Chapter 68 Full of Schemes

Langya then gave up, and after a moment, Dongdong asked, "How will your Highness be after you return to Dayong? No one will cause trouble for Your Highness?"

"There are too many people looking for trouble." Yan Qing held on to the tea cup with a careless indifference, "But in the end, they are the ones who cause trouble themselves."

This is good.

Langya was a little relieved: "I originally planned to go to Dayong this month, but I learned halfway that Shen Mo had led the Qilin Guards back to Suzaku City. After asking about it, I found out that Your Highness had come to the Chu Kingdom."

Yan Qing said in a careless tone: "Why are you going to Dayong?"

Langya was silent for a moment and then said: "Go and meet Dayong's chief assistant, who is as gentle as jade."

Hearing these words, Ji Weiyu suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, as if he had suddenly awakened: "Your Highness has a special attitude towards Wen Jin, is it because he is good at pretending to be as gentle as jade? If Your Highness likes him like this, I can do that too.”

Aren't you learning to disguise yourself? 늀No one knows how to do it.

"You two stop." Yan Qing raised a finger, "From now on, I don't want to hear any more topics related to him."

Ji Weiyu: "..."

Langya said calmly and didn't mention it. On the contrary, he had no interest in that person.

"Mr. Langya came all the way. Thank you for your hard work." Ji Weiyu turned around and walked out, calling a maid over, "I will ask someone to take you to settle down. I will prepare wine and food for you in the evening. Mr. Langya will go first. Wash and change clothes?”

"Why are you being so polite?" Langya sat down on the seat next to Yan Qing, "The tea is ready here, I want to talk to His Highness."

Ji Weiyu turned around and looked at him coldly: "This is the place where Divine Doctor Yan detoxifies me, and this is where my bedroom is. Duke Langya doesn't know how to be polite at all."

"Detoxification?" Langya frowned, "His Highness the God who is regarded as a god by the people of Chu State can actually be poisoned? If you tell me, I will make people laugh."

Ji Weiyu really wanted to take a needle and sew his mouth shut.

"You have just come to Chu State and have been traveling hard. I will stay here for a while." Yan Qing said, "When I return to Suzaku City, you will go back with me."

Langya nodded: "Yes."

Ji Weiyu instantly felt sour and couldn't help but start to envy Langya's identity.

A miracle doctor who can travel all over the world without being bound by anyone or any rules. On the other hand, he, the emperor of the Chu Kingdom, has got some kind of magical title on his body. Although he sounds good, his actions are restricted everywhere and he has no freedom at all. None.

Langya glanced at him calmly, probably sensing his unhappiness, and said lightly: "You envy me?"

Ji Weiyu snorted coldly.

"When my mother was killed, as someone with your status, I couldn't just watch her live."

Ji Weiyu frowned: "There are many concubines in the palace who died unexpectedly. Do you think the emperor will not die?"

"At least you and your mother-in-law are still alive and well, right?"

Ji Weiyu was right when she thought about it.

Although the royal family fights fiercely and killing each other is nothing, the top-quality food, silks, and jewelry are all used by the royal family, including medicinal materials.

Ordinary people have no chance to get these. When they get seriously ill, most of the time they just wait to die.

Langya's mother was not entirely poor, but her fate was not very good. Langya later learned the art of medicine and poisoning because of his mother's influence.

However, they didn't know the specific secret, and Langya had no interest in letting anyone know.

"I got some news recently." Langya took a sip of tea and started talking about the matter, "Rebels appeared southwest of Suzaku City——"

"His Highness already knows this news. When you come to tell His Highness, the day lilies are already cold."

"Shut up?" Langya looked up at him lightly, "How do you know I'm telling you the same thing?"

Ji Weiyu sneered: "You tell me."

Langya turned to look at Yan Qing: "The news of the rebels was known to King Suzaku as early as the middle of the month. He sent out many detectives to find out the situation, but in the end he found that the rebels were completely false. 땤 is a rumor deliberately spread by 놋 people.”

Yan Qing raised his eyebrows: "What about the rebels?"

"It's not entirely false, but it's really just a show." Lang Ya frowned, "The rebel leader is Feng Qi. He led some people to occupy two border cities and lived peacefully in the city. 꿂떚, the people were not affected in any way, but the local government was controlled by him using unknown means, and other actions were not affected. "

Yan Qing hummed.

"The local people didn't even know what was going on. They only knew that the officials who were so full of food suddenly seemed like a different person. They sat in court and asked questions carefully and conscientiously. I dare not accept bribes anymore, and I dare not protect the local bullies anymore... In short, the changes are indeed big, but there are no signs of rebellion at all. "

Yan Qing said nothing, and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was deep in thought.

"It's impossible to figure this out." Ji Weiyu sneered disdainfully, "It's not a trick someone made. He deliberately took advantage of the opportunity to suppress the rebellion and left the imperial city."

"There should be more than one." Langya slowly shook his head, "The purpose of the imperial court sending troops is to suppress the rebellion. At that time, the two sides will definitely fight. If there are no rebels, who will they fight?"

"Fuck." Ji Weiyu said stiffly, "I can guess with my toes that the general leading the troops must be Wen Jin's man. When the time comes, find a vast and remote place, station 50,000 elite soldiers, and start training day and night. If the time comes, this 50,000 elite soldiers selected from Xiao Chongshan will be replaced so quietly, and the military power will change. If the emperor knows, I'm afraid he will jump up in the middle of the night."

The person who sits on the position of prime minister within three years is not a good thing?

Full of calculations.

Langya said calmly: "The people cultivated by your highness are naturally powerful."

Ji Weiyu frowned, what does it mean?


I almost forgot that the scheming person was cultivated by your highness.

Tsk, it's really not happy.

Ji Weiyu mocked: "Your Highness obviously wanted him to be a bright and clear monarch, but he got a sycophantic minister who played power games."

Langya said indifferently: "Does the food in the God's Palace have to be filled with a lot of vinegar every time?"

Ji Weiyu said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"It's uncomfortable to hear you talk sourly."

Ji Weiyu was uncomfortable.

When he thought of Wen Jin, he felt like he had taken a consuming drug, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere.

"Langya, go and rest first." Yan Qing ordered without raising his head, not wanting to listen to their continued chattering, "Let's have dinner together tonight."

Langya nodded: "It's good that you came to Chu. This time, you should collect the account for saving the King of Chu."

"The person who saved me was your Highness, why are you collecting the account?" Ji Weiyu frowned, "You don't want to embezzle the money."

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