Of course, it is easy to capture only based on strength.

Once the four kings form an alliance, they will cause panic to the imperial power in the imperial capital, and Yan Chen will only become more panicked.

However, military power alone is not enough. If you really want to seize the throne, you must win the hearts of the people.

Going with the flow and following the will of heaven to aspire for the throne can avoid the infamy of usurping the throne. The will of heaven depends entirely on the phrase "auspicious signs from heaven" and "the emperor star descends on Suzaku City".

Wen Jin lay on the couch, and his mind had already begun to conceive a perfect plan to seize the throne. Let the prophecy start from the people, ferment a little bit, and the trickle merge into the vast ocean. Then Si Yuan, in the name of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, recognized that the emperor star of heaven was the eldest prince who was exiled since childhood. With the will of the people, it is natural for him to ascend the throne.

Besides, Yan Chen committed suicide by himself, and lost the loyalty of the four vassal kings, so he was completely vulnerable.

The lights went out, Wen Jin lay in the darkness, no longer having nightmares, with a familiar breath around him, his heart was like being surrounded by warmth and fullness, no longer wandering, no longer lonely.

Wen Jin lay on his side, although it was dark in front of him, he could vaguely see the sleeping posture of His Highness, imagining the quiet and soft picture in his mind, only in the silent night, did he dare to vent his deep feelings in his eyes.

His Highness.

Wen Jin suddenly wanted to do something, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve always been used to restraint, repression, and forbearance, so that when such a thought suddenly appears in my mind, I can’t control it, like a beast can’t wait to break free from the cage, a little uneasy, a little restless, and even a little hesitant like a guilty thief.

However, the hesitation only lasted for a moment.

Wen Jin's hand on the side of her body moved slightly, reaching towards the familiar edge of the bed. Yan Qing's sleeping posture was very elegant - perhaps because she always slept lightly, even when she was asleep, Yan Qing had no habit of kicking and moving around.

Her slender body was relaxed, lying flat or lying on her side, with one hand habitually placed on her abdomen and the other on the edge of the bed. Even if she occasionally turned over, she never changed her naturally noble and lazy posture.

Wen Jin's heartbeat accelerated, and she touched the slender hand in the dark. Even though her vision was unclear, she could feel the shape of the hand, which was slender and tender, with a thin layer of calluses on the slightly cool palm. Unlike the softness and fragility of ordinary girls, it contained a powerful force.

Wen Jin held it carefully, and began to suffer from insomnia. After lying quietly for a while, he didn't hear Yan Qing talking. Wen Jin became bolder and slowly intertwined his hand with hers, as if you were in love with me and I was in love with you.

Holding his breath, he exhaled very lightly. Wen Jin opened his eyes and stared at the head of the bed, with attachment in his eyes and deep emotions.

They are all bad habits.

If greed has never appeared or has been suppressed, then perhaps it can be well concealed throughout one's life, but once it breaks the taboo, it will be like a vine that grows wildly and cannot be controlled.

Wen Jin is on the verge of being out of control at this time.

His couch was a little distance away from Yan Qing's bed. Wen Jin stood up slightly, leaned forward, and didn't care about the wound behind him. In the darkness, he slowly kissed Yan Qing's hand... on the back of his hand.

Then, as if he had done something bad, his heartbeat became faster and faster, and he could clearly hear the violent beating of his heart.

"You didn't sleep in the middle of the night and secretly molested me?" A cold and lazy voice sounded, and it was hard to tell whether it was happy or angry in the night. "Who gave you the courage?"

Wen Jin froze, and all his movements froze at this moment.

In a short period of time, his brain had subconsciously made the action of getting up and asking for forgiveness, but his reason rarely stopped him from moving.

The extreme silence lasted for a moment.

Wen Jin's voice was soft: "Your Highness, do you want to light the lamp?"


"Yes." Wen Jin's eyes fell on the two intertwined hands. It was blurry and unclear, but he couldn't bear to look away. "I... can't help myself."


"Your Highness can double the punishment, and I am willing to accept it."

Yan Qing sneered: "If I want to punish you, you can say more?"

"Your Highness..."

"Aren't you quite reserved?" Yan Qing got up and sat against the head of the bed, as if he wanted to have a long talk with him, "It turns out that you are pretending to be reserved, but in fact you are so bold?"

Wen Jin's cheeks were hot, but fortunately he couldn't see clearly at night, so he could still remain calm: "I didn't mean it."

"I didn't mean it?" Yan Qing smiled lightly, "Could it be sleepwalking?"

Wen Jin heard that she didn't mean to be angry, and felt relieved: "Your Highness, please allow me to report."


"I have always had improper thoughts about Your Highness." Wen Jin lowered his eyes and spoke, his voice slightly tense, with feelings that could not be ignored, "My previous restraint and cowardice led to a tragedy, and I regret it so much. Now God has mercy on me and given me the opportunity to make up for it and repent. I don't want to waste it any more..."

Yan Qing sneered.

Wen Jin paused, and his tone became softer: "I am speaking from the heart."

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