours."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Watching Kayan leave the bridge of the Lost Word, Talos suddenly said to Soshyan in a soft voice:

"Soshyan, we better have a plan of our own."

Soshyan turned to look at his friend in surprise.

"You don't trust Kayan's plan?"

Talos shook his head.

"I just think it would be safer to have a backup. His plan is good, but he himself... Soshyan, did you forget the conditions that Kayan put forward when he joined?"

Soshyan thought for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands gently.

"I almost forgot, you mean he..."

"That's it, I'm worried that he might go wrong because of his feelings, just like you went to Comoros this time when your brain is hot."

"Well... what you said does make sense, then let me think about what preparations we should have."

On the other hand, after leaving the port area, Kayang did not take the road he had taken before, but put on a layer of psionic disguise for himself and entered another relatively remote path.

When he was thinking that there would be several conspiracies to contact them, Kayang suddenly found that something was wrong with this road.

The air was filled with a dank, but very fresh, **** smell.

The smell of blood was the most common odor in the Comoros, but those fresh smells told him that a murder had just happened nearby.

Five minutes later, he saw the first streaks of blood on the ground.

After another three minutes, he found the first body.

It has been dead for a long time, it is difficult to tell what race it is, it is hung upside down on the wall, the gray twisted eyes are full of numb pain, the cracked jaw can see the **** gums, and there are many on the ground. Blood-stained fangs, it seems that its teeth were pulled out one by one, and it was not a corpse at the time.

In Khayon's perception, the dead is no different from the chains that bind him or the surrounding walls.

Without a soul, there is no life.

As he moved on, more hanging bodies emerged.

For some reason, Ka Yang's heart twitched, and a beautiful image appeared in his mind——

Nefertari's favorite is to hang their prey on the wall, when their wailing wafts down the dark corridors and echoes through the decks of warships.

This is Nefertari's favorite music when leaning against Kayan's arms.


As if sensing something in his heart, Ka Yang deviates from the original route and turns into another dark alley.

There are also many corpses here, some corpses are human, others are mutants between humans and warp creations.

The rotting grey eyes of the corpses stared at Kayan as he walked past them, but the Thousand Sons reluctantly fell into the shadows again.

Finally, he saw the first living person, it was a human being, a man, hung weakly on the wall, gasping for breath.

He was soaked in sweat, blood and shame, his expression contorted as if he was in great pain, and pieces of his clothes were still hanging on his body.

Kayang approached the man, and the other party spit out some meaningless words and stretched out his mutilated hand forward.


But Kayang ignored it and just stared at the man's soul.

At this time, his soul was like a tiny spider silk, a spiritual connection formed by Then the other end——

As soon as Ka Yang raised his head, a feather fell gracefully.

The feathers were neither black nor brown, more like a charcoal in between.

Kayan stretched out his hand to catch the feather, and then his almost trembling voice uttered the name—


Suddenly, Kayan screamed.

"Nefertari! Where are you!"

At this moment, a slight movement appeared in front.

Kayan ran over holding the feather tightly.

The next moment, his blood became cold.

A figure was lying in the cold alley, with his head tilted to one side, as if he had been thrown to the ground to die.

She appeared to be a woman, with an undulating body, slender limbs full of dangerous power, pale metal skin, and long black hair covering her body.


Hearing this name, the figure's shoulders trembled, his hands propped up his body, and he raised his head.

The next moment, a pale face with slender pointed ears and a bleak beauty appeared in the darkness.

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