The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 118: Side attack

Bachram's gaze stayed on the two corpses for a while. They were all lying in the smooth, dark red blood puddles, and the steam in the wounds was gone.

He knows that if they continue to be nailed here, they will lose more.


Fude said solemnly:

"Can you four handle it."

The implication is very simple, this roundabout task of flanking will be given to the bottom four of them in the nest.

Strictly speaking, this risk is very high, because Bahram was not sure, when the four of them went roundabout and attacked, whether Ford would suddenly leave them and retreat into the woods.

Although he doesn't look like that person at the moment, it's hard to say after the four of them have attracted the attention of the opposite person.

But he still decided to trust the other person. After all, this trial is very important, and merit should know the severity.

"Haomo, come here!"

In Bahram's call, the other three crawled over, trying not to expose their bodies too much to the safe area.

"What's up? Are you ready to use a robot?"

Kerissa yelled as soon as she arrived, and attracted a few more bullets, which made everyone shrink their heads.

"This is our hole card, and it cannot be used as a last resort."

Fude quickly expressed his attitude, but in exchange for the other party's ridicule.

"Then you have to talk to the two unlucky ghosts who died."


"Now is not the time to fight."

Bachram interrupted them in time, and then seriously said to the other three:

"Now there is a new plan—"

But Ford immediately grabbed the subject.

"The four of you should turn to the right side to hide, go around here, don’t be targeted by the machine gun! I want you to let these gangsters go to **** once you are in place, you don’t have to hit any specific targets, I just need you To draw the main force away from here, you must make them believe that there is a concentrated attack on the right side, or make them think that other teams are participating. This should not be difficult? I am sure that the guys here are all rookies, and you can hit them casually. , Is it clear?"

"Speaking lightly, why don't you go?"

Kerissa still did not miss a chance to quarrel with each other.

"This is an order!"

"I'm pooh! You just want us to attract firepower for you."

"Kerissa, you are—"


Bachram snapped off this meaningless quarrel. He seldom showed his angry side, but when the anger really came to his face, everyone was shocked by his aura, and even Fu was obedient. Closed his mouth.

"Let's just do it."

He has spoken, and the others have nothing to dispute.

"I wanted to beat them up a long time ago."

Kerissa grinned.


Haomo grabbed the rifle beside him.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Soon, the four of them quietly left the bunker and began to circle back to the other side, while Fude turned and said to the others.

"The rest of you know what we are going to do. It would be dangerous for them to rush through the open area. We provide cover for them. The signal is the burst of my pistol. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone responds neatly.

Fude turned his head and watched the four of them spread out before his eyes.

He silently prayed in his heart that the emperor could smile at them this time.


A gunshot, followed by a continuous burst of several rifles fired continuously, and then the machine gun also rang.

The silent battlefield became lively for a while.


The other four people, with only the word left in their minds, quickly passed through an open field, their boots crunching on the gravel.

Bahram's gaze swept through every shadow as he moved forward, looking for possible enemies.

They are basically not walking on a road. The terrain in this area seems to have been deliberately destroyed. The road itself is messy full of twisted and collapsed tree trunks and crushed to stones.

A small number of tree stumps were still sticking to the ground, pointing to the tombstones, Bahram guessed that these should be traces left by the battle group after construction.

These broken stones are probably caused by heavy machinery running over.

So far, they haven't encountered even one enemy's obstruction, but the gunfire over there is still fierce.

Bahram divided them into two teams to attack the enemy firepower in a roundabout way. He and Hammer were in a team, and Kerissa and Robin were in a team, and they moved forward while covering.

The group holding the stronghold kept firing at the other players on the other side.

Suddenly, Hamore stopped, Bachram turned to look at him and asked:

"what happened?"

"There seems to be someone."

Sure enough, Bachram took a closer look and found three sneaky shadows under the cover of dim light, bypassing a piece of rubble and appearing on the right side of their original location.

Obviously, the plans on both sides are the same, and the other side also intends to give them a flank attack when their group is suppressed by fire.

Before Bachram came up with a countermeasure, Homo had instinctively raised the gun and shot the bullet.

The lead attacker fell to the ground, his chest was stained red.

Bachram and the other two immediately fired at the other assailants. One of them was shot twice firmly in the shoulder and thigh. Although it was not enough to kill him, it made him scream.

The other person left behind and quickly hid behind a bunker ~ ~ Seeing a sneak attack, there was a head-on confrontation.

Robin suddenly rushed forward without saying a word, drew out the dagger at a very fast speed and stabbed some of the screaming guy’s head, and then when the other just stretched out his head to shoot, he threw the dagger out, directly Nailed to the opponent's forehead.

All three sneak attackers were wiped out.

Seeing this scene, Bachram was stunned, not only surprised at the opponent's skill, but also at the cruelty of this person.

"Hurry up, they may not be able to withstand it anymore."

At Hamo's reminder, Bachram noticed something wrong with the gunfire over there.

Too dense, too long time, Fude will not be so stupid as to waste ammunition meaninglessly.

He got up and looked, and found that the area where the squad was suppressed was in an abnormal situation. Some of the team members were shooting forward and some were shooting backward. Shoot at the jungle where they came.

In this case, there is only one possibility.

"Damn it! There are other teams coming in."

At this time, the walkie-talkie carried by Bahram also rang.

"Are you okay! There is someone behind us! I just poured another one! It's all over if you don't hurry up!! If there is no result in three minutes, I will use the robot!!! You hurry up!"

Hearing Fude's desperate roar, Bachram took a deep breath and led the team quickly rushing in, and soon arrived near the temporary bunker.

But what he didn't expect was that the opponent had already detected their movement from the previous screams. After the Fude group was suppressed by the fire from the rear, they even moved the machine gun out and planned to deploy it on the side.

This is over, because Bahram has no strong shelter near them.

At this point, there is only one strategy left.


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