The edge of pure land

Chapter 2 The man who broke out of the cocoon

Lu Fuji opened his eyes and saw a blur of pure white in front of him. His brain was in pain as if it had been hit by a blunt instrument. The muscles all over his body were stiff and sore, and his bones seemed to be falling apart.

It seemed like he had been lying in bed for a long time.

It has been so long that my hair has turned gray, and the world has changed.

He found that he was entangled in a kind of pure white silk, like a cocoon of silkworm chrysalis. Fortunately, it was not particularly difficult to tangle, and it could be torn apart naturally after a few turns.

"Have you entered the game?"

After being in a trance that seemed like a world away, he actually felt that the virtual helmet was still on his head. He reached out and touched it, and sure enough, it was true.

"Name Lu Fuji, number 75637, vital signs have been thawed, body functions have been revived, the soul matrix has terminated operation, and the human fire preservation system has been offline. Welcome to the new world. Your current location is in no man's land, please hurry up Head to the nearest city!”

The moment he took off the virtual helmet with force, he was horrified.

A cold beep sounded in the virtual helmet, and the flashing red light dimmed completely, which meant that the remaining power had been exhausted, but his heart was hanging.

"Human Fire Preservation System, what do you mean? I'm in no man's land?"

What a hell, Lu Fuji was a little confused about the situation. Whether it was the silk wrapped around his body or the sound of the virtual helmet, it seemed that he had experienced something extraordinary.

He looked around and saw a dilapidated room in front of him. It had been corroded by wind and rain for who knows how many years. The fallen walls revealed the ferocious steel frames. The furniture was almost rotten, and only some rusty iron products were left. , there is a musty smell everywhere, which is very unpleasant.

Chaotic memories flashed back in his mind, and he vaguely remembered that he had watched the launch of Aurora Technology before and put on the helmet sent by the mysterious person...

No, that's not right.

This room looked familiar, even though it was dilapidated, he still recognized it immediately.

This is his dormitory at school.

The pile of empty anti-cancer drug bottles scattered in the corner is the best proof. He has marked each bottle cap. These things once were his life, and there is no way he can admit his mistake.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the school uniform he's wearing, and in his pockets are a cell phone and keychain, a Swiss Army knife, an ID card, and two packets of egg yolk pies.

When he turned to look out the window, he was shocked again, because under the dark night there were bright stars. The starlight dotted the deserted playground. Ivys hung upside down like green waterfalls on the sloping teaching buildings. Outside the long street were scrapped cars. , covered with dust and green vegetation.

In the desolate ruins, only the jagged skeletons of the once brightly lit buildings are left, crumbling in the cold winter wind. This scene has a desolate and incomplete beauty.

"Time traveled?"

Lu Fuji shuddered, not sure if he was dreaming.

His mobile phone still had 30% battery, but unfortunately there was no network or signal. He tried to call the emergency number, but received a disappointing busy signal.

In the desolate world, he seemed to be forgotten at the end of time.

If he said this was hell, he would believe it.

He tried to walk out of the door. This was the first floor of their school. The cold wind was leaking in the dilapidated hall. Spider webs could be seen everywhere. Occasionally, dust shook off, and cockroaches were flying on the ground.

The dormitory building has become a dangerous building. Fortunately, the door has not collapsed. The playground is overgrown with weeds. The iron fence at the school entrance is rusty and can be kicked open.

The ruin-like city is so desolate. The high-end residential area next to the school is covered with green vines and ivy. The long street is filled with sad cracks and is penetrated by countless tree roots as thick as pythons.

"Is this what no man's land means? What is happening in this world? Are such thick tree roots kidding me? Is this a dream..."

Lu Fuji looked at these thick tree roots in shock. They seemed to spread from the edge of the world. At a glance, there was no end in sight, only endless mist.

Visibility was very low in the cold night, and fog filled the darkness.

It's too cold. After the city is reduced to ruins, the temperature will become even lower. The temperature at the moment is about minus ten degrees. Even the thickened fleece school uniform is a bit unbearable.

There is a light source hidden at the end of the fog, so warm and bright, but I don’t know what it is.

The cold forced him to move in the direction of the light source, but there was a faint sound on the broken telephone pole above his head. A dark crow fluttered its wings and flew away, its black feathers shaking off like a dark dagger.

Lu Fuji had never seen such a huge crow, and he believed it was an eagle.

The crow's eyes in "A Glance" are blood red!

The ivy across the street made a rustling sound, as if a giant thing was climbing and swimming on the broken wall. The dark green scales opened and closed regularly, shaking off the floating dust.

That's a snake!

When there are no more human activities in a city, the buildings in the city will be occupied by vegetation, and animals will gradually return from the mountains and forests to find new habitats.

It’s just that this process may take hundreds of years!

Lu Fuji realized the crisis in the city, subconsciously took out the Swiss Army Knife from his pocket, quickly sneaked along the corner towards the light source, and shuttled through the huge and deserted city.

In the silence, a dog barked suddenly.

Lu Fuji slowed down and leaned against the wall. When he poked his head out, he could see a dog nibbling on carrion at the corner. Occasionally when he raised his head, a rotten face was revealed!

Its pupils are also shockingly scarlet!

Damn it!

He was so startled that he took half a step back and accidentally broke a dry branch.

It was such a subtle noise that startled the strange dog that was eating. It accurately locked the target's position, barked and rushed towards it, grinning.

Although he is not very big, he can run very fast.

Lu Fuji suppressed the fear in his heart and hid in the corner of the wall to ambush. When the strange dog rushed out, he flew up and kicked it in the abdomen, sending it flying away.

After the successful attack, he turned around and ran. Unexpectedly, he was panting from exhaustion after running only a few steps. His whole body felt as heavy as lead, his chest was burning with pain, and his breathing was short.

The weather is too cold and high-intensity exercise consumes too much.

The howl sounded like a pack of wolves gathering together, and pairs of scarlet eyes lit up in the darkness.

Hell, the barking of the strange dog just now summoned the pack of dogs. These beasts have become as organized and disciplined as wolves. They never act alone, but always fight in groups.

Lu Buer could only turn around and flee on the road where abandoned cars were scattered. He rolled and jumped onto the roof of the car that was on the verge of collapse. The strange dogs were running wildly behind him and followed him. Once, his ankle was almost bitten. When he was able to counterattack with his height advantage, he gave him a condescending kick.

He held the Swiss Army Knife upside down in his left hand to defend himself. He picked up a usable steel pipe in his right hand and swung it. He hit the heads of the strange dogs hard with the dog-beating stick. Unexpectedly, it was quite effective.

The dog-beating stick is swung in the air, causing the dog's head to bloom.

Lu Buer was fighting and retreating, when a particularly strong strange dog happened to pounce in front of his face. He swung the steel pipe with his backhand and struck, but unexpectedly, he was bitten by it and could not break free.

Fortunately, Lu Fuji had been prepared. He aimed at the strange dog's left eye and pierced it with a knife. The thick blood spurted out. It whimpered and went completely limp, killing him with one blow.

What was unexpected was that the strange dogs took advantage of this opportunity and swarmed up, with pairs of scarlet eyes and sharp fangs dripping with saliva from all directions.

For a moment, Lu Fuji thought he was going to be torn apart by the dogs.

There was a bang, and a strange dog's head exploded. The dogs were frightened and stunned.

The door of a dilapidated church outside the street was opened. A man strode out with a pistol in his hand, shot the strange dogs in the head continuously, and shouted: "Come here!"

Lu Fuji was surprised, he didn't expect there was anyone other than him here.

Two companions rushed out of the darkness, holding fire extinguishers and spraying the strange dogs violently. The large amount of dry powder sprayed made them dizzy, and more deadly gunshots continued to sound.

Lu Fuji took advantage of the situation and used a steel pipe to knock away the strange dog next to him, and rushed towards the dark door.

Bang, the door behind him closed, and Lu Buer escaped.



For Lu Fuji, this was an unprecedented experience. He leaned against the door and panted. The roaring and scratching sounds of strange dogs could be heard outside the door, which made him break into a cold sweat.

The light of a flashlight lit up in the darkness, but his hands were controlled by someone, especially the cold touch coming from the back of his head. It was the feeling of a gun muzzle!

"Tell me, who are you?"

The gunman asked, gasping for air.

Lu Fuji was stunned, and for a moment he didn't even know how to answer. He saw strange faces. Everyone looked shabby and their clothes were in tatters.

There are security guards and strong fitness instructors in this group, but there are also elderly men and girls shivering in the corner. They are all equipped with weapons, such as electric batons, kitchen knives, steel pipes, etc. It is used for self-protection.

The old man holding the flashlight looked at him carefully, especially when he saw the logo on the chest of his school uniform, he was stunned for a moment: "Hey, he is a student, and he is from Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School."

Lu Buer also saw this person's appearance clearly through the light, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Because this is Boss Zhang from the grocery store in front of their school.

Although his face was haggard and his clothes were ragged, he could still be recognized at a glance.

I didn't expect to meet familiar people here.

"I have my student ID in my pocket."

Lu Fuji calmed down: "I have no ill intentions towards you."

Boss Zhang took out his belongings from his pocket. When both packages of egg yolk pies were turned out, the people in the corridor were breathing faster and their eyes were shining.

"Okay, he's still a student, don't scare him."

Boss Zhang hesitated for a moment, then stuffed the things into his pocket again: "Let go."

Lu Fuji felt the people on both sides leave, and the muzzle of the gun behind him was also removed.

"Sorry, I scared you just now."

The gunman took out his ID from his pocket: "I am the Sheriff of Donghai Road Police Station, and my name is Amber. Everyone has similar experiences, so we must be more vigilant. We are not sure of your identity, no Know if you are the mastermind behind this.”

"The man behind it?"

Lu Fuji couldn't understand: "What on earth is going on?"

The people here were obviously people who had appeared in this ruins for no apparent reason, with expressions of fear and confusion. They were all discouraged when they found that the newcomers also had no idea what to ask.

"We don't know either."

Boss Zhang sighed quietly: "Everyone put on the virtual helmet and came here. When they woke up, they were wrapped tightly in silk. It was already the end of the world."

"So did you just wake up? We woke up a few days earlier than you. We all got together by walking in the direction of the light source. Along the way, we encountered various mutated beast attacks. Others...died." Officer An whispered.

Lu Fuji could imagine the dangers they had experienced. Even though he had been shadowed by the disease for the past ten years, he had never been in close contact with the cruelty and blood of death.

And it seems that there are quite a few people who have had the same experience as him.

What everyone has in common is that they have all worn Aurora Technology’s virtual helmets!

Wait, there’s Jose!

He Sai and his classmates also bought virtual helmets, and they might be experiencing the same crisis as him at this moment.

In just a moment, Lu Fuji felt that things were not simple.

"If you ask me, you are just making a fuss out of a molehill. What if we really enter the virtual world? What if this is all a game? Be realistic. There are no monsters or monsters in this world that can travel through time as soon as you wake up. How can it be?"

At the end of the corridor, a ragged middle-aged man stood up and took out several bank cards from his pocket: "Young man, you have two egg yolk pies in your hand, right? Each of these bank cards has two million, as long as Give me the food and you can take one of them!"

Lu Fuji was stunned again. It seemed that this middle-aged man was very rich and had been hungry in the ruins for who knows how long. When the egg yolk pie was found just now, he couldn't sit still.

Two million, that was a sum of money that he could not even imagine, and it was enough for him to continue treatment for a long time.

Nowadays, it is so cheap that you can get it for just two egg yolk pies.

At this time, Boss Zhang pulled him back and said: "You are fooling the child, you are the only one who thinks this is a game, you can't see the scratch on your thigh? Can the game be so real? ? We don’t even know whether we can survive. It’s useless to ask for money at this time? Besides, you said there are two million in this card, so you really have it? Why didn’t you say there were 100 million?”

He turned around and said: "Child, hide those two egg yolk pies, don't let others snatch them away. I don't know what will happen in the future, maybe it can save your life."

When he said this, Boss Zhang's stomach growled.

People in the corridor looked at each other in confusion. Only the middle-aged man's eyes twitched and he took half a step forward.

Officer An loaded the pistol calmly, and the middle-aged man's steps froze.

"I still have twelve bullets."

Officer An said expressionlessly: "This is not the first time that everyone has thoughts in their hearts, but I still want to remind you to restrain yourself. Only by uniting together can we have a chance to survive and reunite with our families. My duty is to protect Everyone, I don’t want to see everyone killing each other, let alone pointing the gun at any of you, I hope you can understand.”

Lu Fuji's heart moved slightly, and he noticed that the police officer leaned closer to him when he warned everyone, and invisibly declared his protection for him.

New book issue, please recommend and reward with monthly votes! This book is not about the wasteland, it just has some similar scenes, so you can read it with confidence.

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