The edge of pure land

Chapter 27 Numerology and Astrology Thunder

Chapter 27 Numerology·Celestial Thunder

The huge shock made Lu Fuji temporarily absent-minded. He finally became excited about the issue of life and death. He was about to continue questioning, but realized that it was too late.

Because Aoki had stopped breathing, his expression was extremely strange.

It was as if I had seen something incredible.

Lu Fuji knew that what he was looking at was himself.

"There is no cancer in the Pure Land. Does he mean that it is impossible for humans to get cancer after they evolve? Or is it impossible for people with cancer to evolve? In either case, I seem to be an exception. What is this? What's going on?"

Unprecedented confusion and confusion, the young man was in a state of confusion.

But now is not the time to think wildly.

Time is tight and the scene must be dealt with as quickly as possible.

A warehouse, two corpses, traces everywhere.

Lu Fuji endured the exhaustion from excessive blood loss and faded away from his ghostly state.

Start licking the bag.

Luther didn't have many things on him, but a memory chip and a key were found.

very good.

As for Aoki's personal belongings, there are many.

A stack of merit tickets, a satellite phone, a bottle of a solution that looks like mercury, a memory chip stored in a metal box, and a laminated arrest manual for the Inquisition.

The most eye-catching thing is a bottle of golden blood.

Even in the sealed state, Lu Fuji can feel the sweet temptation.

At this moment, it was too late to think about it. He quickly put everything into his pockets, searched carefully in the warehouse, and surprisingly found an oil drum and a lighter in the corner.

This was obviously prepared by Aoki.

This guy thought of going with him.

Lu Fuji recalled the method of destroying corpses and eradicating traces in movies five hundred years ago. He poured gasoline from the oil barrel on the two corpses, then lit the lighter and threw them in casually.

The flames burned brightly and spread to every corner of the warehouse.

This was not over yet. Lu Fuji picked up the broken tachi and put it into the flame to heat it.

After the blade was heated as hot as a soldering iron, he directly pressed the red-hot blade against the wound. Severe pain hit his mind, but his expression only twitched slightly.

He would not use this horrifying treatment method unless he had to. He would directly use the high-temperature blade to scorch every wound on his body to prevent the blood from continuing to flow out. He must not bleed all the way out, otherwise it would inevitably leave behind There are clues.

Lu Buer pays attention to doing things neatly and neatly, never sloppily.

A frame was framed, and Aoki and Luther were eliminated at the same time.

It also temporarily solved the crisis caused by the mark on the palm.

But once the traces here are exposed, all previous efforts will be in vain.

After all, there is an instructor Kashiwagi in the Third City Guards.

The masterminds behind Kashiwagi and Aoki are the same person.

"If possible, it would be best to continue using the information I have learned to trade with Longque. As long as the Inquisition is there to help cover it up, the probability of this being exposed is very slim. When I grow up in the future, I won't be afraid of this. Was discovered..."

Possess the infinite division of cancer cells and the gifts brought by dark matter.

Lu Fuji is confident that he will become stronger quickly.

After treating the wound, the flames burned brighter and brighter.

At this moment, his satellite phone rang.

Lu Fuji was horrified. After hesitating for a moment, he answered the phone.

An old voice rang on the phone:

"Who is the living person?"

There was a smile in his voice, as if he had everything under control.

Lu Buer knew that this was the mastermind behind the scenes, so he pinched his throat and sneered:

"your dad."


There was a brief silence on the phone.

Lu Buer hung up the phone directly.

Then take off the battery from the satellite phone and put it in your pocket.

Before the fire spread to him, Lu Fuji dragged his tired body up the stairs, continued to sprinkle gasoline along the way, and finally picked up his military uniform at the top of the stairs.

He was very cautious and even took off his clothes before leaving to avoid damage during the fight.

It was dark outside the warehouse. He closed the iron door with all his strength and locked the lock.

Fires were already lighting up in the distance, and there were noisy sounds in the camp. It was obvious that there were large troops patrolling, and the faint sound of dogs barking could be heard, which made people vigilant.

Lu Buer dealt with the footprints as he walked, and finally went around to a building materials construction site. He pretended that nothing was wrong, walked back to the camp in the dark, and joined the patrol team.



When thick smoke rose from the warehouse, the city guards finally discovered the abnormality. They hurriedly notified the fire brigade and quickly organized firefighting.

Power outage, fire.

Anyone can see that there is a connection between these two things.

The inquisitors from the Inquisition also arrived at the scene. Unfortunately, the fire burned too fiercely. After the fire was extinguished, only two blackened corpses were left, and all other traces disappeared.

Therefore, they could only take away the charred corpse and take it back for identification.

From beginning to end, Instructor Kashiwagi stood at the back of the army, looking coldly at the two corpses being carried away, and a ridiculous idea came to his mind.

"perish together?"

How can it be.

If they died together, who would handle the scene?

Even the door was locked.

"Is there a third person?"

Instructor Kashiwagi’s hair stood on end, as if there was a ghost staring at him from behind.

Watching his every move made him restless.

The death of his nephew only made him feel a little regretful, but it was not unacceptable.

Compared to being implicated, this is definitely a good thing.

But what makes people confused is that even though such a big thing happened, the Inquisition only sent a group of ordinary inquisitors to clean up the scene. As for the notorious Grand Inquisitor, he did not show up at all, and even he None of his close subordinates saw it.

This made Kashiwagi even more confused.

But now is not the time to think about this. He must pretend to know nothing and return to the military camp to report: "Major Yuan Qing, we have basically found out that an outsider has entered the camp through some way. , As for the identity of the deceased, it cannot be confirmed yet.”

He paused: "After an inventory, Luther disappeared."

The adjutant raised his head and was slightly startled.

Luther is Kashiwagi's nephew.

Yuan Qing sat on the military chair, raised her charming and sharp eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Who is Luther?"

Obviously, this young female major still cannot remember the soldiers under her command. After all, she has just arrived at the front line not long ago. She is a pampered young lady. She will definitely not care about some ordinary high-powered people, especially those who have little quality and self-cultivation. Soldier ruffian.

"You mean, one of the deceased was Luther?"

Yuan Qing pulled up the relevant files from the tablet and said coldly: "A person who can sneak into the camp without anyone noticing, does not hesitate to use prohibited military supplies to interfere with the basic equipment of the camp, just to kill a worthless soldier. ruffian?"

Instructor Kashiwagi lowered his head and said nothing.

If you just take Luthor at face value, then this is a really stupid conclusion.

Although Luther's apparent strength is more than this.

But in Yuan Qing's view, this is just anti-aircraft artillery fighting mosquitoes.

It's pure bullshit.


Yuan Qing said coldly: "Check what Luther has done recently. If you don't have the brains, you can ask people from the Inquisition to check. In short, I want an answer. If anyone dares to fool me, I will Whose head is shot with one arrow, do you understand?"

Instructor Kashiwagi nodded slightly and performed a military salute: "Understood!"



With a bang, the door to the room was slammed shut.

Lu Fuji insisted on joining the patrol and waited until the incident was over before returning to the room. He leaned on the wooden door and slowly slid down, almost on the verge of collapse.

Including his face, he was as pale as a paper man.

There were knocks and calls from Jose outside the door, but he didn't even have the energy to respond.

Lu Fujie didn't tell anyone what he had done.

But when the two bodies were discovered, Jose must have guessed it.

That's why I'm so worried about him.

And Lu Fujiu didn't want to involve him.

The sound of closing the door alarmed Lu Sixian. She raised her delicate face with confusion in her eyes.

Just seeing Lu Fuji's face, she seemed to have understood something.

Lu Sixian got up from the bed, stood on tiptoes to close the window, and then took out bandages and burn medicine from the medical kit, as well as tweezers, cotton balls, and medical alcohol.

"Is brother injured?"

She said expressionlessly.

"Do you all know this?"

Lu Fuji said softly.

"The smell of blood, the smell of burning."

Lu Sixian answered seriously.

Lu Fuji then remembered that this little girl had a dog's nose, especially a military dog.

Now I can't hide it even if I want to.

Lu Fuji was originally wary of this little girl, but now he had no other choice but to let her take off his military uniform, leaving only a blood-stained shirt.

The reason why he didn't take off his clothes in the warehouse was because he couldn't just wear the outer military uniform, otherwise he would be seen disheveled, which would arouse unnecessary suspicion.

"I won't tell anyone else about this."

Lu Sixian said calmly: "Brother, can you silence me without killing me?"

Lu Fuji was stunned. There was no way she should have said such words so calmly.

Lu Sixian explained: "In my previous family, I also saw some things that I shouldn't have seen, and I was almost strangled to death by my father at the time. So I will be very well-behaved and I won't say anything."

It can be seen that although she is as emotionless as a rag doll, she is very persistent in surviving. Otherwise, she would not hold a piece of glass in her arms while sleeping in the middle of the night, for fear that she would be hurt by others in her sleep. s damage.

Lu Sixian took off the boy's shirt and saw his scarred upper body.

At this moment, the little girl was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Fuji glanced at him.

Lu Sixian blinked her eyes: "Brother, doesn't it hurt?"

Lu Fuji thought for a while: "It hurts, but I'm used to it."

Lu Sixian had read his personal information and knew that his parents had left a large inheritance after their car accident, but she had no idea that he had cancer and needed treatment.

Therefore, before she was assigned, she thought she would have to serve a difficult young master.

But she never expected it to be this kind of person.

Like her, a person who has suffered a lot.

Lu Sixian threw the blood-stained shirt into the burning fireplace, turned around and helped the boy treat the wound, and said softly: "Now, we are accomplices."

Lu Buer smiled silently: "Is this a petition? In fact, you can do nothing and report me secretly tomorrow. Why don't you do this?"

Lu Sixian shook his head: "First of all, I want to survive tonight. Secondly, if I report you, I will not get any reward, and no family will accept me in the future. Besides, my brother is very good to me and allows me to Eat with you and allow me to sleep in your bed.”

I see.

Lu Buer raised his hand and touched her head for the first time.

Lu Sixian didn't run away, she just helped him to the bedside and treated his wounds.

"In this case, we will be grasshoppers on the same boat from now on."

Lu Fuji suddenly said: "From now on, when you sleep, you don't have to hold the pieces of glass to prick your hands."

Lu Sixian was stunned, and for the first time, an embarrassed expression appeared on her delicate face.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

She lowered her head and made a low voice.

Lu Fuji smiled, now she looked like a sixteen-year-old girl.

People still need to have some feelings to be cute.


He took out two medicine bottles from his military uniform and asked, "What are these?"

These were all taken from Aoki.

The first bottle contained golden blood.

The second bottle contained a mercury-like solution.

He couldn't even understand it.

"The marrow of the sacred tree."

Lu Sixian's first words made his heart tremble inexplicably.

This is a good thing. Lu Fuji can no longer use it because his lifespan is not damaged, but it can be used by others.

"The other bottle is an energy solution, used to test the numerology attributes of evolvers. It is a very expensive thing and requires a lot of merit to redeem it, but it is not allowed to be sold privately." Lu Sixian directly opened the cap of the energy solution bottle and took it from him I got a drop of blood and was ready to drip it in.

But before actually dripping it in, she raised her head and observed the boy's eyes.

After receiving a look of approval, Lu Sixian dropped his blood into the solution.

The mercury-like solution suddenly changed color, and there was even a hint of electric light.

Seeing this magical scene, Lu Fuji felt a little curious in his heart.

Tonight, he saw clearly the battle between Aoki and Luther.

The power of numerology is so powerful that it is impossible for him not to desire it.

In fact, if Aoki hadn't been seriously injured first and spent a huge price to kill Luther, Lu Fuji would not have been able to kill him even with the power of the White Walkers.

"This is my brother's numerology attribute."

Lu Sixian said softly: "A very rare celestial phenomenon, thunder."

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