The edge of pure land

Chapter 280 The Avengers

In the early morning of May 7, 2535, a confidential document was urgently sent from the former site of Linhai City's City Security Committee. It was escorted by the Night Special Sequence on a Quinjet fighter jet and was delivered to the Supreme Federation in Shanghai in just half an hour. Headquarters.

As expected, a meeting was held overnight in the Supreme Parliament Building. After the federal president, who was nearly thirty years old, personally reviewed the documents in his hospital room, and after calling the General of the Human Watch Army for his opinions, he temporarily issued a secret document. make.

The Quinjet took off from Shanghai again and flew to Linhai.

When this falcon-like fighter plane flew over the brightly lit city, some people were still sleeping soundly at home, some were intoxicated on the streets, some were hugging girls with coquettish makeup and shouting in bars, and some were staying up late scrolling through their mobile phones. short video.

Some people are crying, some are laughing, some people have just obtained the qualification to awaken and are about to reach the peak of their lives, and there are also frustrated people who have sealed themselves into a dormant warehouse and slept for a hundred years.

Some people worshiped in front of the grave, and some were floating in the river.

In the intensive care unit of Cihai Hospital, Yuan Qing had fallen asleep leaning on the corridor with a blanket covering her body. She was also exhausted during this period.

Ai Yue leaned against the door, concentrating on the document about the Watcher's Lighthouse. She didn't say thank you until a secretary in a suit and skirt came to bring her coffee.

This private hospital is also invested by the Morgan Group, and Lao Zhang is now considered the actual controlling shareholder, so there is no need to worry about safety issues, and the service quality can even be improved.

"Sir, please rest assured that the patient is out of danger for the time being. We have equipped him with the best life-support equipment. But this is not a long-term solution. More professional doctors are needed to treat him... I mean, top-notch ones. Medical Evolver."

The attending doctor walked out of the ward, took off his mask and said, "Actually, if the patient didn't have a ray of divine power in his body, I'm afraid he would have died long ago."

"Is that so?"

Ai Yue nodded slightly, indicating that she understood: "Thank you."

Thanks to Brother Xiaolu.

Otherwise, the teacher would be really in danger today.

She had deep eyes, pursed her lower lip slightly, and continued to look down at the document. She seemed to have discovered something accidentally, and suddenly said: "Something's wrong. According to the model taught to me by the teacher, the watchman's lighthouse on the top floor of the Stellar Technology Building seems to be missing. What...wait, is that a cover, the real Watcher's Lighthouse is not there at all?"

After realizing this, Ai Yue immediately put away the documents and turned around to leave.

Brother Xiaolu must be informed about this matter.

Otherwise, it is very likely that everything will be lost.

But now the whole city is under martial law, the streets are full of troops and surveillance teams, and the sky is full of drones. Once you walk out of this hospital, you are very likely to be discovered.

"Don't worry."

A cold voice sounded: "I will inform him."

Ai Yue turned around in shock.

I saw a dark old man appearing behind me.

"Underground ruins, hidden blood, Qingye, Lu Ming."

Yin Hao directly said these things to prove his identity: "My name is Yin Hao, from the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team. The man lying in the ward is my colleague at Aurora Technology. To think that he is now the vice-pope.”

Ai Yue was slightly startled and reacted instantly.

This is the person sent by Brother Xiaolu.


Yin Hai hummed: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, the Akasha Holy Church will hold a press conference at the Stellar Technology Building. I will bring you all to attend and serve as witnesses to publicly testify against the church's actions. As for the deputy pope, you Don't worry."

No one noticed that the sleeping Vice-Pope seemed to hear the voice of an old friend, so he forced himself to open his eyes, unplugged the ventilator from his face, and stood up forcefully.

"There are some mistakes that really need to be corrected."

The old man coughed painfully and said softly.

I don’t know when there was a box of sealed medicine on the chair in the corridor.

This seems to have been brought here by Yin Hao.

If Lu Fuji is here you can recognize it.

This is exactly the same medicine that Longque used.



Late at night, the Stellar Technology Building.

After the Pope returned from the Ruins of Time, he sat in his office and closed his eyes to meditate. He didn't open his eyes until the request for a remote call came.

On the projection screen, Elder's kind and gentle face appeared, and behind him was the sandy highway and the faculty members who were under construction.

"how is the progress?"

the Pope asked calmly.

"It can be completed before dawn."

Elder smiled and said: "After all, it is to deal with the threat of Metanzo, you have spent a lot of money this time. Once the Watcher's Lighthouse is built, her... His condition may be even worse. You have to be careful, according to my It is speculated that He will probably wake up soon."

The Pope shook his head and said: "Medanzo has probably guessed what I am doing, so I have to make a dangerous move. You are my best researcher, and you will have to watch him after returning this time. Yes. Yes, did anyone from the Tianren Organization show up today?"

Elder nodded slightly: "Yes, and she is very powerful. She is very likely to be their candidate for the next generation leader. I thought that the person chosen by the Heavenly Man Organization was that Shaojun, so I paid such a high price to track her down. , led the military to hunt her down, and even let Miss Sasha take the risk. But unexpectedly, the Tianren Organization still had an heir. "

The secrets about Chen Jing were actually revealed to the military by the Holy Cult of Akasha in order to obtain the core of Omega or simply destroy it.

Of course there is a purpose.

That is to prevent the Tianren Organization from finding Shaojun.

Cut off their heritage.

Unexpectedly, this plan fell through.

As for Metanzo getting the Omega Core, it was not a mistake.

After all, that was Metanzo, the strongest evolver in history. He was not only powerful but also cunning. No one could stop him if he wanted to get something.

"It doesn't matter. When the Watcher's Lighthouse is built, I will quickly promote you and train you. As long as you rise in rank, with the sacred horn and divine ember bomb you invented back then, coupled with your exquisite technology, it will be enough to arm you. The strongest hunter."

The Pope said calmly: "It's just that the next generation leader of the Tianren Organization is not the person you met today. I was attacked by those guys on the way to the sea. That person's strength is increasing day by day. My bodyguard team They were all killed by her. It must be a woman, and she has a deep hatred for us. I don’t know where she came from.”

Elder was slightly frightened: "Will it be completely destroyed?"

The Pope said it in an understatement, but in fact, his bodyguard team is extremely luxurious. They once served the third generation of the Holy Monarch and are old monsters who survived the last era.

But Elder doesn't take it seriously. As long as the Watcher's Lighthouse is built, those rebellious Snatchers will be locked and suppressed worldwide, just like the golden branches that fell in the starting place. Causes a precise strike like a miniature nuclear bomb.

As the actual operator of this system, he will also receive epic enhancements. As long as his rank keeps up, he can kill those who take the throne at will.

Just like when he was at his peak.

At that time, even Lianhua would not be his opponent.


At that time, Lianhua no longer poses a threat.

"The revenge of the Heavenly Man Organization is coming, so you should be careful. If you are attacked by these guys, I allow you to unseal the corpse puppets to deal with them."

The Pope closed his eyes: "Go on."

Elder smiled slightly: "Understood."

The call is interrupted.

The Pope stood up, looked at the night, and murmured softly: "Time will prove everything, you two will never defeat me. You two ruined my life, then I will ruin yours too. I want everything to be according to mine." Will operates, even God is no exception."

His hands fumbled with the hem of his clothes.

Got a photo.

I wanted to take it out and look at it, but gave up.

He returned to his desk and took out his cell phone.

A familiar voice sounded on the phone: "Dad..."

A smile appeared on the Pope's cold face, as if he was talking to the person on the phone. If any outsiders saw this scene, their jaws would drop.

This stone-like man can actually laugh?

Sasha at the door of the office knew that her father would laugh.

She turned around expressionlessly: "I'll leave it to you two tomorrow."

The two holy high priests, Suye and Tiansi, looked like robots with expressionless faces. Their eyes filled with holy light stared at the night, as if they had discovered something strange.

"is there a problem?"

Sasha asked cautiously.

"Maybe it's an illusion."

The holy high priests looked in the direction of the city's security committee and said calmly: "We just felt a very powerful wave of divine power, as if we were seeing the true form of the sacred tree. Considering that the Celestial Being Organization is lurking in the city, this is very possible. It's their trap."

After all, how could the true body of the sacred tree come here.



Three o'clock in the morning.

Lu Fuji dragged his tired body to the west coast and took a taxi. He first drove the red Porsche back, and then carried Cheng Zi to the quiet old community. He took a look at his old friend in the coffin and made sure there was nothing wrong. , turned and left.

It didn't disturb Rose and Damon.

Then he returned to the home that now belongs to him. First, he shoveled the poop and replaced the cat litter for the more than ten cats in the house, opened canned cats, and fed a few cat bars.

Then he went to the bathroom and took a bath, which seemed to wash away all the fatigue. He came out and wiped his body and lay down on the big soft bed.

I accidentally saw a strand of red hair beside the pillow.

After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly felt that all the strength in his body had been drained away. He looked at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling in a daze, as if he still couldn't adapt to the fact that the bad woman had left.

It's hard to accept someone's death, especially when you live in the room she left. Her scent is everywhere in the air. When you open the closet, you can still smell the fragrance of her roses. I always feel... It seemed like she was still around, but she couldn't be seen or touched.

It was torture and painful.

But that’s fine too.

He could always be reminded of the hatred and pain he had felt.

He lay on the bed and took a deep breath to relax.

"After the creation ceremony and the rebirth ceremony are held, there shouldn't be any problems on Medanzo's side. In addition, Madam will also take action, and Mr. Peng and Old Secretary Zhou may also come to support. And the only one The problem is, I can’t let go.”

In fact, just tonight, Lu Fuji received special training.

Medanzo's special training.

In fact, it was said to be special training, but in fact it was just a very simple sentence. Medanzo, as recognized as the strongest evolver in history, explained to him the true meaning of the evolution battle: "As the evolution masters more and more systems, , it is necessary to reduce complexity to simplicity, and only by integrating all the physical systems can the most powerful combat power be exerted. And the magic we have can do exactly this, but you cannot abandon the details. Instead, we need to optimize the details.”

Lu Fuji thought briefly and understood the reason. To put it simply, it was to integrate all the current systems into the strongest attack.

This is like an evolved person going to the tenth realm to expand his kingdom.

That is the essence of an evolver's lifelong practice.

The kingdom is a sublimated super realm, but it contains what he has learned throughout his life, whether it is numerology or magic, or soul blades and ghost skills.

It's all contained within.

The bigger the kingdom, the stronger its fighting power.

The deeper the details, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Metanzo was the man who had gone furthest on this path.

But for Lu Fuji, he has more systems.

Because he has a god of war.

Now he himself is the fourth perfect world of strength, and the God of War is the fifth-stage hegemonic angel. Together, the two can completely challenge opponents across ranks.

It has the strength to fight against the Sixth Mercy World.

Then the next step is to integrate the power currently available.

And magic is the best auxiliary tool.

Lu Fuji took a deep breath, and the golden pupils on his forehead appeared again, vaguely reflecting the flames of God's wrath: "My life is in heaven, may my name be holy..."

Like talking in sleep after falling asleep.

The voice was solemn and solemn.

The holy light illuminates the exquisite bedroom, making it feel like it is sacred.

There was a faint sound of thunder rolling in the night.

Medanzo drove the dark red Porsche and listened to the faint thunder in the sky. A smile appeared on his lips unconsciously: "He got into the state so quickly. This guy is really a natural evolver. He is indeed my chosen successor at first glance.”

The white-haired man drank from a can of beer with his head raised and drove a borrowed car like crazy on the road, leaving the brightly lit street scene behind.

Light and darkness intertwined on his face.

Seems lonely.

It was the same situation many years ago when Metanzo first became a Cocoon Breaker. No matter where he was, he was always the most outstanding, but he was often the one who was the least gregarious.

Lawless and wanton.

As long as someone makes him unhappy, he will start to cause destruction.

Total disregard for the consequences.

This is also the underlying logic behind why the Supreme Federation is afraid of him.

This person is uncontrollable.

This guy is a psychopath.

No one knew what he was thinking.

And he's often unhappy.

Ever since the truth about the Corrupt Death God was revealed, Metanzo has been very unhappy, so he rushed to the vicinity of the Stellar Technology Building before dawn.

I found a barbecue stall and ordered a bunch of skewers and beer.

"Young man, have you fallen in love?"

The old boss grilled meat for him and asked with a smile.

"My guess is wrong, my former mentor is dying." Medanzo sat on the bench drinking beer, looking at the night by the sea, and burped.

"Are you sick?"

the boss asked.


Medanzo replied: "I am going to kill him."

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