For several days in a row, the imperial city was filled with an ominous atmosphere of impending rain. The relationship between civil and military officials was heavy, and Yan Chen's temper became more and more irritable day by day.

The house leaked and it rained all night. This sentence is not an exaggeration to describe his situation.

Rumors spread all over the world. In just a few days, the rumors swept in like strong winds and waves, fermenting into the air. The news that the Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu vassal kings arrived at Suzaku City shocked the emperor. Yan Chen On the pretext of countering the rebellion, the regent was ordered to send troops. If the regent resisted, he could hand over his military power smoothly. Then the Duke of Zhenguo would lead the Greedy Wolf Army to conquer Suzaku City, and they would all gather in Suzaku City. All the traitors to the party will be caught in one sweep.

However, to his dismay, the regent disappeared.

When the decree reached the Prince Regent's Palace, the steward of the Prince Regent's Palace reported: "The Prince Regent is away on business and not in the imperial city."

Yan Chen thought he heard wrongly. Why did the regent suddenly disappear?

He didn't believe it, thinking that Yan Cang deliberately avoided seeing people, and ordered someone to pass it on again. However, the imperial guards and chamberlains who conveyed the order searched the regent's palace, but there was no trace of the regent.

The emperor was so furious that he urgently summoned his ministers to discuss the matter, but the civil and military officials in the court had different opinions. The 놋 people advocated appeasing the four kings and not to push too hard; the 놋 people advocated investigating the truth and not being deceived by rumors.

However, the Duke of Zhenguo justly proposed to send troops to quell the rebellion and wipe out the other kings who gathered in Suzaku City in one fell swoop.

The two sides were deadlocked, and this was delayed for several days.

Just at this time, Yan Chen suddenly developed a poisonous attack, and the menacing and severe pain instantly plunged him into painful torture. After several torments, the imperial doctors were panicked.

Although they were not as flustered as when they first faced this situation, the poison the emperor was poisoned was so weird that they were almost helpless.

In desperation, Dr. Wan Tai from the Imperial Hospital, who was proficient in acupuncture, used acupuncture to enter acupuncture points, which slightly relieved the emperor's pain.

However, the veins all over his body were pricked with silver needles, and the emperor could lie motionless on the bed. Even drinking water had to be fed into his mouth. He had no energy to be frightened or angry, nor could he deal with important affairs of the government.

The imperial doctors took turns to watch over him, and they kept guarding until the genius could survive the torture.

Yan Chen was exhausted after the day. After a short rest, he resumed his morning session on the fourth day.

However, new news was sent quickly.

"Your Majesty! The four kings Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are convinced of the rumors of heavenly auspiciousness descending on Suzaku City. They have declared their surrender to the eldest princess and will obey her title from now on!"


Yan Chen stood up suddenly, with a frightened expression on his face.

All civil and military officials in the court were shocked: "What?! What are the four vassal kings doing?"

"Rebellion! Rebellion! Are they going to rebel?!"

"It's totally treasonous!"

"Absurd! This must be the conspiracy of the eldest princess! She is seeking power and usurping the throne!"

"Could the eldest princess be held hostage by some feudal princes?"

"The eldest princess is a lonely star in the world. Who can hold her hostage?"

Duke Zhenguo strode out of the queue and knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty! The eldest princess is a wolf in the wild, and the princes of the four vassals are a tiger. I cannot condone it. I request you to lead troops to put down the rebellion!"

Yan Chen looked at the chaos of civil and military officials in the court, and felt dizzy for a while. His body, which had been suffering from severe pain for a long time, could not withstand such stimulation. He staggered, and finally his vision went dark, and he fell to the side!


"Your Majesty, take care of your dragon body! Your Majesty!"

"Come here! Call the doctor quickly! Call the doctor quickly!"

There was a chaos in the main hall, and the emperor was hurriedly carried to the palace to be settled. After hearing the news, the imperial doctors who had just breathed a sigh of relief hurried towards the emperor's palace without stopping.

It was simply a dark sky and dark earth, with no light from the sun and moon.

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