The edge of pure land

Chapter 72 The Crisis of Longque

Lu Fuji knelt on the ground, holding his hands on the ground and panting violently. His eyes were flashing with fragmented lightning, and the thunder around him flickered and flickered, shining brightly in the darkness.


He finally advanced.

The unprecedented joy is not only due to the improvement in strength.

What he is more looking forward to is whether his condition can be improved.

Because his life level has evolved, the disease may be completely suppressed.

Even killing it is not impossible.

Many years ago, Lu Fuji heard a saying that it was often the patient's own immune system that truly cured the disease, and drugs only played an auxiliary role at best.

He didn't know whether this statement was rigorous or whether it was true or false.

But at least it gave him hope.

Because of this, he has continued to exercise and maintain a good attitude over the years.

However, the result disappointed him.

His condition did not seem to improve, and was even worse than before.

Because after he advanced, his headache became even more intense.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear something roaring deep in his mind, as if it was about to break through the shackles at any time and destroy his soul and body.

What the hell is that?

This heavy blow immediately stunned him.

He has obviously evolved, but his condition is getting more and more serious. This means that from now on, he will have to coexist with the disease every day and endure endless torture.

No hope of resolution could be found.

"elder brother?"

Lu Sixian squatted beside him, tilting her head slightly, her short hair flowing out.

Lu Buer covered his head with both hands, slowly let out the annoyance in his chest, and whispered: "Ah, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Lu Sixian, have you heard of cancer?"

Lu Sixian shook her head: "No."

What the hell, I’ve never heard of it.

It seems that in the Pure Land, no one really gets this disease.

The only way Lu Fuji could think of was to find those cocoon breakers who suffered from cancer before dormancy, and then ask them when the disease resolved.

There must be such people in the Pure Land.

By then we will be able to tell what kind of disease he has.

The first is the research of his parents back then, the second is the Kabbalah Tree of Life system of Aurora Technology, and the fact that in the Pure Land five hundred years later, there will be no such terminal disease as cancer, but he is the one who got the express delivery from the mysterious man. Survive freak, like a loophole.

Out of tune with this world.

Of course, he had another clue.

That's what I learned from the Ministry of Life, about the secret of the Mother Nest of Creation.

According to legend, the core of his ability is cells that proliferate indefinitely.

Well, there is hope.

Lu Fuji stood up and suddenly found a drop of blood on the ground.

Lu Sixian was holding a glass shard in her hand, and her fingertips were still dripping with blood.

"What did you do?"

Lu Fuji was stunned: "Self-harm?"

Lu Sixian put away the glass piece guiltily and took back her hand.

Lu Fuji then realized something was wrong and subconsciously touched his lips.

Surprisingly, I also touched a little blood.

"Did you feed me your blood?"

Lu Fuji vaguely thought of something and was surprised.

The experience just now was very dangerous, because there was too much life energy gathered during the advancement process, and the thunder and lightning released almost exploded his body. But fortunately, he felt a majestic vitality in the end, and through this he realized The feeling of becoming one with the force of nature.

Now he finally knew what was going on.

Lu Sixian could only help him.


Lu Sixian opened her eyes and told lies.

"to be honest!"

Lu Fuji frowned.


Lu Sixian said expressionlessly.

Lu Fuji's heart tightened slightly, thinking of the memory he had swallowed before.

A feeling of guilt arises spontaneously.

"What happened to your blood...?"

He couldn't help but ask.

Lu Sixian shook her head and said softly: "I don't remember. I had a kitten when I was very young. One time, the kitten had cat plague and was almost dying. It just licked the wound on my knee. I miraculously recovered within two days. My parents said that it was an ability given to me by God, but I had to keep it secret from outsiders, otherwise I would be captured by bad guys."

Lu Fujin narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "I see. No wonder Ji Lun wanted to devour her blood after implanting the dark matter. Otherwise, he might have died on the spot. There was no way to kill the Thorn Ghost. Raise it in your own body and treat living people as your mother body.”

When he looked at the girl again, his eyes changed.

This is the witch.

Her blood can help people extend their lives.

Her paintings can also predict upcoming disasters.

Most people might feel scared, but Lu Fuji thought he had found a treasure.

"Don't use these abilities of yours without my permission in the future, you know? And don't expose it to anyone. No one can do it." Lu Buer still didn't get angry with the little girl after all. After all, if If it weren't for her blood, he might not be able to advance successfully.

As for worrying about what is available and what is not, there is no point.

It's better to improve your strength as soon as possible and protect this girl.

At present, he is already an evolver in the Second Glory Realm. After he has completely mastered the two techniques at the current stage, his strength will reach another level.

When the time comes, a cypress can be killed with one punch!


Lu Sixian replied.

Lu Buer took out his dagger, pried away the piece of land stained with blood, and put it in his pocket: "Let's go, let's go home and eat in such a cold weather... You still have to drink after eating." After taking a few courses of medicine, your brain damage should be much better."


Lu Sixian responded expressionlessly, but felt relieved in her heart.

Finally got through it.

In fact, at that time, she had no idea that her blood had this effect.

Even her parents don't know.

As for her cat, it was true that she accidentally licked her blood and survived.

But she didn't know why at the time.

So much so that later on, all these things were forgotten.

Since drinking that bowl of stinky medicine, she thought of many things.

She didn't know what she was capable of until she was tortured in the laboratory.

Also includes who Annan is.

But she didn't say it.

Otherwise, given Lu Fuji's character, she would probably be prohibited from using any abilities because of her experience in the laboratory, in which case she would be useless.



Schengen city centre, Saint Basil's Cathedral.

The church is still so solemn and sacred at night. The golden wall lamps reflect the splendidness of the building. The ancient icons stand like guards, staring into the deep night.

The church echoed with the mass music played by the organ, as if praying for the dead.

Because the square of this church was full of corpses, huge spears of light nailed them to the ground, and their blood was burned by the scorching light and solidified into mottled blood stains.

These corpses are all deformed and ugly.

He died in a kneeling posture, as if repenting for his sins.

Such was the wrath of the high priest.

Tonight, Shengen City held the Holy Council, which is the highest-level meeting in the main city. It mainly discussed the threat posed by the Corpse Cult, how to stop the advance of the White Walkers, and even how to penetrate deep into the Holy Mountain. , figure out everything that happened there.

A huge gold crystal is suspended in the center of the church.

The golden light illuminated the jade mask on the high priest's face.

Although the ritual of baptizing divine power was destroyed, she no longer had to bear the consumption of the Holy Light Barrier. She could still make people feel unfathomably powerful just by relying on the remaining power in her body.

"That's the current situation."

The city lord glanced at the holy silhouette sitting side by side with him on the right, and then looked at the senior officials: "I have checked the information left behind by the family, and found no clues about the underground ruins. The only thing that is certain is that, That is indeed the place he used to study the ghost arts. Currently, we have sealed off the underground ruins and started studying the clues at the scene."

In the Akashic religion, there is a monarch whose name cannot be mentioned.

That's why the third person is used to refer to it.

"Over the years, in order to avoid suspicion, the City Lord's Palace has stopped intervening in the affairs of the city, but I didn't expect that things would develop to this point. Now that we are facing the crisis of city collapse, I think we must stand up." After the City Lord paused for a moment, continued.

After everyone heard this sentence, their hearts skipped a beat.

Because this sentence is overtly and covertly accusing the high priest of neglecting his duties.

If you insist on monopolizing power as agreed upon in co-governance, then you do it.

If something like this happens, you are responsible.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this incident cannot all be blamed on the high priest.

Because the high priest has only been in this city for a few years, she doesn't know many things at all. The most troublesome corpse food cult at present is obviously the mess in the Holy Mountain.

"you mean?"

The high priest didn't even bother to glance at him sideways and said indifferently.

"At present, the situation inside and outside the city is relatively stable. Please rest assured that the high priest can rest in the city until he can perform the next ritual and replenish his divine power. We will eliminate the zombie cultists in the city as quickly as possible. As for the battlefield outside the city, we have already With obvious results, the battle front will keep pushing forward until the White Walkers are pushed back a hundred kilometers away, and then they will find a way to enter the land of the dead."

The city lord replied: "During this period, the sacrificial hall has time to prepare for the next ceremony with peace of mind. As for the affairs in the city, it can be left to the city lord's palace."

That’s it, I’m waiting here.

Yuan Lie snorted coldly.

Even as a member of the sacrificial sect, I couldn't find a suitable reason to refute at this time.

On the contrary, Deputy Director General Mo nodded slightly and agreed.

"No objection."

"No objection."

Senior executives expressed their approval.

Archbishop Reiner rolled his eyes, not wanting to get involved in this matter at all.

Charles from the Law Enforcement Bureau also nodded slightly.

Even Longque frowned and said nothing.

Just as the unanimous vote passed, the high priest said indifferently:

"Did you plan the attack on me?"

She paused: "Arthur."

Arthur, the name of the Lord of Shengen City.

Full name Arthur Russell.

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire cathedral fell into dead silence.

Everyone was horrified.

Too strong.

This is the high priest, who brings things to the table with just one sentence.

Domineering and calm.

It’s hard to imagine how the city lord would feel when he heard this.

Although after the high priest's accident, the city lord will be the beneficiary to a certain extent, but in the final analysis, they all shoulder the mission of protecting the city, and whoever dies will cause big problems.

So no one can tell what the truth of this matter is.

Arthur was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "Why do you say that?"

The high priest said coldly: "When Constantine embarked on that path of rebellion, the Russell family was his number one loyal dog. Now that he is dead, you want to plunder yourself completely? In the underground ruins, They are all secret shelters left by him. Do you really not know? What the Corpse Cult wants is the White Walkers, and the strange movements in the Holy Mountain are also related to the White Walkers. And you are the people who are most closely connected with all of this. . You didn’t do anything on the surface, but you don’t know what happened behind the scenes.”

"At this time you jumped out and packaged yourself like a savior, so what exactly can you do?"

She paused: "It wasn't you who uncovered the Corpse Cult, and it wasn't you who made major breakthroughs on the front lines."

Arthur listened quietly and did not refute.

"Now you have to step up and take responsibility for the city."

The high priest said indifferently: "How can I trust you?"

There are only two meanings in the words.

First, I don’t trust you.

Second, it is useless for you to stand up.

Arthur seemed to be well prepared and answered calmly: "At least, we are clean. The Russell family has not been involved in the White Walkers and has no power to violate taboos."

The senior executives seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at a person from the corner of their eyes.

A dragon bird smoking a cigarette at the end of the long table.

"Speaking of which, I'm also thinking about a question."

Charles suddenly got angry: "Why did the Corpse Cult begin to be active in this city as soon as the Chief Dragon Bird came back, and there were also strange movements in the Land of the Past? If all of this is related to the White Walkers, then we have exactly the same thing here There is a person who masters the art of ghosts."

Dead silence.

Longque exhaled a puff of smoke and said calmly: "Coming towards me?"

In fact, he had long expected that such a day would come.

After all, this city has never given him any trust, and many departments, including the City Lord's Palace, also have old grudges with him. There is a high probability that the mastermind behind the Aoki incident will try their best to prevent him from continuing to investigate the case, but he never thought that The day comes so quickly.

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

I've had gastrointestinal discomfort in the past two days. It's late today and there's another update.

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