Wen Jin came back to his senses and suddenly thought of the scene of Yan Qing and Ji Weiyu riding in a carriage together last night. His heart ached, but he sadly realized how overconfident he was.

He didn't even have the qualifications to be jealous.

Several maids came in from outside, each carrying a bucket of hot water, and took the hot water to the back hall and poured it into the bathtub.

"You are in a very bad state now." Yan Qing said calmly, with his usual indifference, "Go wash and change clothes, I will ask Ji Weiyu to prepare food for you, take care of yourself before 12 o'clock, and we will talk in 12 o'clock."

Wen Jin turned his head to look at her, hummed softly, and turned to walk towards the back hall.

"Your Highness." Ji Weiyu stood outside and knocked on the window, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

For example, arrange two maids to help Wen Jin go to the toilet and take a bath? Otherwise, what if he falls down due to lack of strength?

"Go prepare some light meals." Yan Qing's voice was casual, "Send it in half an hour."

Ji Weiyu said, "Oh," and reluctantly asked someone to prepare the meal.

Yan Qing lowered her eyes and looked at the book in the book, not affected at all.

Time passed little by little.

She heard the sound of undressing, and Wen Jin stepped into the bathtub behind the screen. The warm water surrounded her body. The fatigue of running around for several days was relieved a lot after sleeping, but the pain swept over her at this moment, and she felt pain all over her body.

Especially her legs, which hurt so much that they didn't seem to be her own.

But pain was the most insignificant experience for Wen Jin. He had been experiencing pain for half of his ten years of life.

Wen Jin leaned against the bathtub quietly, and even wondered for a moment if he drowned in the bathtub like this, would His Highness show a little sadness or regret?

Wen Jin lowered his eyes, silently and carefully washing the dust off his body. His Highness likes cleanliness, he wants to keep himself clean all the time. His Highness likes his face, he wants to protect his face.

His Highness likes his gentle smile. He has been used to smiling since he entered the court for many years. He always looks like a calm and graceful young man in front of people and behind people.

However, His Highness returned to the imperial city for just one month, and the demeanor he cultivated over the years was destroyed in an instant.

Wen Jin slowly stretched out his hand to grab the edge of the bathtub, until his fingertips turned white. When the dull pain in his heart passed, he retracted his hand, lowered his eyes, and began to scrub his body again.

After rushing on the road for several days, eating and drinking in a hurry, he would only stop and take a nap for half an hour when he was really sleepy, not to mention taking a good bath, it was normal to be covered with dust.

Wen Jin washed very carefully and meticulously.

After washing, Wen Jin couldn't help thinking, should he wash again or end it here, looking at the two buckets of clean warm water outside the bathtub?

Washing again would definitely be cleaner, and the water would not be wasted, but if he wanted to wash again, he had to get out of the bathtub naked first and change the water in the bathtub...

Staying in someone else's house is not as convenient as staying in your own territory.

Wen Jin thought about it again, turned his head and looked outside. There was a screen between them, and he couldn't see anything outside.

So he stood up from the bathtub, bent down to lift a bucket of water, and poured it over his head. The sound of water splashing reached outside the screen, making Yan Qing raise his head.

After a moment of silence, she put down the book, stood up and walked over.

Maybe it was because his senses were too sharp, or because he was too familiar with Yan Qing's breath, or because of the slight footsteps. The moment Yan Qing walked around the screen, Wen Jin suddenly sat in the bathtub, revealing only his head, and looked up at Yan Qing.

Yan Qing leaned against the screen, looking at the picture of a handsome man bathing, and raised his eyebrows: "Shy?"

Wen Jin was silent for a moment, and shook his head slowly: "No."

His tone paused slightly, and he explained: "I dare not offend Your Highness."

"Offend what?" Yan Qing smiled lazily, "Am I the kind of person who is bound by etiquette?"


Wen Jin didn't know what he thought of, his face was pale, and he knew he shouldn't ask: "Your Highness and Ji Weiyu will also be like this..."

Will there be no difference between men and women?

He wanted to know if His Highness was like this to everyone, or was he special to him?

However, Wen Jin always felt that this sentence was like a question. He was afraid that Yan Qing would misunderstand, so he didn't even dare to ask too obviously.

"Didn't I tell you before?" Yan Qing said in a lazy but indifferent tone, "It's not your turn to ask about my affairs. You always seem to forget the division."

Wen Jin's heart sank, and he lowered his eyes: "Yes."

"Don't soak for too long." Yan Qing turned and walked back, "Finish the bucket of water and you can come. If you slip on the ground due to lack of physical strength, I will let you practice your physical strength next."

Wen Jin got up silently, finished the last bucket of water, took the bath towel to wipe his body, ignored the redness and pain on his legs and buttocks caused by riding horses for days, and took out the only set of clean clothes from the bag he carried with him to change.

His legs were still a little weak, but Wen Jin looked gentle and delicate, but he could endure more hardships than anyone else, and this soreness and weakness passed with patience.

After getting dressed, he came out from behind the screen.

His wet hair was still steamy after being wiped, and it fell a little messily on his shoulders. The dust on his handsome face was washed away, and the hot water made his pale face a little red, and his complexion looked much better than before the bath.

Compared with the embarrassment of last night, he was like a completely different person.

Wen Jin walked to the window and looked at Yan Qing who was reading with her eyes down. Just as he was about to speak, he heard her say, "There is tea on the table."

Wen Jin swallowed the words back when they came to his lips.

Pouring a cup of tea for himself, Wen Jin pondered how to speak later, what to say after speaking, how to explain to her what happened in the court, and how to explain that he galloped from Yong to Chu in only seven days.

Also, how to explain that he knew her whereabouts.

The powerful minister who was the head of Suzaku City obviously had a very clear mind. Even if he tasted many unpleasant emotions such as depression, despair, sadness, and uneasiness, he could sort out his recent "naughty" behavior in the shortest time.

A cup of tea was quickly finished.

For people who are extremely short of water, such a small teacup is not enough to quench their thirst. Wen Jin quietly refilled himself with a cup and continued to think about which one he should explain first?

His Highness would not be happy if he investigated His Highness's whereabouts without authorization.

Wen Jin brought the teacup to his lips and cut off Xiao Jinghan's two meat on his own initiative. His Highness might not be happy either.

The more Wen Jin thought about it, the more depressed he felt. In short, all he did was to make His Highness unhappy.

"If you are thirsty, drink more." Yan Qing said in a light voice, "If one pot is not enough, ask them to send another pot."

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