Chapter 115: Yang Jian, Emperor of the Sui Dynasty!.

Daqin Time and Space…

“Sui Dynasty?”

Zulong’s calm heart couldn’t help but get excited at this moment, because after witnessing more than three hundred years of chaos and turmoil, the dawn people of the world finally ushered in the era of great unification again.

And this Sui Dynasty.

That is, it has not appeared in the south, nor has it appeared in the north, which can’t help but increase Zulong’s interest in his heart.

“Gu Dang is really a little curious, what kind of heroic talent can come out of nowhere, dominate the world, and end this chaotic Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties!”

Zulong whispered, a pair of imperial eyes concentrated, eyes like a torch looking at the light curtain, waiting for the arrival of the new video, the fourth largest unified dynasty in history.

Hopefully, don’t let the loneliness down!

At the same time, Zulong silently thought in his heart, as for what Lanling King just appeared in the light curtain, the Xiongnu, Zulong was not interested.

–Dahan Time and Space···

“This chaotic world is finally coming to an end!”

Han Gao ancestor Liu Bang couldn’t stop sighing, no one knew better than him how miserable the people of the world were in the chaotic times, and now, all this is finally over!

Liu Bang’s heart, which had always been urgent, suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although the Great Han has long perished in the light curtain, in Liu Bang’s eyes, the people of this world are still his Great Han’s people, and they are bitter to see them suffer!

The Great Han Dynasty Beginning Time and Space…

“This world, there will be great unification again!”

At first, Emperor Liu Che of Hanwu was extremely excited in his heart, and his anger suddenly dissipated at this moment, and he stood up impressively, and his eyes flashed and looked over.

But when this short-lived joy gradually faded, the Han Wudi Liu Che couldn’t help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

If he remembers correctly, the last dynasty to appear in the Southern Dynasty was the Southern Dynasty Chen, and the last dynasty that appeared in the Northern Dynasty was the Northern Zhou Dynasty that destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty.

However, there was no introduction to Northern Zhou in the light curtain. Could it be…

At this moment, Han Wudi Liu Che’s heart suddenly tightened, his figure couldn’t help but stiffen, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared and enveloped his whole body, as if endless grayness rushed to his face, vainly trying to devour him.

Han nation, is there still hope?

Emperor Hanwu sat on the throne, the whole person only felt that the back of his spine was extremely cold, sweat could not stop appearing, a pair of emperor eyes full of worry, not a word silent so far.

“Your Majesty, our Central Plains is full of talents, why should we be afraid of the little Xiongnu Waiyi, this world will eventually fall into the hands of our Han people!”

Until, Huo Guang saw that the situation was wrong, and got up slightly to play, and this extremely awe-inspiring and sincere words instantly made the Hanwu Emperor Liu Che come back from his deep despair.

Hearing this, the worry in the eyes of the Han Wudi Liu Che suddenly swept away, and he looked domineering, and his eyes were like a low voice: “If this world belongs to the great Han people, everything can be!” ”

“If this heaven falls into the hands of the Xiongnu Waiyi, in this life and this life, Xu will definitely give everything he has, kill the Xiongnu outside the country, destroy its nine tribes, gouge its ancestral graves, and avenge the people of the great Han!”

Cold, awe-inspiring words resounded through the hall.

But looking at the court, none of the courtiers are afraid, some are just the same determination and endless killing intent, the Xiongnu are outside, and they must die! If they are incompetent, they will take revenge in their place!

Great Han Jianwu Zhongyuan Time and Space…

“Finally, this world is once again unified, and the people of the world do not have to suffer!”

Emperor Han Guangwu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart couldn’t help but begin to pray for the people of Li in the future, hoping that they would meet a good monarch.

In this world, you can also rest and recuperate, Taoguang and recuperate! –Late Eastern Han Dynasty…

Looking at the appearance of the fourth great unified dynasty in the light curtain, Cao Cao’s mind couldn’t help but think of the turmoil that had occurred for more than three hundred years since the beginning of the bastard Sima family, and for a while, he couldn’t help but write a poem!

“The three families returned to Jin for a short time, the people of the world were vicissitudes, the banner of the king of the city was frequently changed, and the north and south dynasties returned to Sui!”

In this way, express a thousand feelings in my heart!

The troubled times have finally calmed down! –Sui Dynasty opened the emperor time and space···


Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian couldn’t stop laughing at this moment, and at this moment, Yang Jian, who had already driven straight into the southern Chen Kingdom, only felt that his heart was extremely happy.

Looking at the world, these countless people will be able to know the great dynasty he started, and this dynasty will also lead the people of the world to eternal prosperity and well-being!

“After sweeping the north and then taking the south, ending more than three hundred years of turbulent history, I am really curious, how should future generations interpret it?”

Yang Jian brushed his beard, although it was an inquiry, but his face could not stop showing a hint of pride, his feat, looking at the world, who can compare.

Even the first in the ages, it is not exaggerated!

Sui Dynasty Great Cause Time and Space…

“This garbage of the North and South Dynasties has finally ended, there is nothing to see at all, and now it is the turn of the Great Sui Dynasty of the oligarchs, if the oligarchs say, they should let the world see more of the widow’s majestic martial arts!”

Sui Emperor Yang Guang couldn’t stop laughing maniacally at this moment, he had been waiting for a long time to finally wait for the appearance of the Sui Dynasty, and he thought that everything in the Northern and Southern Dynasties was boring.

My heart has long been bored, and now the Sui Dynasty has finally come!

“Hurry up, hurry up and finish talking about the film and television image of the father emperor, and quickly forward directly to the widow’s side, the widow wants to let all the heavens and all worlds know who is the real first emperor of the ages!”

“What Qin Huang Han Wu, the widow has never put it in his eyes!”

At this moment, Yang Guanghao couldn’t let go, his face was full of confidence!

[Inventory of the fourteenth issue: The fourth largest unified dynasty in history – the Sui Dynasty! ] 】

But see…

The already shattered territory above the light curtain began to slowly merge together, and the wolf smoke and wind of the past, and the edification of war dissipated.

When endless wars swept across the heavens and the earth, they tortured this land for three hundred and seventy years. Finally, it came to an end!

The great Sui Dynasty quietly swept the north, and then drove south, taking the entire territory of China and unifying the world.

However, this scene made countless people in the heavens and realms dumbfounded???

The Sui Dynasty, originating from the north, is a northern barbarian foreign dynasty?!

Qin Shi Huang won the government: The oligarchs should rashly ride iron and kill all the Xiongnu under the sky!

Han Gao ancestor Liu Bang: O great Han people! Why? Why give this world to the hands of the Huns! Han Wudi Liu Che: TMD! They are about to kill the Huns, what are you doing?

In an instant, countless people in the heavens and realms looked extremely excited, one by one, they only felt ashamed, and a line of text appeared above the engraved light curtain…

[The founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty–the terminator of the era of the Great Division, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui! ] 】

[Played by Yang Jian, a middle-aged teenager! ] 】

But see…

The light curtain turned impressively at this moment, and a handsome face, looking like a young man, appeared on the light curtain with a look of spirit, and walked out leisurely.

At the same time, he also entered the chaotic world of the North and South Dynasties… The North and South dynasties are chaotic, and the storm is treacherous!

[Yang Jian, formerly known as Pu Liurujian, character Na Luoyan! ] 】

[Born into a wealthy family, inherited the family business, then entered politics, assisted the Yuwen family of the Northern Zhou royal family, all the way to the top of the clouds, and then married Dugu Garo, the daughter of Duguxin, a sage minister of the Northern Zhou generation! ] 】

[Once in the court, it is as deep as the sea, after a series of things such as the slandering of political enemies and the killing intention of the emperor, as a foreign relative, he finally stood at the top of power! ] 】

In 580 AD, the Northern Zhou royal family was incompetent, dead and crippled, and finally only a young and ignorant young emperor remained.

And at this moment, Na Luoyan [Yang Jian], who held great power, finally faded his cloak of Taoguang and Yang Huan, revealing the courage of holding great power and watching the world, and he directly forged the suicide note and edict.

Let yourself become a sui guo gong to assist the imperial government!..

Domineering leakage!

At that time, the Xianbei people were extremely vicious, taking the Han surname themselves and giving the northern Han Xianbei surname, but now Yang Jian finally has the right and opportunity to directly restore his original name.

Names handed down from ancestors!

“From now on, my name is Yang Jian!!!”

In the heavens and realms, countless people looked at the light curtain, stared at this scene, and were completely stunned… Yes?

Han?! Yang Jian is Han?!

This world is still the world of the Han people!

“Expell the Tatars and restore China!”

“Hundreds of years of blood and tears and discrimination of the Han people in the north can be regarded as an end from Yang Jian!”

“After Xianbei ruled the Central Plains, Yang Jian, the only Han who saved the country with a curve!”

“What is called curve to save the country, brothers understand!”

“My name is Yang Jian, this is really too TM domineering!”

“What a good man is bullying orphans and widows!”

“After watching the turmoil of China for more than 300 years, I finally want to win the most brilliant period of Chinese history in China!”

“The Return of the Imperial Han!!!”

For a moment, the emperors of countless dynasties of time and space were also dumbfounded, and they all withdrew the words that had just emerged – sorry, I admit that the voice just now was a little louder!

And at this moment, in the light curtain…

In order to pave the way for the future seizure of power, Yang Jian killed all the powerful and threatening imperial relatives of the Yuwen clan on the charge of treason, and then wooed some lowly nobles.


Establish your supremacy at the top! I see, above the light curtain…

Above the palatial palace, the young Northern Zhou Emperor knew nothing, sitting like a puppet on the throne, while Yang Jian stood majestically beside him.

Above the court, there were all respectful civil and military officials, and any instructions came from Yang Jian’s words. It’s not domineering, it’s not powerful!

At this moment, with a wave of his big hand, the whole world has to shake three points!

With the change of the situation and the change of the attitude of the courtiers, Yang Jian no longer concealed his majestic ambition, and stood above the courtiers with an arrogant face.

···· Ask for flowers.

He was no longer satisfied with being a prince under the young lord!

I saw that the young emperor came to Yang Jian ignorantly holding the jade seal, and slowly delivered it to Yang Jian with both hands, meaning to give up the throne.

Seeing this, Yang Jian knelt down and thanked him repeatedly! The picture turns leisurely…

Yang Jian and his wife Dugu Garo had already come to a mountain peak, surrounded by prosperous trees and a beautiful scenery, and at this moment, Yang Jian looked into the distance, and then said in a low voice.

“If I accept Zen concessions, not only will Lihua not forgive me in this life, but I will also end up with the notoriety of plotting to usurp the throne…”

After a moment of silence, Yang Jian’s eyes crossed a trace of determination, and his tone suddenly appeared full of anger,

“But if I don’t accept it, I’m unwilling!”

As the words fell, Yang Jian’s gaze swept to his wife, although it was a request, but the tone was so obvious,

“Galo, help me sit for a while and decide!”

For a while… There was silence on the top of the mountain, and Dugu Garo had a complicated face, but after a long period of contemplation, she suddenly turned around, her eyes swept awe-inspiringly, and she knelt down to her husband Yang Jian in front of her.

This sudden action made Yang Jian subconsciously reach out and want to pull Dugu Garo up, but the melodious sound coming from his ears made his figure stunned.

“Long live the saint, long live long live!”

“The way of the world, can you follow the trend, since you already have the heart to win the throne in the solitary world, why should you care about those famous names?”

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jian’s expression was complicated, but his eyes were full of approval.

[In 581 AD, Yang Jian abolished the infant emperor and established himself! ] 】


[Northern Zhou perished, the new dynasty was called Sui Jianyuan Kaihuang, and the world was amnestied! ] 】


The Northern Zhou Yuwen clan, the royal family and the state relatives, are unwilling to everything that has emerged in front of them, how can the world they have laid down by the humble people be usurped by a Han?!

The group immediately decided to secretly rebel!

At this moment, in the palace, Yang Jian got the news, at this moment, he was already wearing a dragon robe, with a thick overlord face, but when he heard this, his brows couldn’t help but frown.

“Your Majesty, as long as we preemptively kill everyone in the Yuwen clan and those who vainly try to gain the merit of support, we will push all the guilt into the hands of Chen Guo [Southern Dynasty] at this moment!”

“As long as this news, the world knows!”

“The world will no longer suspect that you are the murderer of the abolished emperor!”

“Because according to common sense, you will never do so much for the sake of the name behind you!”

When the strategist opened his mouth to give a good advice, Yang Jian’s frowning brows couldn’t help but soothe, but then became condensed and deep.

Kill everyone in the Yuwen clan?


Yang Jian suddenly refused, looking domineering, and then explained condensedly: “I promised Galo to keep them safe and prosperous!” ”

But when the strategist heard this, he was extremely nervous, and quickly made a compilation with both hands, and then eagerly opened his mouth to persuade,

“Your Majesty! Is it important for a country to survive, or is your commitment to the queen important? ”

“If the river and mountains are unstable, not only the ministers and others will die, but also the saint and the queen! And all the princes and queens! ”

The words of the strategist instantly sounded, and the sound entered Yang Jian’s heart, especially the last words, which made Yang Jian feel an extremely strong sense of threat and oppression for a while.

For a moment, his eyes turned slightly, and he was silent and pondered. He chose to let the Yuwen family go, but…

If these people were really allowed to be successfully restored, would the Yuwen clan choose to let him and his family go?!

Thinking of this, Yang Jian’s gaze couldn’t help but feel a little gloomy, but the promise to the queen in his heart made it difficult for him to make up his mind, and the palms and backs of his hands were full of meat!

Seeing Yang Jian’s hesitation, the strategist frowned, and his heart was even more restless.


Even kneeling invitations,

“The deposed emperor who failed to ensure the safety of the minister has already failed in his duty, so the minister voluntarily asked for orders and did this evil deed, His Majesty promised the empress, but the minister had no promise to the empress!”

“As long as the Holy Lord does not interfere with the actions of the courtiers, it is not considered a violation of the oath!”

“Please Your Majesty think twice!”

The moment the words fell, the strategist directly kowtowed and bowed, and the meaning of prayer was overflowing, but Yang Jian did not say a word when he saw this, let alone the slightest intention of obstructing.

At the moment…

His gaze turned slightly again, his face was quite heartwarming, and then he turned around and took a majestic step forward, and happened to come to the throne, and the fierce color gradually covered the bright imperial eyes.

Immediately, he turned around and sat leisurely on the throne, feeling the condescending enjoyment brought by the supreme imperial power, and the domineering spirit of the whole world.

This moment…

Yang Jian’s gaze became extremely deep and cold, looking into the distance, as if there was no such person as a strategist in front of him, and the cold words like the Nine Nether Abyss sounded impressively.

“There you go!”

“The widow should not have seen you today!”

[The Yuwen family, regardless of orphans and widows, kill them all to avoid future troubles! ] Six].

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