The edge of pure land

Chapter 236 The Palace and the Little Lover

In the highest command room of the Titan-class sea fortress, the important officials involved in the battle against the Tower of Babel were already sitting across from the long table, with the divine intelligence suspended in the middle of the table.

This meeting is very important.

Because two heavyweights attended the meeting remotely.

The first one is the current Pope of the Akashic Holy Cult. On the screen, he has white beard and hair, his weathered face is covered with profound incantations, he is dressed in a noble moon-white robe, his withered hands are covered with rings, and he is leaning on an inlaid A gem-encrusted scepter with a colorful stained window in the background.

This pope was a member of the scientific expedition team of the Celestial Civilization five hundred years ago. He was once one of the important founders of the new era. No one knows how many secrets he holds about the world. Now, in the name of holiness, he is majestic. Violation, naturally no one dares to pry.

There are mixed reviews about this pope. One of the things that most affected his reputation is that he once put forward a point of view in his later years.

That's what evolution is, and it's not supposed to serve ordinary people.

That is, evolved people should be above ordinary people.

Of course, this view was only spread among evolutionists at that time and was not fully disclosed to the public. Otherwise, it would definitely cause an uproar around the world.

This idea may seem crazy, but it is actually in line with human nature. Since they have mastered huge power, they should naturally become the gods of the new era. As long as the threats from the gods are resolved, they will be able to better rule the world and become the top existence on the food chain.

The main reason why this idea is not widely accepted is that today's evolved people still have many family members who are ordinary people, and no one wants to make their family members inherently inferior.

At least in today's social environment, as long as you are an ordinary person who abides by the law, you are not afraid of conflict with the evolved people on the street. You will definitely not be able to win a fight, but everyone is treated equally under the law.

Because today's laws strictly restrict evolutionists from attacking ordinary people.

Of course, it would be embarrassing if everyone was an evolver.

And once the superior-subordinate relationship between evolvers and ordinary people is established...

Then the social order will collapse.

Regarding this proposition, the most important opponent is Yuan Rong.

At this moment, the old man also appeared on the screen, with flames burning on his barren hair, his old face was calm and intimidating, and his dark military uniform was also scorched black. He was just sitting there doing nothing, and the murderous aura coming towards his face was... Like a wild dragon.

Especially those eyes burning with torches, surging with mighty dragon power!

This is the strongest person in the human world today.

General of the Human Watch Army, Yuan Rong.

The tenth kingdom.

During the meeting, the Pope still said a few words.

But Yuan Rong basically said nothing.

After all, he didn't need this function, and he only had three words to speak.

As for which three words they are, everyone knows them.

"It seems that our beheading mission has failed."

Secretary Zhou stroked the ruler and replied in a nonchalant manner: "I have predicted this situation a long time ago. Those lunatics in the Tower of Babel are not so easy to deal with."

Peng Xianzhi raised his head and said seriously: "Mission report."

The images of Zong Si and Ai Yue appeared on the projection screen. They had just experienced a bloody battle. They looked a little embarrassed, but they could also describe it calmly.

The only difference is that Zong Si reported the entire mission in detail, while Ai Yue emphasized that someone had discovered a way to move freely within the realm of time and space.

This made Su Shi feel a little ashamed.

Favoritism is nothing.

But you have to cover it up.

Young people are young people.

Archbishop Li Ang jumped up and suppressed his anger and said: "What on earth is going on? According to our information, Major Lu from our military department actually drove the young master from the Tower of Babel and openly raced on the street? How could this happen? Decent, does he know what he is doing? With such a good opportunity, why not behead Shaojun? "

He paused: "He left the team privately. I tolerated it for the time being. After all, he has privileges. But who can tell me what he is doing now? He did not report the mission and cut off contact with the headquarters. This kind of behavior of his , can be defined as...defection!"

Although he was nearly crushed to death in his Porsche not long ago and was left with severe post-traumatic stress disorder, he still stood up straight in the presence of his immediate boss.

On the silent conference table, the senior officials were pondering this beheading mission.

Everyone’s expressions were funny.

But at this moment, the cold murderous aura spread.

That murderous aura came from one person.

Lotus flower.

Maintaining self-restraint, Lianhua didn't say anything, she just raised her long and curled eyelashes, her cold, glacier-like eyes filled with undisguised murderous intent.

I saw her holding the table with both hands, and her slender green-white fingers interlaced like butterflies piercing flowers. It was reminiscent of the condensation of the magic spell, which was shocking.

"It's too much to say he defected. He sent me a message five minutes ago. He did exit the communication channel, but he still has his phone with him. You can't contact him because you don't have his number. And he is What you can do is beyond your imagination.”

Next, she raised her hand and played a voice message.

Shika Fuji's voice.

It mainly details the Tower of Babel's plan to awaken the four gods to create a life disaster, as well as the special situation of Shaojun possessing the power of the sacred tree, including the fact that regular death cannot solve the problem because she has a soul in her body. .

This voice content really shocked the senior executives present.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Especially the content about the power of the sacred tree.

This simply subverted their three views.

You must know that the power of the sacred tree has always been the federation's greatest reliance and an important weapon in maintaining world peace. In comparison, nuclear bombs and the like are considered child's play.

Nowadays, forbidden weapons of this level appear on the bodies of hostile forces.

Could it be that heretical forces are also going to have a holy high priest?

This is simply shaking the foundation of the Supreme Federation!

From the bottom of their hearts, they are unwilling to admit such a thing.


Absolutely impossible!

"This information is of great value, but we need to confirm the authenticity of the information. What if this is an excuse to defect? ​​It's very important. High Priest Lianhua, why don't you send out the entire content of this voice? Can you block it? What? Please let it go.”

This time it was Archbishop Li Ang who took the lead.

"This guy is deliberately targeting Xiaolu, but the trouble he caused this time is indeed too big... The church guys are really annoying. Fortunately, he has the ability to find a high priest as his girlfriend."

Sushi sighed inwardly.

At the end of the long table, Lianhua said coldly: "Are you sure?"

At this moment, she was full of divine power, so her humanity was basically gone. Naturally, she had no sense of shame, so she canceled the shielding of the divine spell and clicked on the voice message again: "Anyway, that's what happened. Take me away. This is not a request, it's just a notice. If the federation wants to convict me, that's fine. But it's best not to send people to hunt me down. Well, I'll be beaten badly this time. Maybe I'll be out for a long time..."

The arrogant voice paused: "Don't overdraw when using your divine power. I won't be able to come back to give you a blood transfusion for a while, but it's okay to use up your divine power. Don't forget my black and white evil spirits. I'll be back." You’ll have to watch it later!”

Voice interruption.

In the serious conference room, the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

No prizes for guessing, what are the black and white evil spirits?

Secretary Zhou's eyes became connotative.

Peng Xianzhi was silent for a moment, feeling a little disillusioned with life.

Archbishop Li Ang automatically ignored the conversation between the lovers and said angrily: "Wait a minute, why is he so arrogant? Does he know that his behavior is defection?"

Su Shi finally couldn't help but speak: "I don't know if he knows. But I do know where his confidence lies. Not long ago, the three heads of state in the Tower of Babel took action together, but they were defeated by Medan Zuo. The next person blocked it, and even the God of Origin ended up personally."

The conference room fell silent again.

You know, Metanzo has always been recognized as the strongest combat power in the world, but he is also the most obscure super strong man. It is really difficult for you to invite him.

Even now there is a war against heretical forces.

No one in the entire federation can please him.

Except the deer.

This was also the main reason why Lu Fuji openly carried out terrorist attacks in the city at that time, killing a red archbishop in front of the whole world and still remained unharmed.

Damn it, Metanzo was standing there.

Who dares.

Now Lu Fuji once again went against the grain and committed such disciplinary violations.

But it was Metanzo who gave him the platform again.

These two are wearing the same pair of pants, right?

This matter was of great importance, and the senior officials probably discussed it for ten minutes.

In the end, it was Zhou Zhu and Peng Xian who came to the conclusion.

"Major Lu's behavior involves the security of the world. The Federation does not intend to support it, but it will not hold him accountable for the time being. The top priority is that we need to keep Shaojun under our control. If necessary, we can take some extraordinary measures "

Secretary Zhou said: "Major Lu needs to know what he is doing."

Peng Xianzhi was silent for a second: "Second."

When this order is issued, the message will be sent to the military's intranet, and all soldiers participating in the war will receive the order.

Although it is not a wanted defector.

But if Lu Fuji continues to disobey, the order will escalate.

Until it escalates to a red notice, which will only be issued for defectors.

After all, everyone knows what Lu Fuji will do.

His character is so distinct.

Sushi frowned, obviously showing concern.

Archbishop Li Ang showed a satisfied expression.

"The mission of the Dawn Special Sequence has been changed. Lu Buer and Chen Jing must be brought back to the headquarters within four hours. The plans of each assault team remain unchanged, and the consumption plan for high-level combat forces remains unchanged. Targeting various strategic locations in Linhai City The attack plan remains unchanged.”

After Zong Si received the order, he obeyed without any expression.

Ai Yue frowned slightly, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"In order to prevent Babel's advanced combat power from taking a preemptive strike."

Old Secretary Zhou said: "Li Nuo, please take action."

Peng Xianzhi was silent for a moment, then suddenly tapped his cane and reminded him with a deep meaning: "Remember your identity, you must clearly distinguish between public and private affairs."

Lianhua rested her chin on her hands and glanced at them coldly.

"I see."

In an instant, her beautiful eyes lit up with endless holy light.

It's like crossing a distant time and space.

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